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*(Y/N) POV, Plantation 13, 1900 hours (7 PM)*

Since I woke up in the lounge, I knew what would happen today... Hiro's third ride is about to take place, and the operation with Squad 26 will start in one and a half hours. I'm currently in the changing room, standing in my Stamen's suit, waiting for the rest of Squad 13 to get ready. Ryuko met me not so long ago and said she will wait for the girls, and then we would meet up near Heliconia. Five minutes later I see boys entering.

(Y/N): "Took you long enough ladies" I smile "Change, get some warm up, and we're ready to go"

Zorome: "Hey, who're you calling a girl?!" He shouts.

(Y/N): "It's a figure of speech Zorome, a friendly jab towards all of you" I look at my communicator, seeing a message from Ryuko to 'Ready up the boys' "Alright, I will wait for you outside. Girls will meet us near their changing room. We have one hour to get ready, Klaxosaurs are incoming..." I left the room and lean against a wall opposite the door.

'Shit, I and Ryuko had already been through the kissing operation before, but somehow, it makes me nervous..."

(Y/N): "Come on (L/N)... you got this, everything will be alright. Just go and kill the Klaxosaurs..." I look down at my hands, they're shaking "Come on, believe in them, believe in yourself, you've been through worse..." Then, the boys left the changing room, "Everyone's ready?" I ask, and they nod, "Then let's go" We went to meet our partners. We chat in the meanwhile.

Mitsuru: "We can't afford to be optimistic, given the difference in numbers"

Zorome: "Hey, don't go wimping on us now. We've got me, Zorome the Great, on our side"

Futoshi: "Zorome aside, we can count on Strelizia this time" he looks at me "Also, Ryuko and (Y/N) in Heliconia"

(Y/N): "Hey, I told you, we got your back" I smile "Want it or not." Zorome looks at me.

Zorome: "Anyway, we're not letting Squad 26 hog the glory" He then glares at me "I will get more Klaxosaurs than you, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hohoho" I smirk, "Someone wanna bet. In any other situation, I would gladly accept, Zorome. But Heliconia is mainly tasked to guard the pipe. It wouldn't be fair, would it?" Zorome grumps, knowing better not to call me a chicken. I then slowed down to Goro's level and talk to him, "Goro... I know... You know I'm worried about Hiro, Ryuko is too. We will try to keep Strelizia for as long as we can, but... Knowing Zero Two it wouldn't be long" Goro stays quiet as we get near the girls' changing room, Ichigo and Ikuno were first to leave, followed by Kokoro and Ryuko she looks back, seeing our group.

Ryuko: "You guys are finally here" She smiles "Well, come on (Y/N)" She grabs my arm and tries to drag me "We have a job to do" I walk with her, we're near the entrance to Heliconia's bridge when we spotted Goro, walking alone

(Y/N): "Where's our fearless leader?"

Ryuko: "Yeah, where is Strawberry? I need to talk with her about something"

Goro: "Ichigo is... talking with Hiro. Guys, are you sure he'll make it?" He asks concerned, "I tried to talk him out before we went out, but he still wants to" I shake my head.

(Y/N): "Goro, I told you yesterday. It only would postpone the inevitable. But, Hiro is different from Zero's previous Stamens. He... he's kinda like me"

Goro: "Huh?"

Ryuko: "Hiro, like (Y/N), didn't want to tame Zero, they always wanted her to spread her wings, for her to be free. While any other Stamen of Strelizia wanted to tame her. To show that they can ride with 'Partner Killer'" she sighs "She's never been happier than after meeting Hiro"

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now