The Party Pt. 2

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Coming to a decision in the split second he has before the silence between him, and Carol can grow too awkward, Peter reaches back and catches his hand on Susan’s body, grabbing some part of her and tugging to show that he’d rather she stay. Meanwhile, to disguise the odd movement, Peter nods in Carol’s direction, giving her a bland smile.
“Captain Marvel, it’s a pleasure. Though I’m not entirely sure why you wanted to find me alone…”
Carol’s blush intensifies, and the incredibly powerful superheroine takes a step forward before seeming to hesitate. She squirms in place for a moment, biting her lower lip as she considers her next words carefully. Meanwhile, Sue is not idle. Just as she’d promised, she quickly works to ‘enhance’ matters, running her invisible hands up and down his chest and kissing his neck quietly.
As far as Peter can tell, Carol is none the wiser, even as she collects herself and lets out a slow breath.
“Please… call me Carol. Or… or anything else you m-might prefer.”
Peter raises an eyebrow questioningly at that. While he’d been thinking of her as Carol in his head, he wondered why she seemed so adverse to him calling her by her title. Was there something about ‘Captain Marvel’ that she didn’t like?
“Sure, Carol. What did you need from me?”
The incandescent blush on the blonde superheroine’s face makes it clear that what she needs from him is unquestionably inappropriate. She’s still struggling with her words, and when she finally answers, Peter is left with more questions than before.
“I need… I want… w-would you tell me off again?”
Tell her off? What the fuck is she talking about? Baffled, Peter frowns, even as Sue goes still in touching him. The Invisible Woman is apparently just as confused by Carol’s words as he is.
“Excuse me?”
Averting her gaze, acting more like an embarrassed teenager than the full grown woman she is, Carol whimpers.
“I… during the fight against Thanos… during the battle, I did what I always do. I tried to take control of the situation. Flew down right in front of you, told you that you had something for me. By all rights, you should have handed over the glove, should have left it in my more capable hands… but you told me off. You denied me. And then… and then you wore it yourself.”
That wasn’t… quite how Peter remembered it. It had all been such a mess. The heat of the moment. Yes, Carol had offered to take the glove, but Peter, seeing the state of things around them, seeing how Thanos was seemingly always one step away… he’d realized then and there that someone had to make the sacrifice. That one of them was going to have to submit to the will of the Infinity Stones and do what needed to be done.
In comparison to that thought, denying Carol in that moment, or ‘telling her off’ as she referred to it… it was barely an afterthought. Peter hadn’t really paid the blonde superheroine much attention at all as he’d donned the gauntlet Toni had made and snapped his fingers. Not really thinking about it too hard now in the present, Peter proceeds to say as much to Carol.
“Honestly, you weren’t even really a factor. I did what I had to do… what any hero in my position would do.”
If anything, Carol’s blush intensifies further at his words. She looks… she looks immensely turned on, her eyes filled with lust and arousal as she bites her lower lip and squirms in place some more right in front of him. It finally clicks and Peter blinks as he has an epiphany.
“… Are you getting turned on by my minimalization of your roll in the battle, Carol?”
A full body shudder rushes through her as he bluntly lays out his theory, which is good because her reaction likely goes a long way to covering up the audible gasp of surprise Susan makes right into his ear. Averting her gaze again, Carol jerkily nods, before finally giving a halfway decent explanation for what the fuck is happening.
“For the longest time, I was the maverick. I was reckless and anti-authoritarian and didn’t take shit from anyone. But that was decades ago. I defeated my oppressors, I put them in the dirt, and I promised that no one would ever shackle me again.”
Looking off to the side in remembrance, Carol nibbles at her lower lip again. Sue, meanwhile, has returned to licking at his neck, making it very hard for Peter not to grow aroused at the whole situation. Or rather, keeping him aroused, given he had never gotten a chance to cum from Sue’s tongue and mouth on his cock before Carol showed up.
“I became… I became a sort of one-woman Galactic Police. I ran around making a name for myself as… as Captain Marvel. And with my powers, there was no one who could stop me, no one to tell me no. Until… until you.”
Taking a sudden step forward, Carol makes eye contact with Peter again, even as he begins to get an idea of the blonde’s needs.
