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" Wear casual, Minji. We'll be having a dinner tonight. " Mrs. Kim ordered, it's already 7PM in the evening.

The woman shifted her eyes on the girl, who's currently cleaning some dirt on the living room's carpet. She smiled, a thought of taking her in a dinner enters her head.

" Hanni Pham. " She called out, the younger girl turned around to faced her.

Hanni walked towards her shyly, clasping her hands on her back.

" Do you need anything, Ma'am? "

" Let's go have a dinner somewhere, you'll come with us. Alright? "

Hanni's eyes replaced by excitement.

" O-oh.. um, are you sure Mrs. Kim? " Mrs. Kim nodded.

" I heard about you and Haerin, I'm glad you were in your position to be friended with my little ones. " Hanni smiled of what she heard.

" Yeah haha, Haerin's really easy to get along though, Mrs. Kim. " Hanni added.

" Okay. Please take Minji with you, Haerin's already outside, don't forget to lock the door. I'll go first. "

Hanni nodded, once the woman went out. She immediately grabs her jacket that hanging on her cabinet, she even puts perfume all over her body and checked herself in the mirror.

She heard Minji's door gets opened.

She went out on her room, catching Minji's arm who's almost leaving.

Minji startled a bit of what she did.

" I thought you were outside, already?! "

" Shh, I'm sorry. Your mom told me to wait for you, let's go now. "

Were she expecting me to come with them?

That's obviously out of her league, she's not a part of this family but speaking of Minji's family, she's starting to like them.

Hanni and Minji went outside together, she removed her hand that clinging on Minji's arm but Haerin saw it.

" Hanni, sit beside me. " Haerin said, patting the empty seat on her left side.

She even gave that type of look to Minji, it seems like asking for her permission? why does she have to asks for her permission though?

She has no choice, she sat down and she was surprised when Haerin leaned on her shoulder.

Minji saw it and looked away.

" Are you sleepy, Haerin? " She asked the younger in such a soft tone.

" Hmm.. " Haerin hummed.

" You could've lean on me instead, Haerin. " Minji says, eyes were stuck outside the car.

It's un usual of Minji to initiate, Haerin knew how much her older sister hated her that much. They never get along.

" W-what? "

" No forcing, you heard me enough. " Minji replied coldly.

" No Minji, it's totally fine. " Hanni answered, cutted them off. She even caressed the younger's head.

Haerin bit her lower lip, resisting herself from smiling.

" Do you have a boyfriend, Hanni? "

She was a bit surprised of Mrs. Kim question, how would she tell her that she likes girls without actually telling it.

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now