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The birthday party will start in just a few minutes and Minji is still not going downstairs for an hours now. I invited Danielle and Hyein to her birthday party, many people and their relatives are finally here in each tables, just waiting for the birthday girl to arrive.

I approached Ms. Kim.

" Ms. Kim, should I call Minji now? "

She just looked at me and soon nodded.

" Tell her to go downstairs and ready herself, she has so much visitors. " She answered and came back to the food section.

I didn't wasted a time and made my way inside the house. There's no one else is here, Haerin is outside too. Playing with Danielle and Hyein, you know, I told her to befriended with them.

And I ran upstairs, on the way to Minji's room.

" Kim Minji. " I called out, knocking on the door twice.

" Minji, wake up! you have so much visitors outside, it's your birthday don't you remember? " I added, and no one answer.

I knocked again.

" Yah, Kim Minji. " No one's answering, I even tried to twisted the door knob but soon realization hits me that it was actually locked.

Right at this moment, I started feeling a bad hunch on my chest.

" Minji? hey? why aren't you answering? "

I started getting impatient.

" Kim Minji! are you there?! please answer, I'm worried about you! "

And again, and again. No one answer.

" If you're pranking me, well it won't work on me! you're making me worried! " This time, I yelled the shit out of me.

I remember the key on her room, it was downstairs, all the keys on the door are hanging on the wall. So I decided to scanned those keys one by one and thankfully, Ms. Kim puts their names on it.

I immediately went upstairs again, running to Minji's room.

I was shaking the whole time that I'm trying to unlocked it like I was being chased by a serial killer.

It was unlocked.

As soon as I opened it, my eyes immediately searched for her. And I found no one in her bed, and the only thing that gives me hope, is her comfort room.

I walked slowly towards the comfort room, the sounds of water that dropping on the sink is somehow shivers me.

" Kim Minji, are you there? "

I shut my eyes in a seconds and soon opened the door.

My heart fucking dropped on my stomach.

I saw a blood, an endlessly blood that was dropping in the floor. And the girl.

Kim fucking Minji.

Her eyes were shut while sitting on the floor, with a slice on her pulse.

The only thing that first happened to me is when I dropped my knees, I couldn't fucking breath normally, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. And it shattered my soul, as I felt tears escaped from my eyes.

" MINJI!!! " Even of how weak my knees are, I still managed to crawled to her direction. Her blood won't stop rushing down on the floor and it's killing me.

I don't know what to do anymore wether to stay with her or tell to Ms. Kim immediately.

I have no choice, so I started carrying her on my back, and dragged her away from her room as we go downstairs.

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now