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" I wished you never born. "

Haerin used to be that girl who shows affection, shows a genuine smile to people around her. She never asks for anything but for everyone's happiness only. All she just thought, she already have hers, she already have this happiness on her heart that no one could ever take it away from her.

She hates it how the fucking table turns, her world turns upside down. She became such a vulnerable person that she never wish to become.

It seems like in just one click, the happiness that she felt on her heart was replaced by sadness.

And she felt it because of her father, her one and only father.

Her mom dies five years ago and she thought her father will never be those fathers from other family, who never regret leaving his own kids, hurting his kids rather.

But she was so wrong, her father isn't abusive but he got this insensitive tounge towards her one and only daughter.

" D-dad, I'm doing my best at my worst time. "

She cried her heart out, begging for her Dad to gave her a second chance to proved that she's an ace of her academics.

" You will never be your mom, Haerin. You're a burden to me! "

She got pushed away and treated her like an outcast for two years, she endure the pain through those years, she learns to hide what she really felt inside her.

But thankfully, she met Minji in a birthday party and they became friends afterwards.

It was such a long ride, Minji introduced her to her own family and Haerin cupped Mrs. Kim's heart for the first time that they met, it would be really exciting for her if she would agree to be her daughter.

Mrs. Kim can't make another one though, she's a single mom and wanted one more daughter. And she thinks of Haerin immediately.

And Haerin says yes eventually to be the part of their wealthy family.

And she thought her world will turns back to normal once she steps in this family.

But she was so wrong.

Minji makes it even worse than usual.

They learns to compete with each other and she never expect her second mom to be this proud of her, she's only expecting that the woman would be proud of her real daughter.

But she was surprised that Mrs. Kim bought her a gift when her and Minji both announced that they got into a high honors.

They got a gifts, Haerin gets what she wanted but Minji gets the thing that she never ask for.

" Look Minji, I got my PS4! "

Minji looked at it with so much envious on her eyes.

" You gave her what she wanted? and I got one that I never ask for, Mom? you're so unfair. "

She drops the gift on the floor, walked away from them and locked herself in the room.

That was the day that she immediately thinks of favoritism.

Honestly, it happened every time. And for her, it seems like Haerin is the real daughter here, it looks like they exchange position.

Haerin tries to approached her step-sister, but Minji always shows no response and leaving her words hanging on the air. Whenever she's doing that, she regrets to be a part of this family, sometimes she even thinks of running away from home.

But how can she do that? she has no home to go to, so crying every night became her thing.

Meanwhile Minji.

Haerin thinks of her as someone who never appreciate things, who never care for someone.

In fact that she just wanted to take the spot light as a real daughter, because Haerin almost took it from her and she just wanted to belong herself on this family.

Haerin sees her as a troublemaker as if she caught her hanging out with every girls, every weeks? none of those are true.

She's trying her best to be loved, she's trying to love someone and wishing for the genuine love reciprocation.

But she's always failed, every girls that she was hitting are dumping her and it shattered her heart. The fact that she's the one who gets hurt a lot and she never hurt someone all her life.

That's what they know.

Minji never reveal the truth, that's why the campus known her as a troublemaker and womanizer.

She never feels loved, she gets hurted a lot and it almost makes her numb that she lost of focus on someone's feelings that are important to her.

She tried to protect their hearts even if how much pain it cost to her.

That's what love did to Minji and she doesn't have a cold stone heart, she became like that because of that thousand reasons. But trust her, once she fell inlove, she's inlove genuinely.


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