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" Hey, h-hey.. lower you voice, Danielle Marsh. " Hanni tells her bestfriend to lowered her voice down, they're doing a video call.

" I'm sorry, but for real?? You're indeed the luckiest helper, Hanni! "

She laughs of how adorable Danielle is, she could tell how the younger is genuinely happy for her.

" Let me see your uniform!! "

Hanni fixed her position and grabs the phone, as she shows her full body while smiling widely.

" Wow! it suits on you perfectly! "

" Who's that, Hanni? " She immediately ended the video call, when she heard Haerin's voice at her back.

" Oh! uh, just my bestfriend. "

" What's her name? "

" Danielle.. Marsh, why? "

Haerin smiled, " Do you like her? "

Hanni's eyes suddenly became confused, " What? no, she's just a friend. "

Her heart's fluttering but for what? maybe because of what just Haerin stated, or could be.. because of her smile?

" You know what, let's go to the classroom together. " Haerin added, offering her hand.

Hanni was a bit hesitant either to take it or ignore her words and just follow her to the classroom.

She was almost taking it, when Minji suddenly took her hand and dragged her away from Haerin.

She was surprised, " Kim Minji, what are you doing? "

But Minji just ignores her words, and continue to held her hand. She even tighten it and Hanni for sure, noticed it.

" You won't anywhere without me, Hanni Pham. " She tried removed her own hand on Minji's, but the taller girl is just too strong.

" Wait?! Did I even do something wrong? "

" Yeah, you did. And It's huge. "

She raised an eyebrow.

" Like what? "

Minji honestly don't know what she was talking about, she looked away and thinks of acceptable reason.

" S-simply, because you didn't make me a drink in your first day that we've met. "

Hanni let our a sarcastic chuckles.

" Is that it? Okay, Ma'am. I'll make you a drink once we get home. " Hanni said, more like in annoying tone.

They stayed in this position for a minutes, without letting out a single words.

" Can you please let go of my hand, Ms. Kim? " Hanni said, she's pointing her hand using her eyes.

" From now on, let's be seatmates. "

Hanni smiled, annoyingly.

" Seriously, Minji? why are you being like this to me? I was just with Haerin recently. "

" Do you like her? "

Hanni's gaze softened, they locked eye contact in a seconds and Minji didn't break it.

" You're sleepless, Minji. I need to ready myself for introducing. "

She left Minji's question hanging on the air.

Minji looked around, and found Haerin not that far from her. She looked at her enviously, her eyes raging on how she sees her smiling while talking to some of her friends. For her, she doesn't deserve Hanni and she wouldn't let her touch what's hers.

She exhaled, closing her eyes.

I've been hurted a lot and sacrificed everything for the sake of your happiness, you're important to me, Haerin. But this time, you won't have my heart when it comes to Hanni.

She says all those words inside her head while clenching her fists, as she opened her eyes and enters inside the classroom.


" Hanni! " Hanni turned her head to face the younger, Haerin.

" Hey. " She greeted as Haerin goes to her side.

" Let's go home, together? "

Hanni curved a little smile before nodding.

" Okay, let's go— "

" She won't go home with you, Haerin. " Minji shows up, she appears on Hanni's back out of nowhere.

" Why not? "

" Let's change the deal lately, you don't have to make a drink once we get home. I wanna take you somewhere, where we can be alone, Hanni. Also, I have to show you something. " Minji gave her that little smile.

She doesn't know whether to back out or follows her.

She looked at the other side and Haerin is waiting for her.

She wanted to go home with her but her heart says, it's only once in a lifetime to see something that's a lot of surprises.

" Can we go home together by tomorrow, instead? I'll make it up to you, I promise. " Hanni said.

Haerin just gave her a bitter smile.

" It's fine, see you at home. " Haerin's smile faded away when she looks at Minji, and turned around, walking away from them.

Minji smiled on her own.

" So, you really wanted to see something? Okay, I'll show you. Let's go. "

" Whatever it is, Kim Minji. "

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now