Chapter 7: Knight in your Corner

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A/N This is a short chapter, however it's a lot of information to take in. Enjoy!

Leora POV

I cuddled with Tedros on my bed and ranted to him about the entire situation with my sister.

"I still can't believe that happened to her, but at the same time I am so pissed off by her walling herself off from me. We are twins, we are supposed to be closer than that. Gods, I thought I knew her."

"I mean, you know the story about how my mom left my dad for Lancelot?" Tedros asked.

"Of course," I lifted my head to look at him, my hand resting on his chest.

"Well, the story doesn't cover what happened after she left him. My dad shut me out as well, he did a very similar thing to what I think Elara was doing to you. She was protecting you from the pain that she was feeling inside." Tedros explained.

"But by doing that it has only caused more grief between us but shutting me out it left us both vulnerable."

"My dad tried to do what he thought was right... and I think that Elara was trying to do that as well. Petal when you lose a loved one, it changes you. As you see, but sometimes they push us away to protect themselves from damaging other people. I think Elara recognized that this loss that she was experiencing was going to affect you regardless of if she shared it with you or not. I could be wrong, but I think if you had understood and known her story you would have been very cautious of me when we met for the first time... I know that I would've if that was the case."

"I see where you're coming from... I don't know how I would have dealt with the issues of this school without having you in my corner and by my side," I said softly, running my fingers along his chest and leaning my head back against his shoulder.

"That's why we don't dwell on the past. The past is history, the future is a mystery, and today is a gift... that is why they call it the present." Tedros said wisely before sneaking a glance over at my pondering face right before he poked me in the side getting a startled giggle from me. He proceeded to tickle me until I screamed, I was going to pee if he didn't stop. "Do you feel better now?"

"A little," I whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you... for staying with me... talking with me and helping me figure out where my heart was."

"Just think about what I said, I have to go talk to one of my teachers, but once I'm done, I'll come back so we can cuddle some more okay?" Tedros asked.

"Okay, I'll be here," I whispered, nudging my nose against his.

Tedros POV

I got up and pressed a kiss to her forehead and her lips before walking from her room. That was a hard conversation, but I knew she needed to hear what I said. I will do everything in my power to help, protect and love Leora to the best of my ability. She is not like my mother, I can see that, I can feel that... If only my father were still alive to meet her.

This may be a long shot, but I think that guy from earlier might be my chance to get these girls to talk...

I walked down the halls with purpose trying to find the coward from earlier. That was when I spotted him walking towards the bridge between Good and Evil.

"Hey! Ullr right?" I called out as I got closer. He froze and turned to face me with a raised brow.

"That is not how you address me mortal," He says.

"We could've been brother in laws so I see it differently" I replied

"Who do you think you are?"

"King Tedros Pendragon, Boyfriend of Leora Crow"

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