Awakened Feelings

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*(Y/N) POV, Plantation's 13 Mistilteinn, day after Zero Two's return to the Nines*

After Zero's departure and Code 015, 'advance' on Hiro, Ryuko and I didn't talk to anyone. We went back to our rooms and just keep ourselves shut. They tried to talk with us, with Code 056 even spending fifteen minutes monologing with me in our room. I wasn't interested, I turned my back and went to take a nap. All this time I was thinking.

'How do we get Zero back to us? To her Darling?'

Hiro wasn't better. Since he last saw Zero, his usual behavior, and attitude went to a state of depression with suicidal thoughts. He didn't show it, but the way his eyes were looking, all dull and without any other emotion than one... longing.

(Y/N): "Fuck..." I whisper. I didn't go for breakfast, I want to spend as little time with Squad 13 as I can "We have three hours to get a plan. Zero is with the Nines, and it will be hard to get her back. Alpha and his lackeys will never allow that" I get determined "I need to find a way to activate Thanatos" I get my laptop on my stomach and search through Heliconia's documentation. "It's got to be there somewhere" I then remembered uncle Werner's words.

'When negative and positive, male and female factors combine, and their hearts become one, the Iron Maiden will reveal her true form... it's not in the FranXX... it's about pilots and how they connect! They need to feel the same strong feeling!'

Getting my laptop aside I rush to the girls' side and knock on the doors, hoping I will see my partner on the other side. Soon, the raven-haired girl open them and I look straight into her eyes

'Ryuko... my beloved Ryuko... was she always so beautiful?'

(Y/N): "Ryuko..."

Ryuko: "Oh, hey honeybun? What's up?"

(Y/N): "Ryuko... are you alone?" Ryuko nods.

Ryuko: "I am. 015 and 196 are in the mess hall" I grab her arm, and we get inside, closing the door behind me "What're you doing?"

(Y/N): "Ryuko Matoi... you know I love you more than anything in my life" Ryuko nods once again

Ryuko: "(Y/N)... did something happen? Wh-Why are you saying it out of a sudden?"

(Y/N): "I want to make sure one thing is clear. That you're mine and mine alone, and that my love for you is infinite" Ryuko starts blushing "I love you, Ryuko, for everything you are. I love the look in your eyes when you want to achieve something, the way you pout when I get on your nerves or embarrass you. I love your fierce personality, and your blue eyes which I can stare into all day and night. You're smart, you're brave, you're caring. Despite being a tomboy, you're as cute as girls which spent hours putting makeup on themselves, with you not needing any of that because your natural beauty is enough" I hold her arms, still keeping eye contact "But most of all, I love you for being here with me and not leaving my side. From our days in Matoi's mention, through boarding school, to this day we were always together when we could. Every second I spent with you makes me realize how fortunate I am that I'm your lover. Ryuko, remember our promise, I will marry you-" It was enough for Ryuko. Being impatient, she grabs my hoodie and slams her lips on mine. Melting in the feeling, we embrace and explore our bodies. It doesn't matter that someone could come and see us, all that mattered to me was the girl in my arms. Ryuko slowly backed her face, a visible string of saliva still connecting us. We pant and look at each other.

Ryuko: "It feels... amazing"

(Y/N): "I... know" we get back to kissing, this time turning it more into a make-out session as Ryuko gets her hands under my shirt, while I massage her thighs and butt area. Moaning, we fell on the floor, not breaking contact whatsoever. However, our session is interrupted by a call from Ryuko's communicator. We get up and Ryuko picks it up.

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now