A Challenge

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*(Y/N)* POV

Zero Two: "Finally found you. My Darling~"

(Y/N): "Now let's see where will it get us," I said, still looking down at everyone. I waved at the eight we met before, and they wave back, somehow not knowing what to think or do, "Yup! Let's head back to Plantation. We have to introduce ourselves" I smile at the girls.

Ryuko: "I don't think Lizia and by that Zero could get back on her own" She points her thumb at the still unconscious boy "Your 'Darling' seems to have enough for one day, Zero" She chuckles

(Y/N): "Go get the jump seats in Conia, Zero. I will grab him, and we will be on our way back" Zero nods, jumps onto Heliconia's faceplate, and then gets inside. I meanwhile unstrap the boy from the stamen seat and get him on my shoulder, holding him like a sack of potatoes "It's funny" I smile "We don't even know this guy's name or Code, but Zero recognized him right away. If it isn't him..."

Ryuko: "Her tears yesterday were those of sorrow, but with a lot of happiness in them" she smiles softly "Oh to be young and stupid again" She sighs

(Y/N): "Ryuko, you're eighteen..." She pouts "Hell! I'm eighteen!" I open my arms almost dropping the boy, "Ay! Sorry man, almost made you another injury"

Ryuko: "Let the girl train to when she'll tell her kids that" she pouts, "I hope you didn't forget"

(Y/N): "About our promise?" She nods, "I wouldn't dare to forget. We deal with what's happening here and rebuild our world, with some basic society and country, and then we'll get married, get kids, hopefully, a pair of twins, a boy, and a girl, and we name after our parents. After that, we will live together until our old life-fiber-filled bodies will say 'that's all folks' and we die in each other arms, surrounded by our kids, grandkids, and hopefully great-grandkids" I catch my breath "Simple plan for a happy life" Ryuko hearing my answer smiles and pecks my cheek.

Ryuko: "Made by yours truly" She winks and gets ahead inside Heliconia. We synchronize, and soon we grab inactive Strelizia on our back.

Zero Two: "Do you think..." She says under her nose, we can barely hear her.

(Y/N): "Huh?" I turn to the pink-haired girl, "You said something, Zero?"

Zero Two: "Do you think, now, he'll remember...?" I look at her, slight worry gets in my eyes.

'What if it's not him? What if he's... dead?' I slapped myself twice, 'No. You will not think about it like that. (Y/N) (L/N), you promised her. You and Ryuko promised to help her find him. There is a too big chance that this guy is him'.

(Y/N): "I... I think I know a way to be sure, Zero" Zero looked at me wide-eyed, with her turquoise eyes filling with hope to the brim "If what I think happened to him, they must've wiped his memory after he saved you. Doing things you did with him when you were kids should recreate some of his memories. Or I could always use life fibers-" Zero cut me off.

Zero: "I already told you (Y/N). No. From what you told me, your powers can also create fake memories. I want to be 100 percent sure it's him"

Heliconia: "That's true... And better not play the role of neurologist just yet (Y/N). Barazo taught us only the basics"

(Y/N): "Whatever you two say" I look back at Plantation 13. Some robots are already repairing it, all while the other robots clean up after the ceremony.

*Small timeskip, Plantation 13's FranXX hangar*

After we got back, a group of medics was already waiting for us. They took both Zero and the boy to the medical bay. We parked Heliconia in her designated place and later went to park Strelizia.

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now