Chapter 1: Good vs. Evil

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Leora POV

"Mother once spoke of the school she attended, once she had to flee as the Moors were under attack. A school previously run by a set of twins. Ones who did not necessarily get along. One day they fought. They fought hard enough for one of the twins to die. At his death the other took over both schools, which in no way kept the balance between good nor evil. 200 years have passed since this event, and though evil still had a hold on the world, good had become overpowering. Which in some cases is not such a bad thing. In our case my mother was a victim of a horrible man of good. She had turned from a good creature too bad to accommodate this change. Fortunately, she bonded with the most unexpected of children and was able to turn everything around. Eventually she was faced with another challenge which nearly led to her demise. With the help of my father and the child she had bonded with, she was able to save what was left of her species and the Moors once again. Not long after my sister and I were born. One of the night, and one of the day, one to evil and one to good. But both of us knew, there was no such thing. Only the choices we make, show our true colors. That leads us to now. It's been 18 years since the last battle, 17 since we were born and 12 since our adorkable little brother was born-"

"You mean troublesome, right?" interrupts Elara.

"No, I mean Adorkable." I responded.

"It's nearly midnight little birds, go to sleep, stop telling stories."

"Tell that to this one," Elara interjects.

"Sorry Papa." I said innocently with my favorite puppy dog eyes. He stared at me for only a moment before breaking down and nodding.

"You have 2 minutes. Lights out by then. Goodnight little birds."

"Goodnight Papa."

I threw one of my pillows across the room at Elara once the door was shut.

"You almost got me in trouble!" I exclaimed in a whispered yell.

"Oh really?" Elara responded with a raised brow then flatly stated. "Sorry to interrupt your monologue, maybe you should internalize it next time..."

Pouting I respond with...


"Nevermind." She said, rolling her eyes.

The door burst open and revealed our adorkable little brother.

"It's my birthday tomorrow!" he exclaimed like he did every year.

"Yes, and now it's time for me to sleep!" Elara exclaimed, covering her face with the pillow I had thrown.

"Come here Endy" I called, opening my arms. He giggled and ran over to me jumping onto my bed and wiggling under the covers. "Are you excited for your 12th birthday?" He nodded excitedly and snuggled into my side.

"Happy birthday! Can I go to sleep now?" Elara called after conjuring fake confetti into their air.

"Lighten up Ellie," I called across the room.

"Shut it Leo!"

I responded with an animalistic growl. She cackled before rolling over.

"You'll never leave me right?" I heard Endy ask.

"What? Never!" I emphasized.

"Well not today but at some point the birds got to fly out."

"Elara!" I called out annoyed.

"What it's the truth. Don't start withholding the truth."

"He needs to be comforted, not goated!" I could feel my eyes heating up, which was a tell tale sign of them changing color.

A Bed of Roses & Valley of Thorns: School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now