Chapter 4: A story I do not wish to bring up

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A/N:*Note from the Authors: There is 18+ content within the chapter, there will be very spicy scenes (if you know what I mean). We will put (****) before and after the scene if you wish to skip it.

Leora POV

I pulled out of the hug gently and wiped away the tear that had slid down my cheek.

"Do you want to meet my... Tedros?" I asked shakily.

"Might as well," she replied. "I'm here now anyway."

I spotted him across the room sneaking glances at me every few seconds. I made eye contact and waved him over. He lets out a breath of relief. He hurried over and took the seat directly next to me, immediately entwining one of my hands for comfort. He gave a slight nod of curious respect to Ellie before looking back to me for direction.

Ellie gives a raised eyebrow but doesn't address anything quite yet.

"Tedros, this is my twin sister Elara. Before you ask, yes she is in the School for Evil. Beware do not judge," I warn.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Crow." He said nervously.

Ellie responds with, "What's with the formality, princey?"

"I-I'm not sure. It was the first introduction that came to mind when possibly meeting Petal's family."

"Petal's family... and here I was expecting you to call her mischief or perhaps vixen," Elara smirks at me giving me one of her signature looks.

"Perhaps, once we've gotten to know each other more," he said with a smirk of mischief, shocking Ellie who pursed her lips in response.

"Since when are you two close enough to introduce you to me?" Ellie continues, "After all, its' been three days."

"I suppose we just fit," I admitted, glancing shyly over to Tedros.

"Like a puzzle," he said softly. I blushed hard and squeezed his hand.

Ellie then replies, "Usually when I think of puzzles, I think of jigsaws or woodwork."

"I'm not surprised, ever studious of you sister" I said with a smirk.

"If I stop learning, then I won't be the best of the best. Would I now," she explains.

"Quite full of yourself are you?" Tedros asked amusedly, leaning back in his chair a little.

Ellie replied, "I have a reason to be, and a reputation to uphold."

"We are twins for a reason," I admitted with a grin.

"I see the resemblance. Are you a warrior like Petal here?" Tedros asked curiously.

"Up for some sparring?" Elara challenges.

Tedros says, "Maybe, when we have time."

"I make my own time," Elara smirked.

"I have class," Tedros sheepishly tried.

"And I don't," Elara remarked, making me giggle.

"Leora help me out here," Tedors smiled.

"Don't look at me. It will be a fun spar." I insisted, "We do it all the time at home. We have a no mortal wounds policy. No blood is aloud to be spilled."

"I promise not to damage your pretty face," Ellie promised.

"Okay! Perhaps once school lets out for the year. That way I have time to heal from whatever wounds I acquire," Tedros sheepishly tried to bargain.

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