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Together with Haerin, we headed inside the room, but these nurses stops us for a while and we can't enter just like that.

" Please wait, patiently. " The doctor says, we just nodded in agreement and stayed outside the room but I'm still trying my best to peeked inside so I could see her.

I can now breathe normally, Minji's finally saved. She's alive. And she if she didn't make it, my heart would stop beating.

Ms. Kim exited and approached us immediately.

" Minji's fine now. " She declared and taps our shoulders.

" Minji brings out the best in this family, she's my first daughter and I can't imagine my days without her. " She even added, I smiled comfortingly.

" And Hanni, thank you for telling me quickly. I'd lose her on the spot if you didn't decide to knock on her door. " I gave her smile repeatedly despite of how swollen my eyes were.

" Ms. Kim, she's really important to me too. She's a part of my life now. "

I looked at Haerin, the only thing that she gave me was her comforting smile, indirectly tells me that she did it. Minji survived.

" I can assure that your daughter's condition will become better, she just needed to take a rest and she'll be fine as soon as possible. " The doctor declared, as he excused himself.

I let out a relief sigh, finally.

" Go on, you can visit her. " Haerin said, gesturing her hand to the door.

" May I? Ms. Kim? " I asked for her permission, she just nodded.

So I excused myself too and enters Minji's room. I felt this nervousness inside my chest as I slowly looked at Minji's unconscious body.

I came to her side slowly and carefully, making sure not to make any noise.

There's a seat beside her bed and I sat down. I traveled my eyes on her face, she's asleep. She's still in her deep slumber. Something's telling me to talk to her while she's still asleep, so I did and slowly reaches for her hand.

I smiled while caressing her soft hand.

" I'm glad you're fine now, Minji. " I said, smiling ear-to-ear and I couldn't even describe why am I bursting a tears again.

" You heard me from afar, you survived because you're strong. "

I continually sobs, her bare face never fails to amazed me.

" A-and Minji, I could't wait for you to wake up, if you will wake up soon, I'll spend all my day to be with you. "

" Do you still remember those days that we were playing in the middle of the rain? those days that the only mattered to us is each other? I bet if you're awake, you still remember that. We did that, two years ago. "

" You almost fall on the tree, by catching some Mango's, it was so fun with you. Do you still remember that? "

" And also, the unforgettable memory with you were at the sea. "

I paused, " You told me everything about your life at that sea, where our minds calmed for a while. "

" You showed me your flaws, your insecurities, you let me saw all of it and I was mesmerized.. because you're so confident, you're trusting me and I'm so proud of you. "

Another tears escaped from my eyes.

" You told me about your deepest secret about your mom, that you hated her and you cursed on the wind that you're the unluckiest person because she's your mom. " I chuckles somehow while bursting a tears.

Those days, it was wholesome.

" And you also told me this one, Haerin's your bestfriend and you almost catch a feelings for her, but you convinced yourself that she's like a sister to you. "

I smiled, " That day is random, you're so serious about it and it was so funny. "

I miss your smile, Minji.

There's so many happenings in that two years, if you were thinking that I'm always hanging out with Haerin well you're obviously wrong.

I watched every sunsets with Minji, I spent my entire day with her. In short, we were always together and we were always with each other's arms.

She cry, I cry. She laugh, I laugh.

And most of all, she love, I love.

Even she die, I die. But no, I'd die for her and I will do that without hesitation.

The love I have for Minji is unexplainable, it's too odd to describe and I couldn't express it but she knows it.

" You could've had a perfect birthday if only you didn't do that thing. Remember our promises before? If one of us were having a hard time, take a break and most of all, vent to each other. Right? "

" You could've vent on me, I'm your crying shoulder, Minji. "

It feels like I'm talking to her and she's listening, though I know that she's asleep and won't answer me.

But I promise, even if you're not listening, I'd still tell you a story and I would never get tired of it.

I carefully bring her hand back to its position, and scanned her face again.

I couldn't help but to stood up and my lips are itching to reach for her bare forehead. As I closed my eyes and my lips pressed on her forehead.

" Ms. Pham is waiting for you, Minji. She loves you, so much. " I said, smiling.

" Bye, you need a rest, l'll comeback tomorrow. " And for the last time, I bid my goodbye to her as I fixed her blanket.

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now