Chapter 8: The God's Game

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Leora POV

I walked back from Beautification class to study in my room a little before I meet Tedros later.

"Hey I know I am the last person that you want to hear from, but can you meet me in the good's music room in a few minutes? Literally just 5 minutes of your time..." Elara calls through our bond.

I froze and sighed.

"Fine, I'll be there." I said shortly.

I arrive at the music room and close the door behind me. Walking over I sat at the free couch across from my sister who sat with her hands folded on her lap.

Elara starts, "I owe you an explanation and an apology about why I acted the way that I did in the Trials. You remember when I started having odd visions about Pallas?"

"Are you just here to make an excuse?" I asked flatly.

Elara replied, "I'm here to right a wrong."

"Since when do you right wrongs?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Since I started talking to dead people and having visions again," Elara deadpanned.

I burst out laughing at the absurdity but when I saw she wasn't laughing my smile faded.

"Wait... you're serious?"

"For once, yes. But before I get into that, I should apologize for how I've treated you over the last few weeks and for the trials. I really thought you were not in my corner for a while and shut down as a result."

"..." I am completely speechless. I've never heard her talk like this before...

"I think what I should've done was taken a moment to think and left a note or something on your door about a time to meet up. It truly was a heat of the moment kind of thing. I'm not trying to make excuses, but this entire place just makes my emotions run wild and unchecked, and I should have had a better grip on them."

"You are saying a lot of what should have happened not what will," I said softly not knowing what else to say.

"What will happen is that I will slowly open the bond up but I will close it if I feel that my emotions are too high strung. I don't want to overwhelm you because you have your own problems to deal with as well."

"What I'd rather you do, is if the emotions are too high, just talk to me and let me know what is going on. Just so I know you're not just shutting me out. I'm a pretty good therapist... or so I've heard," I tried lightening the mood.

"It's sometimes hard figuring out which emotions I'm feeling versus what you are feeling, and it gets super confusing sometimes."

"I can understand that, just let me know if something gets too much. I don't have to feel every little thing you are feeling. I just want to be kept in the loop."

"Fair enough..." Elara agrees.

"What was the other thing?"

"So, the day before the Trials, my visions started up was Sophie coming up from behind and stabbing you. I think now, after thinking on it, I should have just told you what was bothering me, not just take action... that could have prevented a lot of shit..."

"Oh my god... that's why you jumped in front of Sophie wasn't it?"

"Yea... I thought at the time better me than you, truly."

"But that isn't why I was so angry, Elara..."

"I know, it was because I refused to allow you to heal me... I was reckless but I just did not feel like fighting any more at that time. I thought Ullr had died, I felt that my best friends had abandoned me—"

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