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*(Y/N) POV, 15 miles from Plantation 13*

After we three boarded the ship, we were moved to the passenger part of it. The freight part of its hosts our everyday weapons, two giant mechs.

One was a white, red, and orange mech with large shoulder pads. Around her waist are thrusters looking kinda like a skirt. In her inactive hand she holds her weapon, a lance called Queen Pike by our dear friend and main pilot of the machine. The feet of the machine are stylized to look like red heels, on her head sits a hat with a blue antenna going out in front, as well as some golden streaks looking like hair going to mid her back and bust, which above sits a small red tie. Strelizia

The other one is all black with red streaks going all around its body. Her legs are also stylized to look like red heels. Same as the white one, it has thrusters looking like a skirt. Her shoulder pads are however slightly smaller. She has a scythe, with a scissor-like blade hold tightly in her both inactive hands. On her head sits a hat, with two horn-like antennas behind it and a bunch of metal looking like spiked hair, with two strands of black and red going down to each side of its face. While not seen in its inactive state, the mech has blue eyes with gear-shaped pupils, just like a certain girl I hold dearest.

Strelizia and Heliconia, Zero's and ours FranXX

(Y/N): "Seems like we will be there soon," I said to the two girls sitting with me near one table. One has black-bluish short hair with a single red streak in her left bang. Her blue eyes wandered around, looking for something to do from boredom. She is wearing a knee-length skirt, white t-shirt, white sneakers, and red hoodie with a single eye on her left shoulder

Ryuko: "I hope so... There is nothing to do here!" she claims while looking at her hoodie "What do you think pal?"

Some may think 'it's just a hoodie' but no. The truth is much more complicated. You see... 150 years ago, I and Ryuko saved the world, with the help of our friends as well as... some special clothing. Both mine and her's clothes are living creatures called Kamui.

Senketsu: "I hope you are (Y/N). I think my sister doesn't like flying in those things" He chuckles at the end

Senketsu, Fresh Blood; he is Ryuko's Kamui. The sister he speaks about is mine

Nekketsu: "Oh shut your trap brother!"

Nekketsu, Hot Blood; or so-called Neko for short. She is my best friend for... well 154 years now, counting the time we were frozen

(Y/N): "You have a sea sickness Neko? Do clothes even can have sea sickness?" I asked, looking down at her green and pink eyes

Neko: "Well, duh... it seems so..." she said weakly

Thanks to those two pieces of clothing we were able to destroy Ryuko's mother's evil scheme to make our planet into a habitat for a cosmic parasite called "Life Fibers". But, not all of them are that bad, especially if they become a part of you. Yeah, both I and Ryuko are Life Fiber hybrids, making us stronger, faster, and practically unkillable unless someone uses our weapons on us. And well, I can generate fire and burn stuff due to some mutations or so. I don't know, I'm not Mikisugi or my mother to know about it. Then I and my partner looked at the third person sitting with us

She has long sakura-colored straight hair going to her waist, as well as a few straight bangs covering her forehead. She has an athletic figure and is almost my height. Her eyes are turquoise, with rings around the pupils and pinkish-red markings on the canthi. She is wearing a red military uniform going to her thighs, black leggings, and white boots going to her shins. But the most specific part of her attire is a white headband around her red horns.

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now