Felicia Hardy

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Peter just didn’t have it in him to shy away from even the most basic of mysteries. He was a curious young man by his very nature. But then, he wouldn’t be a very good superhero if he wasn’t, right? If he just let sleeping dogs lie, criminals would get away with crimes, bad guys would do their bad deeds completely unopposed. His entire existence was effectively based around refusing to just standby and do nothing.
… Okay, so maybe following the instructions of a mysterious note slipped into his spiral notebook during class and meeting with some mysterious entity behind the bleachers after school WASN’T the most clandestine or dangerous thing Peter had ever done. Hell, for most teenage boys it would probably be the highlight of their week, but for Peter, it was honestly just following up.
The note had been very specific that there would be two potential times to meet up. Either during lunch, or after school. Well, Peter had spent lunch in an abandoned classroom with one Gwendolyne Stacy, getting to know the blonde all the better. He honestly still wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about that… actually no, he knew exactly how he felt about it. He felt good, DAMN good.
Maybe it’s because of the events of the last several days, maybe it’s because of the events at lunch, but when Peter finally slips behind the bleachers and sees a girl waiting for him there… he’s honestly not all that surprised. At first, all he gets is a glimpse of her back profile, which Peter has to admit, is almost as fine as Gwen’s, albeit a little harder to discern on account of the young woman’s slightly baggier clothing.
But then the brunette turns around, and Peter is able to identify her as Felicia Hardy, the girl he’d made eye contact with for an uncomfortably long amount of time earlier that day. The girl who was wearing a wig to school for some reason and clearly wasn’t a natural brunette. The girl who tenses up at the sight of him, before making a conscious effort to relax and give him a tentative smile and a little way.
Peter approaches… slowly. His spidey sense isn’t tingling, which means this SHOULDN’T be a trap. At the same time though, the danger sense usually picks up on imminent threats. It’s entirely possible this is still a trap, just one of a more long term variety.
“… Hey.”
Her smile flickers a little at that, before she forces it back on. Honestly, there’s something so very familiar about that smile of hers. Something incredibly familiar. Peter just can’t quite place it though.
“I, uh… guess you were busy during lunch, yeah? No big deal, I just ate here and then got back to class. Glad… glad you showed up now.”
Peter winces at that, feeling a little guilty. What exactly was this? Was this some sort of confession? Was he being approached by yet another girl? All things considered, he wasn’t sure how he would react, if that were the case. Felicia was pretty enough, certainly, but now he had this thing with Gwen that he wasn’t even sure how to quantify, and… fuck, she was waiting for him to respond, wasn’t she?
“Uh, yeah. I guess I’m here? What’s up?”
Licking her lips, Felicia bounces nervously from foot to foot.
“I just… well, I remember you, you know. From back… before the Snap. Um… I always thought you were kind of cool, back then. Now here we are, with a second chance. Something the Snap taught us all to take, I like to think. And now, well… you’re not seeing anyone, right? I know you’re friends with MJ, but it’s just friends, right?”
This WAS a confession. Made a little weirder by the fact that Felicia had apparently had her eye on him before they’d both been disappeared for five whole years. And now he was being confronted with all of his recent… indiscretions. Peter stands there frozen, thinking about everything from helping Friday take her new bodies for a spin, to fucking Black Cat on some random rooftop, to having sex with Gwen Stacy in an empty classroom not but a few hours before.
To be fair, none of them, Gwen included, had asked about his relationship status. Hell, Friday had encouraged him to see any girl he wanted, even egging him on with Black Cat, while also rewarding him with some threesome fun between her, him, and Karen. Finally, there was Black Cat herself, who had made it clear she was more interested in someone else, rather than pursuing something with Spider-Man.
All of this was to say…
“… It’s complicated. Me seeing anyone, I mean. MJ and I… yeah, we’re just friends.”
Felicia blinks at that for a moment, her big blue eyes quite captivating. Then, she shrugs her shoulders, smiling cautiously.
“Complicated doesn’t mean exclusive, right?”
Seriously? What was with girls and wanting to share him? Peter swallows, trying to figure out what to say, when suddenly Felicia just scowls.
“Fuck it, I’m not cut out for this acting shit!”
Her words make him think for a moment she’s about to attack him. As such, when she lunges for him, Peter’s hands come up to grab her wrists, capturing them easily in his grip. However, in the end, her intentions aren’t actually hostile, apparently. Aggressive, certainly… but only in so far as a sexual manner. Her lips crash against her lips as he grabs her wrists and holds them fast. Felicia doesn’t try to break free of him, she just leans in and kisses him hard, making out with him even while he holds her in place.
Peter could have pulled back, and eventually he does just that… but not at first. At first, he’s too busy swapping spit with Felicia, his hindbrain doing the thinking for him as their tongues wrestle for a moment before he finally comes to her senses and pulls her away from himself. Something about her extremely kissable lips is insanely familiar. As familiar as her beautiful blue eyes, in fact.
But he still can’t say for sure why. It’s on the tip of his tongue, but still…
“Felicia, I…”
Wiggling in his grip, the brunette looks down at where he’s holding her, blinking a little in surprise.
“You’re strong, Peter…”
Her breathless murmur makes it sound like she’s more aroused than suspicious about his domineering grip, but it still causes him to let her go as if he’s playing with fire, worried that his enhanced strength might be noticeable. Felicia had also felt surprisingly firm under his grip, and despite her slightly baggy clothing, he was beginning to suspect she was pretty fit and athletic herself.
Smiling at him, batting her eyelashes prettily, the young woman licks her lips.
