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Minji woke up, a sunlight touches her skin for the first time of her second life. She was surprised of her sight, she's in a hospital and she's aware.

" Minji? "

She scanned her surroundings, finding that unfamiliar voice. She never heard that voice all her life.

She tried to get up but she only get a headache and it made her whined on pain, a man came towards her and helped her. And she just looked at her in confusion.

" W-who are you? "

The man let out a heavy sigh, she couldn't tell who was this person, she doesn't remember this man in her life.

" Minji, I'm glad that you're awake now. " The man almost reaches out for her hand but she just shooed him away.

" Who are you. "

" It's a long story, can't you atleast let me hug you? "

Her eyes were confused.

" No. I needed to know who you are, I can't let anyone touch me when I literally don't know them. " Minji answered.

The man looks so down all of sudden, he couldn't speak or say something.

" If you will just gonna waste my time, you can leave the room. I'm asking you, politely. " Minji rested her back on the pillow.

" I'm your Dad. "

Her world stops.

" W-what? "

" My kimin, it's me. "

Her gaze softened, she do remember that nickname when she was a kid, as soon as realization hits her, she immediately threw her arms on her Dad's neck.

" Dad! oh my gosh, I missed you! "

The man smiled.

" Really?! you're my Dad?! "

" I am. And I talked to Jennie recently, don't worry. "

Minji smiled happily, and her Dad grabs something from the floor and gave it to her.


" I'm sorry I was late, Happy Birthday to you, my sweetheart. "

Minji embraced her Dad, once again and gladly accepted the necklace. Her Dad even volunteered to wore it on her neck as a help.

" This is so pretty, thank you so much, Dad. "

Her Dad ruffles her hair while smiling.

" Do you want to go home? " Her Dad asked, she just nodded anyway while admiring her necklace.

" No, not to your Mom's home. "

Her smile faded away.

" Where, Dad? "

" In our house, where you used to lived when you were a kid. "

She doesn't know what to say or neither what to feel.

" I would love to.. but— "

" I already discussed this thing to your mom, she agreed with me. "

Minji never thought of this but for her, it's a nice idea so it's like running away from their house, since it obviously suffocated her whole life and it almost take her own life.

" Your real mother wants to meet you. "

" R-really? "

" Yes, Minji. So, if you want to come with me, you have to say goodbye to your sister and to your mom as soon as possible. "

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now