Boys x Girls

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*(Y/N) POV, 5 miles (8.05 km) from Plantation 13, Heliconia's cockpit*

Our vacations ended as fast as they started. On our second day there, we mostly stayed at the beach, using our remaining time to have fun. But, all good things must come to an end. Right at 7 PM, we saw Nana and our truck back to the Plantation. Ichigo also informed me, as a vice-leader, she and I will have some meetings regarding the squad every day right at 7 AM. We packed up and went back home. Right in the morning after our sleep, an alarm woke us up. Some Conrad Klaxosaurs were too close to our position, and we have to deal with them. Right now, I'm sitting in Heliconia, as Argentea digs her claws into this round Klaxosaur with three heads. Genista comes right near one of the heads and blasts it to kingdom come.

Argentea: "We're fighting this Klaxosaur for fifteen minutes now!" she whines while Heliconia comes by, trying to slash one of its heads off, only for her scythe to bounce off

Heliconia: "What the fuck?! It's some tough armor" she smirks "Seems like a challenge"

Delphinium: "Almost done. Let's gang up and end it in one" FranXX of Squad 13 regrouped and rushed Klaxosaur. It roared and started to spit some blue goo from its heads. Noticing it, I yanked Heliconia's controls as much as I could do upwards, starting her boosters and making her hoover, barely missing the blue goo.

(Y/N): "Phew, by a hair. As long as I know it could... be... acid..." I kinda panicked. "ACID?!" Instantly I get to the comms, "Squad, you guys okay?! Respond!" Thankfully the face of Argentea, followed by the rest of Squad 13 FranXX's appeared in front of me.

Argentea: "What is this? Gross!"

Delphinium: "We are fine (Y/N)"

Genista: "It's sticky..."

Heliconia: "So it wasn't acid... phew, thank God" she breathes out

Chlorophytum: "It doesn't hurt, so yes"

Genista: "Yeah, seems fine"

Argentea: "So it's just for show?"

Heliconia: "More like some defense system of it. Be careful guys, it could still do some harm" Argentea looked at the Klaxosaur, angry she got this stuff all over her.

Argentea: "How dare you spew this disgusting gunk all over us?!" Heliconia meanwhile landed and regrouped with the rest of the FranXX

Delphinium: "Let's try it again, guys. Stick to the plan" I then get some comms from all the cockpits around.

'Something's happening... I don't like this'.

Hiro: "Huh?"

Zorome: "What the heck?"

Futoshi: "K-Kokoro!" Heliconia meanwhile get her boosters active and rushed the Klaxosaur, finally cutting one of the heads off. She looks back, and we see the rest of our team is struggling to move.

(Y/N): "Guys, what's happening?!" Heliconia slashed at the creature's torso, cutting its flesh and slowly exposing its core.

Heliconia: "What's the matter? Let's go, Squad 13" she tries to get them to move.

Argentea: "It's not me, Ryuko! It's Zorome!" she knocked at her head, trying to wake up her Stamen, "Quit spacing out. You're awake there?"

Zorome: "Y-Yeah. It's nothing, really"

Genista: "Futoshi?" she tries to wake him up

Futoshi: "Don't worry. It's nothing at all"

'Something is fishy' I look around, 'What're you two doing this time?'

Reapers in The FranXX: Redux (KlK x DITF crossover, Ryuko Matoi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now