“Do you work out? Honestly, I always thought you were a little nerdy. But a nerdy jock… that’s pretty hot too.”
He was definitely more of a nerd than a jock. He was just also a superhero by night. That wasn’t something he could tell HER though.
“I, uh… yeah, I work out a little bit…”
“Any martial arts?”
Out of nowhere, she throws a punch at him. It’s a very good punch at that, but pretty telegraphed, and his danger sense alerts him long before it would land. Instinctively, he turns it aside… only to wish he’d maybe let it land a moment later. Might have given him a way out of this conversation. Felicia certainly seems surprised, even though it was obvious she didn’t put any real force into the attempted hit.
Her next strike is a bit stronger, and Peter deflects that one too. In moments, he’s quite literally fighting the girl who slipped a note into his spiral and asked him to meet her behind the bleachers. Who kissed him just moments before. Who is now doing her level best to kick his ass. Peter knows he should take a dive, really he does… but he just can’t bring himself to do it. Call it what you will, maybe he’s finally developing some sort of nascent pride.
Felicia is good at whatever martial arts it is that she knows, but while Peter isn’t professionally trained in any particular school, he IS a metahuman with enhanced senses and a lot of experience brawling. He’s still somewhat handicapped by the fact that he’s not really willing to hit back… but that’s okay, because he’s used to grappling.
This ultimately means that Peter ends up pushing Felicia back against the wall behind the bleachers, her arms trapped across her chest as he holds her fists opposite of each other in his respective grips. Trapping her there against the wall is the only way Peter can think to end the fight… and to her credit, Felicia doesn’t go for any low blows, that Peter is half-ready for it.
“That’s enough…”
His voice is a bit gruffer then it probably should be, his tone deeper and slightly husky from the light workout. Felicia, on the other hand, is breathing rather heavily, their little spar clearly having a greater toll on her then on him.
“I-Is it? You’ve got me trapped here, Peter. Back behind the bleachers, all on our lonesome. You beat me… and easily at that I might add. You could do anything you wanted to me…”
On the one hand, Peter is relieved that it seems Felicia is too horny to be suspicious about his inhuman attributes and the fact that he just handled her easily with zero professional training. On the other, he would swear she’s even thirstier then Gwen was!
“I’m not… I’m not that kind of guy.”
Peter pushes off of her as he says that, letting go of her arms, but doesn’t actually move away completely, still standing there in front of her as Felicia rests with her back against the wall. Maybe he does it in order to give her a chance to do exactly what she does next…
“Well, maybe I’m that kind of girl~”
With a wry grin on those oh-so-familiar lips, Felicia Hardy slips down the wall, descending into a crouch, she spreads her legs apart, while at the same time reaching for his pants as soon as she’s eye level with his crotch. Maybe Peter should stop her… no, in fact, he knows he should stop her. But he can’t bring himself to do it. He can’t help but want to see what she does next.
Well, what she does next is pull his cock out, of course. Dragging his member from its confines, Felicia lights up and licks her lips as she looks at him with those big blue eyes.
“Thick and meaty, just how I like it~”
The innuendo isn’t so much of an innuendo when it’s directed directly at his cock. Peter’s about to say something to that effect, some quick and witty quip in response to her, when Felicia preempts him by leaning forward and swallowing his cock right then and there. Immediately, Peter’s eyes very nearly bulge out of his head as she swirls her tongue around his cock like she’s done so before.
Here's the thing… she has. It hits him then, embarrassingly enough, right at the start of the blowjob. All of the clues, everything suddenly lines up, and all it took was Felicia putting her mouth on his cock. That’s… more than a little shameful, Peter thinks. But at the very least, he knows why she’s wearing a wig now.
Slowly, Peter reaches out and puts a hand atop Felicia’s head, sliding his fingers through her brunette locks. She reacts immediately, batting his hand away and giving him a warning look even as she bobs up and down on his cock. The ‘no touching’ rule is incredibly clear, while confirming what Peter had already noticed. Felicia Hardy is wearing a wig.
But then, that’s because she’s the infamous cat burglar, Black Cat. Swallowing thickly as Felicia does her best to swallow his cock just as Black Cat did the other night on the rooftop, Peter continues to internally beat himself up for not realizing it earlier. It should not have taken a fucking blowjob for him to realize who Felicia was.
Though, he supposed that this did explain why Friday was so reluctant to expose Black Cat’s secret crush to him, along with all of her other personal information. Given the AI’s reach, there was no doubt in Peter’s mind that Fri knew already who Felicia Hardy was enamored with. That her secret crush was the same man she’d already fucked on a rooftop, in her alter ego.
He keeps looking for some recognition in those blue eyes, but it seems that Felicia isn’t nearly as lewd as he is, because she doesn’t seem to suddenly know he’s Spider-Man just from sucking his dick, like he knows she’s Black Cat. Which leaves Peter at something of an impasse, doesn’t it? Should he tell her who he is? Just because he’s figured out her secret, does she have any right to his? After all, it’s not like she’s shown any intention of letting him as Peter Parker know that she’s Black Cat.
But at the same time, maybe if she realized he was Spider-Man, she would say something, would confess to him. And regardless of what SHE would do, what it really came down to, was what Peter should do. Tell her? Don’t tell her? Have sex with her? Stop this in its tracks before it could go any further?
Fuck, just earlier he’d been thinking about how much harder navigating high school was compared to navigating crimefighting. But now the two things were mixing together, and Peter could confirm, one hundred percent, that both at the same time was way worse.

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Where stories live. Discover now