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E/N: "Hey, Vera speaking. I tried to edit it as best as I could, but it's currently 1 AM and we're exhausted. If you find any typos, let me know in the comments. Thank you very much and have a good read :)

*Adult (Y/N) POV, future*

Adult (Y/N): "This is a story, of a girl who remembered it all"

Adult Ryuko: "And a story of a boy, who's forgotten all about it"

Ryuko/(Y/N): "This is a story... about The Beast and the Prince'"

*back in the present, (Y/N) POV*

Heliconia: "Everyone! Get back! Don't get near us by any means!" she grabs her scythe and stands guard between the fierce metal lion and the rest of Squad 13

(Y/N): "No holding back on her, Ryuko. We're going with everything we got" Heliconia nods and turns to Lizia

Heliconia: "Zero Two stops! We don't want to hurt you!" as a response, Strelizia roars and gets ready to jump onto her. Soon, she pounces, trapping Heliconia underneath. The black and red FranXX grabs Lizia's claws, wrestling with the angry feline.

(Y/N): "Damn it!" Then, Lizia's spear, now acting as her tail gets above Heliconia's head. With one swift motion of controls, I made our FranXX roll away, nearly getting stabbed "Too fucking close. One hit and we're done" I think.

'There's no way she will leave by her own will... so either we will knock her out or play along until her fuel runs out'

(Y/N): "Ryuko! Let's keep her busy! Make her burn as much fuel as we can!" Heliconia nods and kicks up herself. She and Lizia get face-to-face.

Both FranXX circle around, not looking away. Conia with her scythe ready to strike, Lizia with her paws and tail ready to slash and tear. Lizia leaps forward, starting an attack, but Heliconia uses her scythe to baseball her away. White lion shakes her head, roars, and tries again, only for Heliconia to grab her throat with her free hand, slamming the feline into the ground, using her scythe's pole as additional leverage.

Heliconia: "Zero Two! Stop it right now! Let Hiro free and exit Strelizia now! We don't want to hurt you!"

However, Lizia only roars again. She bends her hind legs and kicks Heliconia out of her. Black FranXX lands to the side, but the metal lion doesn't waste time. She leaps again and starts slashing at Conia's chest.

Heliconia: "Ahhhh!" with every slash I could feel our connection getting weaker

(Y/N): "Ryuko! That's it! I've had enough!" I look down at Neko "Neko... 100% output, no mercy"

Neko: "But (Y/N)..."

(Y/N): "I said 100% Neko, we have to either knock her out or wait till she runs out of fuel. And I'm done waiting" Neko sighs.

Neko: "Just don't tell me I didn't warn you" I can feel a flame inside me burns more intensely, and the same warm feeling gets on my back again, same as eyes

(Y/N): "Scissor Scythe! Supernova!" I shout as blue flame gets around Heliconia's weapon.

Heliconia: "(Y/N), what did you do?!" I pant.

(Y/N): "Don't worry about it. Let's end this!"

Heliconia and Strelizia run toward each other, finally getting to the boiling point. Lizia tries to hit us with her tail, but Conia's reflex works faster. Black FranXX parries the lance and connects a hit of her own, right to the side of Strelizia's maw. The metal lion tumbles to the ground.

Heliconia: "Is it over?"

Our answer comes soon, as Strelizia gets back up, with some of her metal teeth missing as well as large burn marks on the left side of her muzzle. Angrier than before, she sprints to where Heliconia stands and tries to stab her with her tail. Conia tries to parry, but soon loses the grip on her weapon. Lizia uses it as an occasion, she again jumps onto her, bites down her arm, and aims her tail high above Heliconia's head. Black and red FranXX's pupils shrunk, as she is now at the mercy of a rabid feline.

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now