Earth is still alive

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*(Y/N) POV, Plantation 13, 1800 hours*

After some proper 11 hours of sleep, following our overnight battle to defend Plantations 13 and 26, Ryuko, I, Zero Two, and Hiro got called to meet Nana and Hachi in the hangar. Saying it's urgent, we get changed, meet on the staircase, and go straight to the elevator. Upon arriving, Ryuko and I get both angry and happy. There, with the Caretaker and the Commander, stood uncle Werner, using his trusty cane to help him stand and walk. And why we got angry... well... Alpha was there too. Wearing his 'pure' white uniform, all Nines do. Just the sight of him makes me want to punch him in the throat.

(Y/N): "Great... as if I want to murder someone" I sigh

Ryuko: "Leave something for me. Hate the brat" we stopped in front of them.

Dr. FranXX: "Oh, Zero Two, (Y/N), Ryuko. It's nice to see you three"

Zero Two: "You didn't have to go all this way just to see us" She replied kinda coldly

'Ouch... Poor old uncle. First aunt Karina died and now Zero, who is as close as their daughter, is neglecting him. Hope when I tell her, she'll brighten up to the old timer'.

Dr. FranXX: "Don't be like that, dear. I'm glad you and Reapers are fine" Zero smiled a little at him.

Zero Two: "Thanks to my friends and Darling"

Dr. FranXX: "Glad to hear that, dear"

Ryuko: "We're fine, Doctor. And as you saw, we get along with Squad 13" she looks at him, "You're leaving so soon?"

Dr. FranXX: "Well, I got what I came for. You two know I'm a busy man" He winked with his human eye.

Nana meanwhile introduced uncle to Hiro

Nana: "Hiro, meet Dr. FranXX, the creator of the FranXX" she gestured her hand to the old gentleman

Hiro: "The creator..." Uncle looked at him and nodded. Nana meanwhile turns to Alpha.

Nana: "And this here is-" The blond elite cut her off

Alpha: "No need to introduce us. We are sure to run into one another again someday" he gets out of the shadow and walked to us.

'What do you want now, you little prick? For us four to get back? Not. A. Chance.'

Alpha: "This is the second time anyone survived Zero Two" He looked at me, "Omega was first, right?" I meanwhile grit my teeth. He turned back to Hiro "Huh... So this is what you are like. I must say, I have taken an interest in you guys. I can see why Iota gets all friendly with you" Ryuko got between him and Hiro

Ryuko: "Oi! Don't you get a little too friendly? Why are you here?"

(Y/N): "What do you want from us this time, Alpha?" we both get ready to use our weapons. Alpha looked at us.

Alpha: "Psi, Omega, there is no need to be so aggressive" He smiles, "I'm here just to make sure you two and Iota are fine. You always treat an old friend with aggression?"

(Y/N): "No, only you" Alpha sighs

Alpha: "I see. I'm hurt by your barbaric action"

Reapers: "BITE US!" we shouted and huffed. Alpha turned on his heel and went to an exit.

Alpha: "It was nice to see you again, Iota, Psi, Omega, but I must be going. Papa has some big plans and I should return to my Squad. Good luck Code 016" he turned to look at us one more time "And Iota, try to play nice with him" He left the hangar.

Ryuko: "That little prick" she huffs

(Y/N): "I'll be happy when the day comes. I will hang him on his intestines" I growl. Hiro turned to us.

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now