Chapter 11: Epilogue-Restitution

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Part 1: Dust Settles

Leora POV

Tedros wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked with our group toward the bridge dividing the school. Elara and Ullr lead everyone, with Darius and Silas right behind them. She's walked on her own without using Excalibur as a crutch anymore and refuses assistance from Ullr.

Tedros and I took our time coming up behind. We all sat against the edge of the bridge looking out at the wondrous sight of a balanced world of stories. I leaned my head on Tedros' shoulder and called across to Elara.

"How're you feeling Twinny!?"

"Like a dead girl walking," Ellie replies as she adjusts her position.

"Hang in there," I called back, making her snort.

"Excuse me?" A sheepish voice appeared behind us. All of us turned to look and saw Gregor standing a little bit away from us.

"Gregor?" I said surprised.

"What are you doing here? " Elara raised her eyebrow as she asked.

"You've done so much for me already I don't know if I am even allowed to ask this... but is there any way either of you could spell this pendant for me? I know Agatha won't be staying with me here, when Sophie still has such a big hold on her. I want her to be able to use the pendant to teleport to me wherever I am should she change her mind." He looked at us with such pitiful eyes I couldn't just say no. I let out a deep sigh and looked over at Elara.

"You wanna do it or should I?" Elara directed at me.

"I got it," I said, reaching out my hand. He placed the Pendant gently in my hand before backing away slightly. I cupped it in my hands and raised it close to my lips whispering a few enchantments, feeling my magic swirl, and watching my hands glow. I blew a soft breath over the Pendant sealing the magic within it and watched as sparks of magic jumped off of it. I passed it back over and watched as he bowed deeply, thanking me, before turning to walk away.

"Wait!" Called Tedros unexpectedly, making me jump, "I know this isn't really my place but Gregor, if you ever wanted to settle down in Camelot to get away from your home life, I can set up a place for you." I could never have loved this man anymore than now. He offered Gregor a home... Gregor looked shocked for a moment before nodding.

"I would like that. Very much," He said softly.

"Camelot would love to have an additional food vendor in our market square," Tedros smiled.

After that whole exchange, we all peacefully watched the last of the sunrise and kaleidoscope of purples and blues blanketing the night sky, swirling into reds, pinks, and oranges.

It was as if Nyx had passed on the sky to Eos and Helios to call on the new day. There is something reassuring about the people most important to me at Elara's spot. With Tedros to my right next to Darius followed by Silas, and Ellie to my left (plus Ullr, but we won't count him). My right hand gently squeezes my love's and I look up to meet his gleaming eyes. It finally really starts to feel like this is where I belong. With my family.

After a while we got up and moved back inside, but as we descended the stairs we saw another balcony where a glowing portal with a blue circle around it sat. There in front of the portal stood Sophie looking back at Agatha who was fast walking toward Gregor. She reached him and kissed him hard, nearly knocking him over. Sophie looked away from the scene with a solemn look on her face. I didn't hear what was whispered but Sophie turned around with wide eyes and a gasp. Gregor nodded and pressed the Pendant into her hand.

"If you change your mind," He whispered. She smiled lightly before walking back over to Sophie taking her hand and walking through the portal. Sophie does not deserve that loyalty.

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