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" Stop crying, Hanni. "

Danielle was there, they make a video call and Hanni tells her everything about what happened yesterday between her and Minji, and how it was so tiring to do her job properly when you were being controlled by them.

" Do you even like her? by any chance? " Danielle added.

Hanni just shook her head tried to end it with bitter smile.

" Why would I see her? She's in a wealthy family, Danielle. And I'm just like this, I'm poor. And I don't even know what she sees from me, I have nothing to be proud of. " Hanni answered.

" You really sees yourself as someone who's not deserving? How dare you, Hanni Pham? "

They both chuckles behind the call as Hanni wiped her tears away.

" Come on, I know you've been working all over your life through these years. I want the best for you, just do whatever makes you happy and whatever is right to you. I'm always here, okay? " Danielle gave her a flying kiss through the screen which made Hanni somehow smiled.

" Should I say sorry to her? " Hanni asked, hesitantly.

Danielle gave her a short nod, " Honestly, what you did to her is kinda off. You could've reject her in a nice way, Hanni. "

Hanni let out a heavy sigh, placing her hands on her head and ruffles her hair in frustration.

" Yeah, I-i think I did something terrible. "

" I'm not really adding a fuel to the fire or even putting a little pressure on you, you can apologize tomorrow.. or maybe in the other day? "

Hanni shakes her head, she have to do it tonight.

" I gotta go, and tell Hyein I missed her. Bye, Dani. Thank you for your time, Goodnight. "

" Goodnight, Hanni! I love you. "

She ended the phone call and shut her phone, she stood up from sitting on the floor and think a nice way how to apologize to Minji of what just happened yesterday.

I mean, she literally confronted Minji yesterday and tells her grudge to her, she just couldn't shut her mouth and unconsciously threw those insensitive words to Minji. And now, she regrets saying it.

She went out on her room, she even steps quietly on the floor so everyone won't hear her loud footsteps.

She headed to the kitchen, thinking if she would cook a food for Minji as an apology or make a drink rather?

Hanni grabs the glass carefully, trying not to make a noise. As she took the apple juice on the freezer and the box of grapes.

" Why were you walking like a robot? "

Hanni's soul almost left her body, she flinches so hard that she almost let out a curse on her mouth.

" M-minji. " She realized, this isn't the right time to give her a side eye because she still not apologizing yet.

" Are you thirsty, Kim Minji? " She asked more like in shy tone while designing the drink.

" A little. Why? "

She feels her heartbeat would explode anytime when she sense Minji's feets are walking towards her direction.

" I-i made you a drink, here. " She offers her the apple juice with one piece of grapes upon the glass.

Minji was confused yet soon gave her a smile (?)

" All of sudden, Hanni Pham? " Minji gladly accepted it as she took a sip.

" My apology, can you forgive me now? " Hanni couldn't even look at those eyes, she was looking all over her feet.

" Oh.. that's why you woke up only to make me a drink? in the middle of this night, Hanni Pham? "

Hanni nodded shyly.

" Apologizing isn't my thing and I don't know how to do it. " Hanni replied.

" Stop being so cute, Ms. Pham. "

Her cheeks burned up of what she just heard, it was a compliment, back then she'd rather eat a grass than to take this cliché compliment.

But literally at this moment, she couldn't help but to bit her lower lip. And turned her sight to Minji, who's wearing a wide smile on her lips.

" Forget what happened yesterday, I was used to it you know. I'm fine hearing those words, and if you're still thinking that I won't forgive you, well you're obviously wrong. "

Minji paused, " I will never get mad at someone like you, Hanni. "

The taller girl suddenly patted her head, it even makes her cheeks heated up more.

" Goodnight, thanks for the drink. "

Minji was almost leaving and taking her last sip. But Hanni stops her from walking away and instead, grabs her left arm that made her faced the shorter girl.

" When you says you like me, do you really meant it? "

Minji wasn't ready of that, it was just yesterday.

" Um, yes.. why? "

" Like, you're willing to do anything just for me? "

Minji nodded.

" I don't know what did you do to me, you're just.. y-you're cute. "

Minji paused, " you're really cute to the point that I wanted to keep you. "

Hanni was a bit surprised of Minji's response, the taller girl reached out for her hands and caressed it for a moment.

" Listen, mom doesn't about this thing. I would never gonna tell her that I'm actually seeing our helper, just by thinking of her reaction, I'd like not to imagine it. I know she wouldn't support me in this way. " Minji said.

" Don't worry Hanni, I'm not rushing things for now. I just wanted to ask you if I can court you properly, so I will sleep peacefully tonight? "

The deal suddenly stumbles on Hanni's head, she knows she can't give the answer to Minji right away but something is telling her to keep going.

" I still don't know, Minji. "

Minji didn't shows any sign of being disappointed but  this time, she just gave her a reassuring smile and nodded.

" Take your time, Hanni. I'm willing to wait. I have to promise that. "

Minji winks at her and let go of her hands.

" Sleepwell. "

" Thank you, Minji. "

well maybe.. I like you a little?

Like You A Little | Minji x Hanni • Bbangsaz ° HanjiWhere stories live. Discover now