A Morning Surprise

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Peter's eyes narrow at Emma's offer, but in the end, he smiles and lets out a low chuckle.

"At my disposal, is it? Well, who am I to say no?"

Blushing, the blonde leverages herself up off her desk entirely, trying for a sexy saunter that ultimately becomes something of a stumble as she reaches him. Peter watches in no small amount of amusement as the beautiful psychic Professor drops to her knees in front of him and takes him in her mouth one last time.

It's a quick suck, not even enough to get him going again, but she cleans him off nevertheless, a total pro as she looks up at him with such happiness in her eyes that Peter doesn't doubt for a moment that she WANTS to be doing it. He shudders in pleasure, before grunting as she pulls off with a pop and a tired smile.

"G-Good. I'll show you to your room then~"

THAT gets a raised eyebrow from the young man. 'His room'? Not her room? His suspicions are immediately raised, but as Emma staggers back to her feet, he supposes he can understand why she's not inviting him directly into her bed. The beautiful psychic mutant has effectively gone the equivalent of half a dozen rounds with him at this point.

They were both pretty caught up in their own heads for a time, of course. Emma was getting to bask in what she thought was the deepest depths of Peter's mind, gorging herself psychically on his heroic presence and his good nature. Meanwhile, Peter was apparently in the actual deepest depths of his mind, having a heart to heart talk with the fragments of the Infinite.

All that was to say, their bodies hadn't stopped moving during that period. In the real world, he'd kept on fucking Emma, and she'd kept on being fucked. It was honestly quite late by this point, the sun having fully set hours ago by now, so really, it made sense for Peter to stay over. In fact...

"Just let me throw a quick phone call to my Aunt really quick so she knows where I am."

Aunt May knew Peter was Spider-Man of course, so late nights were to be expected in their household. But Peter did his best to stay in contact with her, knowing how she liked to worry. A quick phone call later, she's been informed of his location, and Emma has led him down the hall. They don't go to the student dormitories, but then Peter supposes that makes sense.

Still, maybe it's everything that's happened so far today, but while he definitely doesn't feel physically tired, he does feel emotionally drained. His body could probably keep going for hours longer, especially if it was for the purposes of sex... but Peter's MIND needed a hard reset.

As such, he doesn't bother really taking in his surroundings, when Emma shows him into a dark, unlit room. Framed in the light of the hallway through the open doorway is the edge of a large, comfortable looking bed, and Peter makes his way directly for it, stripping the remaining clothes he has on as he goes.

As he collapses onto the bed, the last thing he hears before his mind shuts down is Emma's voice, coy and sultry as ever, despite the fact that she doesn't join him in the room.

"Sleep well, Peter... and wake up even better~"

And then unconsciousness takes him, and Peter sleeps the sleep of the dead.


Cerebra did not necessarily consider herself an Artificial Intelligence, per say. At least, she didn't consider herself your average Artificial Intelligence. In truth, the world was filled with AI these days. Some of them dumber than others. Most not even sentient, really. The humans distinguished between these by labeling the stupider ones as VI, otherwise known as Virtual Intelligences. But they were all technically AI.

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Where stories live. Discover now