The Curse

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E/N: Edited ~Vera

*(Y/N) POV*

After the caretaker and the commander announced the pairs for mock battle tomorrow, Ryuko and I decided for a little stroll around the Bird Cage. We've seen the forests of other Plantations', yet, the view is still breathtaking. The isolated places where nature hasn't given up. Our planet is truly unique, and I hope *I looked out of the glass dome's wall nearby, seeing nothing but desert* It will be back to how it used to be.

(Y/N): "Maybe there are still some green places on Earth" I looked at the raven-haired girl, holding her left hand, giving it a gentle squeeze

Ryuko: "Like the one forest around Matoi's Mansion? (Y/N), one time we were near old Tokyo, and I saw it in the distance" she looked at me "I wanted nothing more than just to take Heliconia there, rebuild our house and be happy" She then looked down "Guess our lives are a constant heroic battle. First, my mother, later Rei, and now this..." I took my free hand out and reached for her, "Am I asking for too much? *sob*"

(Y/N): "Ryu... Ryuko Matoi... look at me" I get my hand under her chin and look her in the eyes, "I know. I know how you feel. I want nothing more than to just realize our plan. And this here, what are we doing here... is nothing more than an obstacle"

Ryuko: "(Y/N)..." she stared wide-eyed

(Y/N): "Ryuko... you are the bravest, strongest, most beautiful girl I have met... You're my Blueberry. We've had many other obstacles along our way. The school, the bully, our separation. The deaths of my mom and your dad. Don't get me started on everything that happened after we reunited" I chuckled, "I could write an entire book about it"

A/N: *wink*

*Ryuko's POV*

I... I was stunned... This smug, handsome bastard. I just looked into (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes filled with determination and hope...

'Ahh...~ His damn eyes... they always get me in a better mood. Ryuko, you won a life lottery, girl.'

*(Y/N) POV*

(Y/N): "We agreed to help Uncle. We knew what it could mean, yet we agreed. You know why?" Ryuko shook her head "Because you and me" I point my finger at her heart and later at mine "have hearts of gold, Blueberry. Despite the things we did, we always had good intentions. And now there is someone else needing our help" I pointed at the house "Those kids need us"

Ryuko: "I..."

(Y/N): "This literal Apeshit will end. We will see our friends back. We will get married and we will fulfill our promise. We will help Squad 13 and any other Squad who decides to join us when the time comes. We will end this and get our planet back" I put my forehead onto hers "I can promise you that. And you know I'm always the one who keeps his word" I smirk, "So, you in?"

Ryuko instead of answering me slams her lips into mine. The force makes us fall, Ryuko on top of me as she holds my cheeks for her dearest. I melt and after a good 15-20 seconds we have enough. I and Ryuko start panting, and some hair gets down Ryuko's head, covering her face. We look into each other eyes.

(Y/N): "Heh *pant* I was just wanting to make you feel better about our situation. I wasn't expecting to put you in the mood for some romance"

Ryuko: "It's *pant* your fault. *pant*" she rolled to my side, and we snuggled together "If you weren't a sweet talker, I wouldn't feel like slamming my lips into yours" she giggled

(Y/N): "You're adorable, Blueberry" I smile, "Well, I don't feel like moving. You?"

I moved up to lean against a tree nearby while Ryuko closed her eyes and nestled into my chest

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now