Professor Emma Frost

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Its not difficult, to make the decision to go and see Professor Frost. He had, after all, made her a promise, and it would not only be rude to go back on his word, it would also be detrimental to any future visits to the Institute. He didn't want to be blocked off from seeing Jean… or the rest of her dormmates, so this was just the price he had to pay to maintain access to all his new friends.

A perfectly logical and reasonable train of thought, or so Peter felt. There was just one problem with his decision… he didn't know where Emma Frost's office even was. The blonde Professor had probably expected him to ask Jean to give him directions before he left her for the day. Unfortunately, the red head had been in no state of mind to do so for him.

A thought hits Peter after a moment, and he perks up before hesitantly looking towards the ceiling of the hallway he's standing in.

"Uh, Cerebra?"

"Yes, Mr. Parker?"

He can't help jolting a little bit at the immediate response. One would think he would be used to it, given how often he spent in Stark Tower, which was another AI-managed building like this campus apparently was, but it was different when it wasn't Friday, he found. More than that, he wasn't one of the more important people at the Xavier Institute. Rather, he was just a visiting guest, so why exactly did it feel like Cerebra had been on standby, just waiting for him to call out to her?

Shaking his head of such silly thoughts, Peter smiles at the ceiling.

"I have an appointment with Professor Emma Frost before I leave the premises. Would it be possible for you to give me directions to her office?"

"Of course, Mr. Parker. Continue down the hallway until you come to your left."

Blinking, Peter follows her directions. He hadn't really expected her to turn into his personal GPS. He would have probably been just fine with a basic idea of what direction he was supposed to go in, in order to find Professor Frost's office. Instead, Cerebra gives him step by step instructions, which he dutifully follows until he finds himself standing in front of a large set of wooden doors.

"Here you are, Mr. Parker."

"Uh, thanks Cerebra!"

"Any time. Have a nice day…"

Was it just him, or did her voice sound almost wistful? Hm, probably just his mind playing tricks on him. Right? Peter can't help but think back to his thoughts when he'd first arrived at the Institute and had his original interaction with Cerebra. He'd compared her inflections to Friday and been considering whether the female AI had an interest in him, for some reason.

… He was getting distracted. Shaking his head clear of such things, Peter reaches out and knocks on the door in front of him. A response comes through a moment later after a particularly loud clearing of the throat.

"Come in, Mr. Parker!"

Cocking his head to the side, Peter pushes into the office, stepping through the large double doors. The room beyond is exactly as massive and ostentatious as the double doors would seem to imply, looking more like an old-fashioned study than a teacher's office. But then, what did Peter know about period pieces like this one? The Institute was such a weird mix of old-timey architecture and new-age modernization that it was somewhat hard for Peter to wrap his head around sometimes.

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Where stories live. Discover now