The taste of Real Life

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*(Y/N) POV, Two Days after the Battle of Gran Crevasse, ruins of Plantation 13*

After our return two days ago to still-standing Mistilteinn Ryuko and I started organizing things to function properly. Every adult residing in the City of Plantation 13 was either crushed by the hand or died ill from being exposed to the outside world. With that, as I suspected, every technician working on our FranXX, made me the main 'engineer' of Plantation 13. I already get a work-to-do, list every damage to any Squad's 13 mechs and get another list with things I'll need to repair them. As for parts, well... There are standard units lying to be scraped all around our place of stay. As I walk one by one, I list the damage.

(Y/N): "Conia" I take a look at my and Ryuko's FranXX. The proud Grim Reaper stood as if nothing happened to her, the cape and hood still on, not torn in any place. Her paint shines like brand new with occasional spots of blue blood on both her blades and cloak. "Not any damage. Lizia" I look at the still red FranXX. I thought that after we disconnect, they will get back to their normal color scheme and look, but I guess once activated, their true form stays on for good. Checking the mech's body, I notice a small dent on her arm. Purely cosmetic "Lizia, not any damage" I continue to do this until I get six full reports.

Despite throwing its head inside Strelizia's jaw, Delphi has only minor damage to her head and hat. Nothing a few new armor pieces can't fix. I suspected an overheating of Geni and Chlori's weapons, and I was right. Genista's cannon and Chlorophytum's wings wear signs of overheating, and as much as it isn't a problem in Genista's case, with Chlori it could rip Ikuno's arms if they were to explode.

(Y/N): "Check Geni's weapon and some radiators and coolant hose to help heat dissipation in Chlori"

I then look at the pink and white melee FranXX. Tea... After our return, Miku was limping on her right leg, so I suspect that something happen to Argentea's right one too. Flying up and getting the service panel of her knee, I spot a destroyed servo as well as some crushed gears and some ripped cables. I sigh.

(Y/N): "Great, I need to rebuild it from the start. Tea, whole new right knee mechanics, and servos" I note and fly down, checking the time it seems it's time for breakfast. I walk back to the elevator, finding myself at home not so long after "Hey everyone! I'm back!" I get at least one person's attention, Ichigo leaves the canteen and gathers everyone... by yelling.

Ichigo: "(Y/N) is back, everyone! Get to the lounge!" I nod to her and soon, the entire Squad 13 gets down. I sit and wait until the last pair arrives.

(Y/N): "Everyone is here. Okay, I will tell you right at the start, in some cases, it isn't good" some guys mutter

Ichigo: "So, what's wrong with our FranXXs, (Y/N)?" I give her Delphinium's report.

(Y/N): "Delphi has some minor armor damage, work for one night. Mostly to her head and hat, thanks to you showing it inside Lizia's maw" I chuckle "Thanks for the additional work, Ichigo" the blue-haired girl huffs, and pouts.

Ichigo: "I got to do something to deliver Hiro..." I chuckle.

(Y/N): "I know, I know. You did the right thing, Strawberry" I then look at the next report, Strelizia "Zero, Hiro, Lizia is undamaged, aside from one dent on her right arm." I pass them the report as our newest pair reads it together "It shouldn't interfere with piloting her" I get my hand under my chin "I still wonder why she's still in her true form"

Zero Two: "Isn't that obvious, brother!" she grabs Hiro's arm and hugs him "Lizia knows I love Darling, and he loves me. Same as Conia knows your and Ryuko's feelings" I smile at her.

'I'm thankful to whatever higher being there is Zero got back to behaving just like she did months ago. Now Squad 13 will get to know not 'partner killer' but Zero Two, a cheerful, childish sweet girl who loves to have fun and lives her life without a care in the world.

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now