Love makes you stupid

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A/N: 60 FPS intro, baby!

*(Y/N) POV*

It's been exactly a month since we arrived in Plantation 13. During our time here, we got a lot of... let's say exciting adventures, with the last one being a gender war between boys and girls of Squad 13, which thankfully ended a week ago. Since then, our days went by as usual, Ichigo and I met in the kitchen, discussed squad performance, then ate breakfast. After that, we get some free time and training time with the eventual Klaxosaur attack to deal with. Naturally, we become friends with most of Squad 13, and after getting to know them better, we knew they really are our hope. Right now, as I walk around the boarding house without any destination, I think about how to make Squad 13 rebel.

'Hiro would not be a problem, he'll go wherever Zero goes. Ichigo and Goro, well... after we found the rooms of the previous Squad 13, they seem to think about if and when it could happen to them, with Ichigo trying to stay positive. Ikuno and Mitsuru are the most reflective of the squad, so they need some eye evidence of what Papa is really doing. Kokoro, well, she'll just follow her heart and mostly the rest of the team. Toughest to crack would be the remaining three, Zorome, Futoshi, and Miku. This would be a challenge, but thankfully. I like challenges' I smile.

Speaking about a short blonde pilot, last week he tormented me, Ryuko, and team Strelizia about kissing, with him even being so bold as to ask Miku

'It would be funny to see Miku slapping him... or him making a move on another girl' I chuckle 'Kokoro would give the best reaction' I look up, seeing Goro staring out of the window

(Y/N): "Hey, Goro! What's so interesting outside?" I walk to him and look out, seeing the three girls, Ichigo, Ikuno, and Ryuko sitting on the stairs, while the blue and raven-haired girls play with a small black cat, Mittens, Squad's 13 unofficial mascot "I'm glad Ryuko got along with the girls"

Goro: "Why wouldn't she?" He asks.

(Y/N): "She always had problems with making friends. Beside me, she only had one another, Mako" I smile "Well, speaking of" I look at Goro "It got you too, Goro? You know, the l word" Goro sighs and looks down with his eyes closed.

Goro: "Seems like it, (Y/N). I don't understand it, but I feel it"

(Y/N): "So don't look at them like a creep, tell Ichigo" I smile "It would be-" Futoshi cut me off with a scream

Futoshi: "Guys! They are here!" We turn around and get to the lounge. Everyone regroups around a pile of presents. There is the thing, Parasites can ask Papa for a present once a year, something like Christmas.

Ryuko: "It's Christmas already?" I walk to her, "How long have we been here, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Exactly a month, honey. It's December, so I think it's right in time" I kissed her forehead and whisper to her "Merry Christmas, sweetie"

Ryuko: "Merry Christmas, love" she whispers back. We look around, as Squad 13 unpacks their presents.

Ikuno got some new books to read. Kokoro got a new makeup kit, and Miku tries her new perfume. Mitsuru opens up a small rectangular box, finding a new fancy pen. Zorome unpacks his, soon finding a new ball to play with, Futoshi got some rare snacks. Goro checks out his new fishing rods, while Ichigo unpacks a plushie of a black cat. Goro jabs at her for asking 'such kiddie stuff' Hiro gets to me and Ryuko, holding an atlas of birds, his present, and two boxes.

Hiro: "Ryuko, (Y/N), those two are for you" Ryuko and I get dumbfounded

(Y/N): "But we didn't ask for anything. Who could-" I open the box up, seeing some of my old stuff. My laptop, some of my old CDs, and most noticeable, a note from Inumuta himself. I read it.

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now