“I had no idea how much I needed that until you told me off. Fuck, Peter, I nearly came right there on the fucking battlefield, watching you lay your life down on the line and destroy Thanos and his goons. I HAVE cum what feels like every night since, replaying that moment in my mind…”
Wow. Talk about a lot. Captain Marvel, or rather Carol Danvers… got off on being sidelined? Simply because she’d been the frontline of defense for longer than Peter had been alive?
Setting his jaw, trying to ignore Sue Storm’s continued attempts to toy with him from her place invisible at his back, Peter stares Carol down.
“What do you want from me, Carol? Why are you here?”
Looking exceptionally needy, Carol takes another step forward and then reaches out, taking one of his hands in her own all of the sudden. A shiver runs through her body, a tremble as even Peter feels it. Something… something is resonating between them, oddly enough. He can’t quite put his finger on what it is, but at a guess… his use of the Stones and Carol’s cosmic powers are somehow aligned.
Looking down at where they’re holding hands now, Carol’s wide eyes make it clear even she wasn’t expecting the surge between them. Faintly, she elaborates a bit, explaining things more from her perspective.
“My powers… My powers came from the Tesseract, you know. The Space Stone. Look at how powerful I am with just one Stone infusing me… meanwhile, you have all six…”
Peter can’t help but correct her, causing Carol to glance sharply at his face for a moment, before smiling ruefully.
“Had. Either way… you’re more of a hero than I’ll ever be, Peter. More of a hero than any of us. As for what I personally want from you… I think you already know…”
She trails off, leaving it unsaid, but her eyes do the talking, the asking if you will. It is indeed obvious what Carol wants… Peter just hesitates for a moment before nodding and giving it to her. With her body blocking the view from the rest of the party on the top floor of Avenger’s Tower, Peter can reach up and casually grab one of Carol’s tits.
She tenses before relaxing as he nonchalantly kneads her breast flesh, treating her… well, treating her like his own personal toy.
“Is this what you want? For someone to belittle you? For someone to insult and degrade you, you filthy whore.”
Shaking her head, softly mewling and moaning, Carol protests quickly, her eyes stormy and filled with desire.
“N-Not just anyone, Peter. There are a million bad guys out there who would love to get their hands on me and do whatever they wanted with me. I wouldn’t let them. I’d fight every step of the way. But if its you… if it’s the Savior of the Universe…”
Once again, she trails off. Peter nods as if he understands… and then scoffs derisively, his fingers finding her nipple through her top and brutally pinching and pulling it out, causing Carol to gasp as he leverages his enhanced strength on her.
“Sounds like an excuse to me. Sounds like you want to be treated like trash by a real man and you’ve latched onto me. Is that about right… bitch?”
Carol’s eyes flutter, like they’re threatening to roll up in her head. Admittedly, Peter is flying by the seat of his pants right now, though he’s doing his fucking best not to show it. Seriously, as much as he’s aimed to be more assertive and in control since his resolution to stop second guessing his every action and reaction, this is still rather new. A woman, an incredibly powerful one at that, who outright WANTS him to treat her like shit.
“Y-Ye-… Yes s-sir~”
The throaty tenor in Carol’s wavering voice makes it clear she’s about ready to tip over the edge. But before she can climax from his words and the rough breast play alone, Susan Storm suddenly appears beside him, leaning against his side and stroking his cock as she makes her presence known to the other blonde superheroine.
“Wow, Captain Marvel wants Spider-Man to treat her like trash and fuck her silly. Some sensational shit right there.”
Carol’s eyes go wide and she nearly reacts with violence, but Peter’s hold on her breast and his lack of a reaction catch up to her and she looks between them, before glaring daggers at Sue.
“Invisible Woman… I don’t think your presence is necessary here…”
Smirking easily, Sue laughs.
“I was here first, bitch. You interrupted me and Peter getting… acquainted. I so graciously let you have your little moment, but I don’t see any reason why I should continue to yield my time with him to you.”
Carol looks over at him hopefully, clearly wanting him to step in. Obviously, Sue is waiting for the first time, given the way she’s gently caressing his cock, rubbing her thumb along the tip and all but coaxing him over to her side. To be fair, Peter has already made THAT decision.
