Music in your Heart

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*(Y/N) POV, 5 kilometers from Plantation 13, Heliconia's cockpit*

After the morning briefing, we got sent to the south, intercepting a dog like Moho-class Klaxosaur. As Genista cuts its leg, Heliconia focuses on its hinds. Delphi meanwhile jumps onto it, as Argentea drops, stabbing its torso. Meanwhile, Chlorophytum blasts off its second front leg. Delphinium stabs her weapon into its neck, making it open its mouth and expose its core.

Delphinium: "Finish it off, Strelizia!" Heliconia huffs and whispers to herself.

Heliconia: "We're here too" she pouts, making me laugh a little at her fit. Meanwhile, white and red FranXX get ready to finish the job

Hiro: "Right!" But just then, Argentea lands next to Lizia, as Zorome gets more confident.

Zorome: "Sit back and relax, Hiro!" Both Hiro and Delphinium look surprised.

Hiro/Delphinium: "Huh?!"

Zorome: "It's my time to shine!" Heliconia facepalms, while I sigh.

(Y/N): "Being too confident will kill him and Miku one day..."

Heliconia: "He needs some humbling"

Zorome: "Gotcha now!"

Argentea meanwhile rushed the core. She stabbed her claws into it, and it shatters into a lot of tiny pieces. Klaxosaur emits a final shriek and falls lifelessly.

(Y/N): "Okay, I don't believe I will say this, but... Good job you two"

Zorome: "Thanks! See that? Piece of cake!" While he boasts, Argentea tries to get off.

Argentea: "S-Stop showing off and get us out of..." she gets cut off by a stream of thick, blue Klaxosaur's blood coming right at her.

Heliconia: "Hahaha!" she laughs, as the stream continues to leak "Miku, haha, you two, you two alright? Haha,"

Argentea: "Bulbh bulbh..." soon, the blood stopped and Argentea stood there, covered from her head down to her feet in blue goo. By the looks of it, Miku isn't a fan of it "Why, you..."

I laugh a little at them, and not letting the conflict grow, I intervene

(Y/N): "Okay. Hahaha! Okay, I'm sorry Miku" I snicker "Let's get back, guys. I don't know about you, but I'm starving" Heliconia starts walking back, with each FranXX of Squad 13 following her.

Futoshi: "Yeah, me too!"

Heliconia: "You can shout at him later, Miku. Come on" Soon we get back to our Plantation. The shower above Argentea turns on, washing her from the blood. I and Ryuko leave Heliconia's cockpit and loot at Zorome and Miku arguing. The rest of our squad looks at them too, intruded of another drama involving those two.

Zorome: "Can we drop this already? I apologized, didn't I?"

Miku: "You did? Do you think that was an apology? Your heart wasn't in it at all!" Hiro then walked out of Strelizia

Zorome: "Oh? And how can you be so sure it wasn't? Can you read my mind? Can you?"

Miku: "Apologize right now!"

Zorome: "Over my dead body!"

Miku: "Grr! I'm gonna kill you! Ryuko, can you lend me your weapon again?!"

Zorome: "Not fair! (Y/N), throw me your weapon, I know you have one too. Come on, pal!"

I and Ryuko shake our heads, not letting them kill each other

(Y/N): "There is no way I or Ryuko will give them to you two. You two would just kill each other"

Then, Nana comes to our position, instantly stopping the war between Argentea's pilots

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now