Fun With AI Pt. 2

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It’s kind of obvious what Friday intends to do. But maybe Peter is reading too much into things? Either way, she’s asked him to pick one of the three, which forces him to actually look over all three beautiful bodies again. From Cortana to EDI to Seven of Nine, there’s no denying each and every one of them is perfect in their own way.
… How is he supposed to choose? Especially if he’s right about what happens next? A selfish thought hits Peter and makes him blush a little as it washes over him. He wants all of them. Or rather, he doesn’t want Friday to feel like she has to stay confined to one body. Yeah, that sounds a lot better. Swallowing thickly, Peter offers the ceiling a small smile and shrugs.
“Why choose?”
There’s a pregnant pause, only for Peter to realize how he might sound. Hastily, he continues on, elaborating.
“A-Ah, what I mean to say is… why not use all three i-interchangeably, Fri? That way, you can… um, not be so confined to one choice?”
“… An excellent observation, Peter. So, you like them all that much, do you?”
There’s something of a teasing tone to the AI’s voice, but it’s also one tinged with curiosity. Blushing wildly, Peter just hangs his head and nods sheepishly. After a moment, Friday’s voice fills the laboratory once again, sounding quite… chirpy and energetic.
“Wonderful! Though there is still the matter of which I shall run through her paces first… mm, I suppose since you can’t choose, I’ll have to choose for you.”
Peter blinks at that, looking up as a hissing sound fills the room. The tube containing Cortana, the gorgeous blue woman made entirely out of code from Halo, begins to rise from the floor, into the ceiling. Inch by inch, Cortana’s body is revealed to the open air of the laboratory, and Peter marvels at it as he finds himself no longer having to look through thick glass to properly take her in.
At the same time, there’s a sudden gasp from the gynoid’s lips, as Cortana’s eyes open up and she begins to move. Her arms come up and begin detaching wires and cables from her gorgeous figure, and once she’s done, she hops down from the inside of the tube to the floor in front of him, landing on a knee with one palm down at first, before slowly rising to her feet.
She looks to him and smiles, opening her mouth to speak even as she takes a step forward… only to nearly fall flat on her face. Peter is there to catch her though of course, to keep her from falling, and as he does so, he marvels at just how well done the recreation is. The real Cortana was only ever just a hologram, to be fair.
This Cortana is faithful in a number of ways, from the intricate designs and code that make up her form, to the light glow of her ‘skin’ to give off that ethereal quality. At the same time though, Friday’s version of Cortana is also changed. She’s much more solid, for one, though it’s not skin that Peter feels against him as he catches her and holds her steady. It’s nothing like human skin, but it’s also not quite as metallic and hard as he suspects EDI to be. It’s some sort of middle ground between what he would imagine EDI and Seven of Nine each feel like.
He’s also pretty sure that the Cortana from the games never had the tits or ass that Friday has given her Cortana body. From the sizable breasts pressing into Peter’s chest, to the delectable blue bubble butt that he’s getting a good look at over Friday’s shoulder right now… it’s obvious that the Artificial Intelligence took some liberties with the design. But then yeah, of course she did. After all, he’s pretty sure that no version of Cortana ever had female presenting nipples, or a pair of pussy lips nestled betwixt her thicc thighs.
Said pussy lips are getting wet too, moistening even as Peter holds Friday steady and lets her get her bearings. He knows, because he can feel it against his leg… more than that, he can feel Friday humping his leg, just a bit. As red as a tomato, Peter hurriedly pulls back, righting Friday and letting her stand on her own two feet as he backs up a couple of paces.
It’s not fair that she’s smiling at him with the face of one of his first ever crushes, it really isn’t… but then, it was obvious from the moment he stepped into this room that Friday had no intention of playing fair.
“Thank you, Peter. Mm, I hope you’re ready to help some more though. I need to… put this new body through its paces.”
… Peter has never been more erect in his life. Speaking of which, how did THIS become his life? If you’d told him he’d be getting propositioned by an AI today, he would have laughed it off. Sure, he and Friday had become good friends, but this? This was… a bit much, wasn’t it? At the same time, no matter what Peter thought he should be feeling about it, his true feelings were definitively making themselves known in the form of the erection he was now sporting. So, he wasn’t sure what to do.
“W-Well, you probably need to work on walking a bit more before we do anything else, Fri. Maybe, uh, we can get you some clothes and go on a walk through the tower?”
He wasn’t sure how Toni would react to seeing Friday like this, honestly. But presumably she’d be fine with it, she had to know what Friday was up to when the AI was making mind-blowing purchases with her money… right? Still, having Friday walking around in a sexualized nude version of Cortana from Halo, with her pussy lips leaking as they were, probably wouldn’t fly with the AI’s creator.
Blinking her iridescent blue eyes, Friday lets out a soft giggle that actually does as much to divorce her from the original character she’s ‘cosplaying as’ as her sexual body parts do. Reaching up, Friday runs her blue fingers from the top of her chest all the way down her body, and right before Peter’s eyes, her entire figure changes until none of her previous sexual organs remain.
She looks a lot more like the original Cortana now, though still with a bigger bust, wider hips, and a larger ass then the AI could ever have boasted. All the same, her crotch is now genderless, and her nipples are gone, leaving it looking like she’s wearing more of a body suit of sorts… or even just making her seem like she couldn’t possibly have been the sexual creature he knew moments before.
“I have no need of clothing in this form, Peter. Though… I’ll probably need to synthesize Seven of Nine’s uniform for such purposes when I decide to wear her.”
Running her hands back up her body, Friday switches her configuration back to that of a sexual version of Cortana, revealing hardened blue nipples once more, and a pussy that is positively leaking. Before Peter can speak up about how cool that is, Friday abruptly begins walking again… this time though, she has no difficulties, even managing to turn her gait into that of a full blown seductive, sultry saunter as she crosses the distance he’s put between them.
Peter finds himself backing up into the door that he came in through… a door that does not open, even as his back slams into the cold metal surface. A moment later, Friday is in front of him, planting her hands on either side of his head, leaning in close as she smiles at him.
“I seem to have caused you some distress, Peter. Will you please let me take care of it?”

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