Chapter 6: Miscommunication and Coitus

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Note from the Authors: There will be some unhealthy, harmful choices made by Elara in this chapter that may upset readers. There is also some 18+ content within the chapter, there will be very spicy scenes (if you know what I mean). We will put **** before and after the scene if you wish to skip it. Please read on with caution.

Elara POV

N/A: For full effect of the scene play the song above

The Deans leave me and Leora to have a few minutes to ourselves. I keep reliving those last few moments when I thought I was going to die. The cold crisp air that gave me the truth like blunt force trauma. I feel utterly numb. Like my soul has been ripped from my body and I'm once again a shell of my former self. Not that I wasn't a shell beforehand but that everything that I had built over the last year has been for nothing.

Leora is next to me with both hands surrounding one of mine. A faint glow shining between her hands pulsing, like a heartbeat. I could feel her magic tingling around my wound as she attempted to heal it even more.

"Leora, stop. It's not going to help,"

"I still have to try," she whispered, exhausted.

I'm too tired to fight this so I allow her to continue.

"Elara's right, no other magic can heal up her wound with both yours and the apple taking its time healing everything," Ullr said from the corner.

I snap my head, all the sudden awake. Then everything rushes back to me,

"So you chose to fake your death just to avoid breaking up with me?"

"What?" Leora asked, confused and looking between the two of us.

"Leora, meet Ullr my soulmate... you know the one that I thought was dead," I said to Leora. She stood slowly and faced him with narrowed eyes.

"Excuse me?" She asked, her voice tense as she stared over at him. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before stupidly trying to defend himself.

"I-" he was cut off by Leora appearing right in front of him and back-handing him hard enough to throw him off balance.

"I may have deserved that–" Ullr replies.

"Give him another one for good measure," I say coldly.

Almost immediately Leora struck out again, this time slapping him in the other direction hard enough to send him to the floor.

Not satisfied, I continue, "You know what, knock his teeth out."

"Affirmative" Leora muttered as she watched Ullr get to his feet. She grabbed his shoulders and slammed his head into her knee before punching him twice in the gut. This sent him to the floor. She walked closer to his face and kicked out hard, bloodying his face. She then peppered his side with as much power as she could muster. This goes on for a few minutes and this is making me feel a little better. She takes a few deep breaths and returns to my side. Ullr seems to crawl over to a wall so he can lean on it. Leora obviously didn't hold back.

"I wish I could've had a piece of it but thanks Leo," I take a deep breath and coldly say to Ullr, "You don't get to give me an explanation, in fact I don't want to hear it right now. Because you, Sir, are a coward. You lost that privilege." he seemed to black out.

I try to get up to move to a part of my room where I don't have to see his stupid face. Of course not before Leo comes over to assist me over to the couch that faces my balcony. We sit for a moment, numb, but then I start to feel it again for the second time in this goddamn place. I feel one of those little shits start to roll down and then not far behind I feel more and more of those salty little shits. Then I stop trying to hold them back.

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