Crossing a Black Cat

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It feels good to be patrolling the streets of New York City again. After everything that happened, Peter distinctly needed some form of normality in his life. While it was probably a little sad that that sense of normal came from dressing up as Spider-Man and fighting crime all across his city, well… at the end of the day, it didn’t make it any less true.
Of course, for all that the Incident had technically taken place outside of New York City, there was no denying that there were still plenty of scars from the final battle against Thanos and his ilk. Even more so then the Battle of New York a decade prior. After all, back then Peter had still been something of a kid. His memories of the first Battle of New York and the Chitauri Invasion are… somewhat blurry.
His therapist, a sharp and intelligent woman named Rebbecca Kalpan (with two b’s, as strange as that seemed) always told him it was probably a coping mechanism. He didn’t remember the Battle of New York all that well because it would have been a traumatic experience for just about anyone, let alone children his age. There were in fact many, many kids who’d had to rely on their still developing grey matter to repress the memories of that horrifying, traumatizing incident, just as there’d been many adults who’d in turn suffered PTSD from the near-death experience that was the Chitauri Invasion.

Regardless, Peter hadn’t been old enough for that to stick. He was definitely old enough for every last moment of the Incident to stick though, especially since he’d been at the epicenter of the thing. He’d more than see what sort of damage that Thanos and his armies could do to a planet. They were insanely lucky that Earth had enough geniuses and super-powered beings on it to help defend it and save it from Thanos’ ‘mercy’.
And even though the Incident had taken place outside of New York, even though the battle for the fate of the galaxy had been as far away from the population center as the Avengers and their allies could hope to make it on short notice… there was only so much containment that Earth’s defenders could hope to do. In the end, Thanos hadn’t just brought an army, he’d brought ALL of his armies. He’d come with an entire fleet of ships, and just having them avoid each other in the sky meant they were spread out to be partially over New York City when the purple bastard had ordered that orbital bombardment.
As Peter swings through the city as Spider-Man, he can see it off in the distance. The damage caused by Thanos’ destructive act is immense in that section of the city. The death toll was not so bad though, thanks to Peter. When he’d snapped his fingers and used the Infinity Stones, integrated into the Iron Spider Suit to erase Thanos from existence, he’d wished with all his heart that the people harmed by Thanos and his ilk would be saved, that the Mad Titan’s path of death would be erased from history, like it never happened.
Perhaps he should have been a bit more general with his request, like asking for the Mad Titan’s destruction to be reversed or something instead. Though, even Peter couldn’t beat himself up too badly with the results. He’d brought everyone back, after all. He’d saved countless lives, and from what Captain Marvel had told them, it wasn’t just on Earth either. His use of the Stones had reverberated across the galaxy, and Thanos’ insane attempt to ‘balance’ the scales or something had been completely undone. The Snap had brought Spider-Man back, and Spider-Man had brought everyone else back.
What he hadn’t done, however, was reverse the physical damage. People were alive again, but their homes and businesses were still destroyed. A large section of New York City was still in ruins. And yes, he and his therapist had had conversation after conversation about how those people’s lives were more important then property, and how he was a hero… but Peter had to admit, he didn’t necessarily feel like one a lot of the time.
He tried to be heroic, he really did… but it was hard to accept that he was a hero for what he’d done during the Incident, because at the end of the day, he hadn’t taken the Stones to save all those people, not at first. No, that was just the happy byproduct. He’d taken the Stones to keep Toni from using them, from killing herself with them. And it’d worked, so he supposed he should be pretty happy about that.
“Peter. There’s a robbery. Sending you the coordinates now.”
Yanked from his thoughts by the voice of his ever-present AI, Peter jerks and instantly sends a shot of web in the direction he’s now being directed. Sure enough, there is indeed a robbery at the site his HUD brings him to, and it doesn’t take Spider-Man long at all to put it down and web up the guys trying to steal from the convenience store. He exchanges his normal banter with the thugs, disarms them, and gets them all ready for the cops, even as the shop owner thanks him profusely.
Just nodding his head and telling the man that it was no big deal, Peter quickly makes his way to the top of the building across the street and settles in to wait for the police to arrive so that he can make sure the bad guys have been taken away by the proper authorities. Given his enhanced hearing is already picking up the sound of sirens in the far distance, he shouldn’t have to wait long.
And then it hits him, and Peter nearly falls from his perch.
“Wait… Fri?”
An electronic giggle sounds in his ear, and Peter blushes beneath his mask as Friday, not Karen, pipes up.
“That’s right, Peter. Karen and I had a little chat, you see… and we’ve decided to share you. I’ll be the gal in your ear for three days of the week, while Karen will be there for the other four. And when you come to visit me… well, let’s just say that my darling little sister is getting used to having a body of her own. I think she quite likes it, even! She’ll like it more when she finally gets to put it to use, I imagine~”