“Sue stays, Carol. And so does Carol, Sue. As for what this is… we should move off of the balcony and back inside and find a room, I should think.”
He lets go of Carol’s breast as he speaks, and with a nod, Sue tucks his cock back into its pants again. Carol doesn’t look happy… but paradoxically, she also seems more turned on than ever before, blushing crimson and rubbing her thighs together as Peter leads both beautiful blondes back inside in order to find some privacy.
Luckily, despite him being the entire purpose of the party, there’s not too much in the way of interruption as he, Sue, and Carol make their way through. It’s almost as if no one is paying him any mind… which to be fair, is exactly what Peter wants right now. He would brook very few interruptions at the moment… only someone like Toni could possibly interrupt him here.
Amusingly enough, Toni seems to be the only one who actually notices him and the two blondes making their way through the crowded penthouse floor. Her eyes alight upon his and his mentor and… lover adopts a wicked grin and a proud nod, even as Peter flushes a little bit before smiling and nodding right back to her.
He knows she set this up, after all. Though, how much she knew about both Carol and Sue’s needs and desires ahead of time, that was more up in the air. Either way, Peter and the two lovely blondes disappear into the bedroom, the door closed and locked behind them. Thankfully, it’s not already occupied.
The instant they’re in private, Sue pulls away from him and turns around, only to drop to her knees and take his cock back out. This time, fully visible, the beautiful blonde superheroine looks right up into Peter’s face as he takes her dick in her mouth and down her gullet, bobbing up and down at an almost frantic pace while making her intentions to finish what she started as clear as day.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Carol whines, clearly disappointed at being sidelined so quickly, and not even by the man she wanted to sideline her. But Peter just gives her a look that seems to assuage her worries, and the other blonde slowly begins stripping naked without him even having to say anything, blushing as she exposes herself to his eyes, her nipples both rock hard while one of her tits is clearly more freshly abused and toyed with then the other.

Reaching out, Peter grabs Carol’s other breast and yanks the mostly naked woman in closer. There’s a certain headiness associated with causing such a cosmically powerful superheroine to moan like a blushing maiden and quiver at the knees as he mauls her tit and Sue sucks his cock.
Gathering Susan Storm’s blonde locks up into a makeshift ponytail just feels right so Peter does so, pushing her up and down his dick with increasingly rough intensity, causing her choking to escalate as he thrusts his cock down her gullet.
Still, far from being distressed, Susan almost seems obsessed with impressing him, her competitive nature presumably drawn out by Carol’s confession and presence. As Peter pulls Carol in by her pinched nipple and dominates her mouth with a kiss, Sue Storm is reaching behind him and grabbing him by his ass just to drive herself down his length all the harder, gurgling as she buries her nose in his crotch time and time again, his ball sack slapping against her messy chin.
Until finally, the combination of both lovely ladies being so… eager to please, drives Peter right over the edge. With his mouth occupied with dominating Carol’s, he unfortunately doesn’t warn Sue before beginning to cum, causing her to rock back from the force of his load as it explodes down her throat and then, all over her face when she comes off of his cock with a pop.
Covering her in his seed might not have been his intention, but Peter certainly admires the view when he finally disengages from his lip lock with Carol, pulling his tongue out of her mouth much to her disappointed mewling and looking down at the mess he’s made of Sue in the process. Licking her lips and going invisible for a moment, Sue grins up at him all the same, and thanks to the white hot cum all over her face, Peter can see it. As the Invisible Woman scoops a dollop of seed up with an invisible finger and slides it into her invisible mouth, she cocks her head to the side.
“So then… how are we planning on doing this? Am I just watching? Is she just watching? Are we fucking her together? Is she relegated to being our fluffer? What’s the plan, Peter?”
Good question… and unfortunately, all amazing options too. Peter could make Carol watch as he fucked Sue, and it’d probably be in line with her fetishes. Or he could relegate her to something like sucking his balls as he fucked Sue, and THAT would be in line with her fetishes as well. On the other hand, Sue had already gotten a load out of him, so maybe it was Carol’s turn? But then, did he include Sue or not include Sue in that?
Hm, decisions, decisions…

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Where stories live. Discover now