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" You must've forgot something, Hanni Pham. " Minji whispers, as she signals someone from their back.

Hanni was startled when her eyes got covered with blindfold, her hands immediately ran on Minji's arms, trying to find it by feeling it.

" Hey calm down, I'm here. "

" What is happening, Kim Minji? "

Minji didn't answer, she helped her to walk to the said place. She's holding Minji's hand too tight that she wouldn't let go any moment.

" I swear to god, Minji! what is happening?! "

Minji cupped her cheeks slowly, her heart skip a beat, even though she couldn't see her face.

" Do you trust me, Hanni Pham? "

Hanni didn't get to spoke and in a few seconds later, she nodded slowly as a response.

" Can you hold my hand? "

Minji took her hand, intertwined it with hers. As she flashed a victory smile on her lips.

They walked carefully, she helps Hanni to get in the stairs. The stairs in in wood type, and believe Minji, she's so nervous at the moment. She hope Hanni would love her little surprise.

" Should we remove the blindfold? " Kyujin asked, Minji nodded while smiling.

" Can you count into three, Hanni Pham? "

Hanni let out a sigh, she could feel her heart how it was racing so fast at this moment, she tried to placed her hand on her chest.

" One. "

Minji, together by Kyujin and Bae, they started feeling excited.

" Two. "

Minji goes on her back, she placed her hand on Hanni's blindfold and ready to take it off.

" Three.. "

And that, Minji removed the blindfold and let it drops on the ground. Her eyes never leave on Hanni's shocked face, it makes her thrilled of how the shorter girl gradually flashing a wide smile on her lips.

 Her eyes never leave on Hanni's shocked face, it makes her thrilled of how the shorter girl gradually flashing a wide smile on her lips

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" Do you like it, Hanni Pham? "

Hanni's still speechless, her eyes twinkles of the view. Even more when she sees these two in front of her, which is Minji's circle.

Kyujin and Bae?

She shifted her eyes on Minji, she was surprised of how the taller girl planned this all?

" Happy Valentine's Day. "

Minji asks for something from them, she's eyeing them to give her something.

And Kyujin perfectly handed her the bouquet flowers.

Hanni's eyes were asking for thousand questions on her head while staring at Minji, she feels something is off and she doesn't what it is.

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now