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" Hanni, would you like to attend school? " The woman asked, clicking the ballpen against the table.

" Um, Mrs. Kim. I think it's already too much for helping me, I don't really accept that type of offer that is already way out of my league. "

Mrs. Kim raised an eyebrow and soon shakes her head while smiling.

" Come on, do not consider this as a help. I really want you to finish your study, it's on me, Hanni Pham. "

" But I'm only here as a helper and not to be treated as your.. daughter, Mrs. Kim. "

Mrs. Kim stood up from her seat, walking towards her direction and soon placed her hand on her shoulder.

" When I decide on my own, I know it will happen. Can you atleast, accept my offer? "

" Mrs. Kim.. "

" Were you shy that I'm treating you like this? I know this is really too much but I want to. I insisted, you will continue your studies in the same school as Minji and Haerin's. " The woman smiled sweetly.

" Take this, Hanni. " She offers her a white envelope, it's obviously has alot of money's inside it.

She tried to think twice, " I can't.. "

" Hanni Pham. " The woman, pushed it away again to her.

" Mrs. Jennie Kim, give me some time to think of it. "

The woman let out a heavy sigh and gave her a short nod as she goes back to her chair.

" Let me know once you finally decided. " Jennie smiled, as Hanni went out the room.

She headed to her room, as she sat down across the bed. Her eyes were stuck on her hands that she's currently playing with.

This is another level, isn't it too much?

Many thoughts have been playing inside her head at this moment, she's alone on her room and there's so many things that bugging her.

Why she's offering me a money?

She shakes her head, avoiding those thoughts. And she still have a question when Minji and Haerin fought yesterday.

Why does they have the different surnames?

She doesn't know anything yet, she will try to figure out things about that two sisters, or.. maybe, she will accept the offer so she will find out the answer on her question.

She exited on her room, heading straight to Jennie's room and was kind of nervous that she already decided, but she decided of that one reason.

She knocked, she noticed Jennie's silhouette inside since the door is a frosted glass type.

" Come in. "

She opened the door slowly and a cold air brushes her skin at this moment, the woman is currently raising her eyebrows while looking at her with confusion.

" Did you forgot something? " Jennie asked.

She didn't answer the question and instead, sat down in the other chair.

" I'm accepting your offer, Mrs. Kim. "

Jennie's eyes became bigger.

" Really? you have finally decided in just a seconds? "

Hanni nodded, " I missed studying, Mrs Kim. " She lied.

" Okay then, take this. " Jennie pushed the white small envelope to her.

" Allowance is free, you just have to do one thing, Hanni Pham. "

She suddenly stops of what she heard, she didn't know there's a consequence.

" I need to do.. one thing? "

Jennie Kim nodded calmly.

" Yes, one thing. "

" What is it? "

" Be Haerin's girlfriend. "

Her eyes got bigger, she felt like those words gives shivers to her, all the way down to her spine.

" A-are you serious? "

" Let's say, I noticed this little thing between you and Minji. And I don't want the best for her. "

" The hatred between Haerin and Minji is unexplainable, they always finds things to hate each other but apparently, Minji is always the one that initiating the rage between them. "

Hanni was found speechless.

" That's right, we're both Kim's but she's not my daughter. And I have favoritism, and it's Haerin. "

She felt like her entire world would collapse anytime, she got played on her thoughts that this woman, Jennie had always her eyes on Minji but turns out that her favourite is Haerin.

" I assumed you will be thinking that Haerin is my real daughter? that's why she's my favorite? Of course not, my husband left me a year ago and I wanted a kid, he was married with the other woman back then and his daughter is Minji, I raised Minji on my own but I never taught her to have a heart in everyone, even in the little things. "

Jennie paused, " But instead, I taught her to be generous, learn to sacrifice her own feelings even if how much pain it costs to her. "

Hanni couldn't even let out a word, much more when she sees the woman's tears escaped from her eyes.

" Just like what I used to do. I fell in love with my bestfriend, her name's Lalisa. I sacrificed my own feelings in order to moved on, we can't be together of the reason that she was engaged secretly and I was in the position of being someone's wife. I broke my ex-husband's heart and tell him the truth. I wasn't inlove with him in the whole time. "

She hates how Jennie Kim's lips trembles while speaking, she hates how this woman gets hurt without telling it.

She listened and heard her tragic story.

" I-i'm sorry. " Jennie smiled bitterly and that's how Hanni snapped back to reality and grabs some tissues on the table and handed it to the woman.

" You don't have to be sorry Mrs. Kim, in fact that I was surprised of your story. " Jennie nodded, wiping her tears away.

" Thank you. " Jennie mouthed.

" Don't entertain Minji if she'd ever deal with you for something, just stick to Haerin. That girl is pathetic, she deserved to be loved and do it for me, Hanni? please? "

Hanni knows she can't back out, if she would reject her offer, it seems like she rejected her story already.

She swallowed that type of feeling, she decided to let things go with the flow and accept what will happen sooner.

" I-i will try my best, Mrs. Kim. "

" As you should, do not disappoint me, Pham. " Jennie got the courage to gave her a smile, " Yes, M-mrs. Kim. "

" Wait, I'm not married anymore. Just call me Ms. Kim, Hanni Pham. "

Hanni nodded and before she could've exited, she gives her a reassuring smile and shut the door after her.

She stared at the white envelope, she unconsciously crampled it a little. She hates how she's not yet ready to decide or deal with this thing.

She can back out actually, but she can't say no and disappoint her boss. She's afraid that she might lose her job again.

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now