Chapter 2: Potions, Poisons and Beauty

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Elara POV

"No wayyyy!" Darius looks in awe, "Can I be your roommate?"

"Well you'll need to apply for the position and maybe I'll get back to you in 10-14 business days." I smirk.

He protests, "Come on... I'm helping you with the lights."

"Hmmm... I'll consider visiting permits," I compromise.

"Deal." He brightens up. He spots the rose on my bed and smirks, "So, you already got a secret admirer?"

"Well considering yours announced it to the world... not yet surprisingly." I admit. Darius blushed and shrunk a little. "Just Leora being herself per usual. I need to talk to her anyway... I can't let her fall for the princling; plus I need her to get started on a mini garden here to mask the sulfur smell."

"Now that you mention it... it does smell like strong sulfur." Darius observes, "You should talk to Hester... this is her area of speciality and she might be able to let you know if there's unwanted energy in this room as well."

"Isn't she that annoying Reader's roommate?" I comment.

"That's the one," Darius confirms. "She might be in your potions & poisons class tomorrow."

Pondering for a moment, "I'll talk to her tomorrow... thanks."

"Wait did you just–"

"You need to get your hearing checked ya Toss Pot," I winked.

Shaking his head, "Baby girl... that mouth is going to get you in trouble one day."

"Oh I do hope it does." I shoot back. I'll entertain this little game.

Stunned for a half-second, Darius shoots back, "Are you threatening me with a good time?"

"Always," I promise. "You love to be teased and worked up by me, it just makes everything so much sweeter."

"They do say never trap a bird into a cage, they do best when they are set free." Darius remarks. "Speaking of birdies, you saw that rose right? What does it mean?"

"Not a clue, I'm worried as to what it does mean. I don't want my sister getting hurt."

Adding to her point, "Well you have an entire library to figure it out."

"Thanks Captain Obvious. You're helping too, or I'm telling Silas you like him."

"Oh fuck off... you're seriously playing that card?"

Insisting, "Yes I am."

"Ughhhh, fine" he groaned. "One question though. How are you going to curb her feelings, you saw the looks she was giving him."

"I'll think of something, I always do. I can't let her fall in love. She is too innocent for that," I respond.

"I hope you know what you're doing"


There's something exhilarating about sneaking on the roofs of these schools. Especially when dodging the arrows of creepy cupid, thank god I changed into pants. Of course I could fly back to my dorm but then I run the risk of giving myself away, and I'm not about to get into trouble on my first day here. After all, I could also use a little exercise.

 After all, I could also use a little exercise

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