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Peter briefly considers having the talk he wants to have with Gwen in the relative privacy and comfort of her own bedroom. Briefly. He quickly finds himself discarding the idea for several reasons. One, it might not be so comfortable if he shows up out of nowhere and sneaks into her room just for a chat. Sure, he could text ahead and let her know he was coming, even ask her if now was a good time, but that brought him to reason number two. Her father.

Peter hadn't met Police Commissioner George Stacy just yet. He'd seen him on the news a couple times recently, and the man seemed like a good enough guy. However, not only was he the Police Commissioner, the man also didn't know his daughter was Spider-Woman, Peter was pretty sure. All of that put together... well, it seemed like a really bad idea to show up to the Commissioner's house as Spider-Man. The opposite of private and comfortable.

Which left Peter with the other option. No, not being responsible and waiting until he and Gwen could talk privately at school the next day. That would be way too reasonable and logical. Hah, don't be ridiculous! No, he was going to ask Gwen to come out in costume and meet with him. Easy peasy, right?

"Hey Friday? Send a message to Gwen Stacy for me asking if she's free to come out and play."

"Message sent. Receiving a reply now."

Peter blinks. That was fast. Before he can say anything to that effect however, Friday's voice comes up again.

"Reply received. Message reads: 'Name the time and place, slugger. Always down to play.'"

... He's not sure what he was expecting, other than exactly that. Of course Gwen would be eager as ever. Heh, he had to remember she was only one foot out of this universe. Unlike his situation, which might as well have been a thousand different scraps of Peter Parker pulled together into one whole, Gwen was two different versions of herself melded on top of each other.

It didn't SEEM like it was hurting her... but Peter would be damned if he didn't make sure at the very least.

After having Friday shoot off a location for Gwen to meet him at, Peter heads on over, swinging through the New York city streets. Flying through the air, slinging webs from building to building... it was usually a great way to clear his head. But he had to admit, he was a little preoccupied with how Gwen might react to the news he was about to lay on her.

Unlike with Natasha, Peter wasn't even considering lying to the blonde heroine. Out of everyone, he thought she might be the only one who would understand. He needed to tell... someone everything. And he felt like Gwen might just be his girl.

That said, he definitely wanted to feel her up a little bit first. Wait, no. Feel her out! Feel her OUT! Peter flushes under his mask. Damn it all, Kate Bishop's offer for a threesome with her and Yelena was still very fresh in Peter's mind. After seeing both ladies fight, he knew exactly how flexible they both were. He would need to take them up on that offer sooner rather than later.

Arriving at the top of the building he'd picked out, Peter doesn't have to wait long before Gwen... or rather, Spider-Woman, comes swinging in as well. He blinks at the sight of her, just now realizing that this is the first time he's actually seen Gwen in her costume in the flesh, rather than simply hearing about it, or talking about it with her.

Huh, he hadn't even thought about that before. He's definitely thinking about it now though, especially as she swings up from under the lip of the building, executing a perfect flip and coming down for a three point landing on the rooftop. His eyes can't help but fixate upon her curves and her muscles under the form-fitting costume she's wearing. White, black, with pink to help the two colors meet in the middle. It really, honestly works... and Peter's not just saying that because he's fucked the woman under the mask.

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Where stories live. Discover now