Chapter 9: Musical Madness

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*A/N there will be a lot of musical numbers in this chapter, you have been warned. However, they are somewhat pertinent to the plot. 

Leora POV

I can't believe that went as smoothly as it did. To be honest I wasn't expecting it to go like that. I thought we would end up in battle... I wore my battle undies for nothing... I watched as everyone celebrated, Ullr hugged his mother and seemed to be relishing in her comfort which was odd to see from such a cold exterior.

"Psst... you ask Hera if we can dip?" Elara approaches me.

I glanced over and tilted my head before nodding.

"Definitely. Give me a moment." I said before walking to Mother Hera.
"Mother Hera? Would it be okay for Elara and I to go back to school? There is so much happening that I don't want to miss," I asked politely. She smiled mischievously and said.

"Unfortunately dear, we are a bit too busy to take you, but I will send Ullr over in a second to transport you," Hera explains.

I notice Elara immediately tense up.

"I... Understand, thank you."

"Be patient Leora, all will work out," Aphrodite says, patting me on the shoulder.

"Good luck squirt," Ares called patting me on the head.

Elara then goes up to Freyja and talks to her and gets a potion... I think.

Elara says, "I got us our ticket out of here–"

A hand appears between our heads and we both jump, our bodies spinning to look. There stood a mischievous Chaos with 2 glowing blue pearls in his hand.

"Use them wisely," Chaos winked at us before disappearing.

"The fuck is that?" Elara asked.

"Well... these are magic pearls. Think of where you wish to go, crush the pearl, and you will appear there in a cloud of mist." I said nonchalantly.

"Interesting... feel free to use yours, I'm gonna save mine for a rainy day," Elara states as she throws her potion from Freyja onto the ground, making a mud puddle.

"Okay, see you there?" I asked.

"I'll see you in the music room and then we'll go from there," she says before stepping into the puddle.

I giggled and crushed the pearl. Immediately a cool breeze rushed over me and I was suddenly in the music room as my sister rose from the ground.

"Before we go off and do everything, I really need to get something off my chest to you. It's nothing bad, just, it needs to come out."


I sat at the piano and let out a deep breath looking over to Elara.

"Everybody needs inspiration,

Everybody needs a song,

A beautiful melody,

When the night's so long

'Cause there is no guarantee

That this life is easy."

I stood and walked over to Elara, each step I made accompanied by lyrics from my song.

"Yeah, when my world is falling apart

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