Yelena & Kate, plus Epilogue

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… He might just have a thing for exhibitionism, Peter reflects. After all, he could have very easily waited until Kate and Yelena were home for the evening and no longer patrolling to visit them about that threesome offer. The only reason not to would be to maintain his secret identity, and Peter didn't really think that either woman was inclined to betray him or anything like that. To say nothing of how his secret identity had become a badly leaking sieve ever since he'd saved the world from Thanos all those months ago.

Still, in the end he looks for them both on patrol, rather than going to their place. It's not like it's difficult to locate them, and soon enough he's swooping in as Spider-Man to help them take out all of the thugs they're currently beating the stuffing out of. There's no doubt in his mind that just like last time, they were more than ready to take on the opponents they were up against. He just makes it easier for them to finish up the fight.

Kate Bishop, of course, is all smiles as she perks up at the sight of him. Yelena is a bit more reserved about it, but definitely has a warm look in her eyes whenever he catches her glancing in his direction. Eventually, the bad guys are all beaten black and blue, tied to street lamps, and left for the police to show up and haul off to jail, evidence of their crimes filling the so-called 'abandoned' warehouse behind them.

The three of them, meanwhile, retreat across the street to an out-of-view alley to watch from a distance as Justice is served. In the meantime, Yelena narrows her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest as she gives him a sharp nod.

"The help is appreciated, Spider-Man. But I must admit… I wonder why you showed up tonight."

Her Russian accent is quite thick, but then given her background, he can't really be surprised, can he. Though, he is a LITTLE surprised that she seems unsure of why he's there. Blinking slowly, Peter looks over at Kate… and can immediately tell that her little promise of a threesome was made without consulting Yelena ahead of time. Which… fair, she hadn't had a chance to consult Yelena ahead of time, but did she also not tell the blonde super spy what they'd discussed AFTER the fact either?

Judging by the blush on Kate's flushed face and the way she's averting her gaze and poorly whistling, no she had not. She'd told him that they would have some fun together some other time… and that was it. Though in slight fairness to her, she HAD said to call her, not just show up out of nowhere like he'd ultimately chosen to.

Hm. Before, when he was still second guessing himself, Peter might have backtracked. He probably would have stuttered and stammered at least a little bit, and all around pussyfooted around a fair amount. But now… well, he doesn't hesitate to throw Kate under the bus as he laces his fingers behind his head and hums for a moment.

"Well, possibly because your girlfriend here offered me a threesome the next time I saw you guys."

Yelena's eyes widen and snap to Kate, who's blush intensifies. But Peter isn't done.

"Something about me being your Celebrity Sex Pass, if I recall correctly?"

If Kate was lying through her teeth, she'd be in so much trouble with both of them. But judging by the way Yelena herself blushes now, there was at least SOME truth to Kate's words. Peter grins behind his mask as both women shuffle from foot to foot for a moment, neither seemingly sure what to do next… until Yelena finally straightens up and gets a very peculiar, very intense look in her eyes.

Peter tilts his head to the side, more than happy to let her decide what happens now. Somehow, he just knows he'll enjoy it no matter what.

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Where stories live. Discover now