Peter gulps at that, eyes widening at the implications. Friday was one thing, Karen was… well, no she wasn’t really all that different, was she? In fact, Karen had more claim to him then Friday did, he supposed, given she was with him first. He was glad that Friday was willing to share, rather than trying to usurp Karen’s place entirely. If she’d tried that, he would have… he wouldn’t have been happy.
But then, she’d already told him she was willing to share, hadn’t she? She’d told him point blank that ‘if he got the opportunity, he was to fuck any other woman that threw themselves at him’. It had seemed a little ridiculous, and Peter hadn’t really imagined it would be that big of a deal… but he also hadn’t realized that Friday might literally go out of her way to corrupt her fellow AI and CREATE girls to throw themselves at Peter.
He can just see it now, Friday in her Cortana body and Karen wearing one of the other two gynoids, or perhaps Friday would be Seven of Nine and Karen would be Cortana… and they-
“I’m sensing an elevated heart-rate, Peter. Are you alright? Oh, but I’m also sensing something else… I see that you’re MORE than alright, picturing me and Karen servicing your every need like the good little pet Ais that we are~”
Peter blushes profusely at that, abruptly reminded of the fact that Friday isn’t just in his ear, she’s in the suit itself. The suit made of Mrs. Stark’s nanite technology, the same stuff that pretty much lives in her Extremis-enhanced body now. And Friday pretty much has total control over it. A low groan leaves Peter’s lips as Friday begins to massage his erection, hidden beneath the technologically advanced Spider-Man suit.
He’s torn between telling Friday to continue and telling her off. He’s supposed to be out on patrol right now, and while he did stop that robbery… the cops have already arrived and are in the process of loading the webbed up thugs into the car as they take the statement from the shop owner. His work here is done, so he really SHOULD be getting a move on. He just doesn’t trust himself to ‘drive’ so to speak while Friday is effectively giving him a strange combination of a handjob and a blowjob at the same time.
“Well, well. As broody as ever, Spider-Man~”
The familiar voice has Peter whipping around, his eyes widening beneath the mask in surprise as he realizes he didn’t even feel her coming. Though, that was probably a good thing. If she’d meant him harm, then his danger sense would have caught the Black Cat coming a mile away. Either way, the gorgeous cat burglar is standing before him all the same, dressed as ever in a skin-tight black catsuit, her stark white wavy hair flowing down her back as she gives him a wicked smirk.
“What’s the matter, Spider-Man? Cat got your tongue?”
Peter groans and facepalms, even as Friday’s voice fills his ear.
“You don’t have to worry, Peter. She heard none of our conversation, I made sure that your voice was contained within the suit. Though… she has been on the roof for a good ten minutes, so she probably thinks you were deep in thought or something.”
What?! But why hadn’t Friday warned him Black Cat was there?! The answer is obvious and doesn’t even deserve an actual spoken question. Friday knew his danger sense would have told him if the white-haired thief was actually a threat to him… and the minx of an AI was clearly playing her own game. Her next words in Peter’s ear only make that more of a certainty.
“She’s wet for you, Master. My sensors are detecting her arousal from here~”
That was… Friday had to have that one wrong. Bright red and more thankful than ever for the mask, Peter coughs as he realizes Black Cat is staring at him with a raised eyebrow, her grin growing a little strained from his lack of reaction.
“Uh, sorry… Black Cat. I was distracted. I mean… what are you even doing here? You aren’t planning on stealing anything tonight, are you?”
Right, business. It was time to get down to business. Fuck, but Friday and Black Cat were both making that very, very hard. The cat burglar had always been beautiful, so as she approaches him, Peter doesn’t fail to notice the curve of her extremely kissable lips, or the way she sways her hips and positively SAUNTERS over to where he’s standing.
“And what if I am, Spider-Man? Are you going to… stop me?”
She’s close enough to touch him now and touch him she does. One gloved hand comes up and runs down along a shoulder, across one side of his chest, and Friday the little minx that she is, makes sure he feels it, feels Black Cat’s touch by mimicking it with pressure from inside the nanite-suit. Gritting his teeth, Peter does his best to keep his eye on the ball, even though both his AI and the thief standing in front of him seem intent on moving the goal posts.
“I would if I had to, Cat.”
He and Black Cat… they had a strange relationship. He was fairly sure from what he could see of her face and body alone that she was closer to his age then say, the Avengers or other adult heroes and villains that Peter knew of. But so far, both he and the cat burglar had kept their identities secret. They’d met before the Snap though, and the fact that she hadn’t aged five years in the time he’d been gone meant she’d been gone right alongside him.
“Well, maybe I can be persuaded not to steal anything tonight, my dear Spider. Maybe, you can… convince me.”
Licking her lips, Black Cat abruptly drops into a crouch, and Peter’s eyes widen yet again as she runs her hands down the front of his suit, bringing her face level with his crotch.
“What do you say, Spider-Man?”
“She wants you Peter; she wants you so bad. You should put her in her place. Give that kitty a plowing she’ll never forget. Dominate her and make her give up her life of crime!”

Peter flushes at Friday’s electronic voice in his ear. It’s really not fair for an AI to be this… this lewd. Shit though, he was already erect even before Black Cat showed up. Honestly, how could he possibly resist? Perhaps by remembering he was supposed to be a hero, and not cavorting with literal villainesses? Damn it all… how the hell was he supposed to approach this?

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