Toni & Pepper

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“Are you sure you can’t tell me what’s going on, Fri?”
“Sorry Peter. You’ll have to wait and see what the Creator has to say.”
Groaning, Peter leans forward and rests his head against the cool interior of the elevator as it proceeds to take him higher and higher up Stark Tower. To be fair, he was already pretty sure that he knew what it was that Toni wanted. After all, what other reason would his Mentor have to call him to the Tower for a meeting the day after he’d talked down a dangerously unstable Wanda Maximoff in one of the subterranean levels… by fucking her right next to her android lover’s remains.
In hindsight, he kind of felt like that had been in poor taste. But Wanda was the one who’d initiated things, and while the RIGHT thing to do might have been to reject her and let her down as gently as humanly possible, the extenuating circumstances of the situation made that a Bad Idea in Peter’s professional estimation.
You didn’t reject a Reality Warper at the height of their instability. Going along with her until she tired herself out… Peter still thought it was probably the best thing to do. If he could go back and do it all again, he probably would have tried to relocate them to an actual bedroom at least though. Of course, how that would have worked out, he couldn’t say.
Regardless, Toni had Fri send him a message saying they needed to talk as soon as school was done, and Peter was pretty sure he knew exactly why that was. All the same, he’d hurried over anyways on the double. Some might call him a teacher’s pet for not even slightly dawdling in the face of what might very well be a dressing down on the same level as the one he got during that mess with the Vulture… but Peter was no coward. He’d take his lumps and maybe he’d learn something from it as well, in the end.
“… Can you at least give me a hint to Toni’s disposition, Fri?”
There’s an audible beat of silence, a moment of clear hesitation that makes Peter blink up at the ceiling, before the female AI finally speaks.
“She is not… unhappy with you, if that is what you fear Peter. The Creator holds no negative emotions towards you at current.”
… Oh, that was good to hear. Peter’s shoulders slump a little as he lets out a relieved sigh.
“That’s… good, I guess.”
Friday doesn’t respond, at least not with words. Instead, the door to the top floor of Stark Tower opens up and Peter steps out into the wide open living quarters. Glancing back at the open elevator he offers a smile to the camera.
“Thanks for the lift, Fri.”
“Anytime, Peter…”
And then the doors close, and while Peter knows that Friday is no doubt still watching, it still FEELS as if she’s left him there all alone. Because… he is all alone. Brow furrowing in mild confusion, Peter looks around the floor for a moment, wondering where his Mentor is. But Toni Stark is nowhere to be seen. To be fair… she’s a busy person.
Also, after a moment of listening, his enhanced hearing picks up noises from the bathroom and Peter blinks as he realizes that someone is taking a shower. Blushing, he pulls away from that area, moving over to the bar and sitting down as he tries not to listen in. Was he too early, or something? Was Toni taking a shower and he’d interrupted? But then, surely Friday would have had him wait downstairs until Toni was presentable.
All of this ran through Peter’s head as he did his level best not to listen to his Mentor soaping up her rejuvenated, youthful model-like body. Of course, by making an utmost effort not to listen in, he ended up with quite the surprise when the bathroom door suddenly opened, and someone walked out.
Peter catches only a glimpse before he hastily turns away, but a glimpse with his enhanced eyesight is more than enough to burn what he’s just seen into his mind against his will. Not Toni, like he thought… but Toni’s wife, Pepper Potts.
Despite his mentor and her wife both being old enough to be his mothers, there was no denying that physically, neither of them looked it. Instead, they had the visages of hot coeds these days, gorgeous young women at the age to be his older sisters, maybe. As such, Pepper was a beautiful, leggy red head with freckles from her face down to her chest.
Peter knew this because in the glimpse he’d gotten of her as she’d stepped out of the bathroom, he’d clocked that she was completely naked, her red hair the only thing hidden about her as it was currently done up n a towel. The rest of her glistening, nubile form was uncovered and bare as she padded her way out of the bathroom on bare feet.
A yelp sounds out a moment after Peter averts his gaze, staring very intently at the line of liquor bottles behind the bar in front of him.
“Peter! You’re early!”
Blushing to high heavens (because really, while his life had recently taken a turn for the weird and become every teenage boy’s sexual fantasy, it was still a bit too far for him to be ogling his personal idol’s gorgeous wife’s youthful bod.) Peter hunches in on himself a little.
“S-Sorry, um, Mrs. Potts. Mrs. Stark had Fri tell me that she wanted me to meet with her as soon as school ended, I guess I showed up a little early…”
Pepper makes a confused noise in the back of her throat, and when she next speaks, she does so with a chagrined tone.
“No… no, you’re right on time Peter. It’s Toni and I who got distracted and caught up and lost track of time. And it’s Friday who didn’t bother informing us of your arrival.”
As if waiting for the reproachful tone from Pepper, Friday’s voice pipes up then.
“I didn’t wish to interrupt you and the Creator, ma’am…”
Peter wonders at the byplay, and at the smug tone in the Artificial Intelligence’s voice even as he desperately tries to ignore the ever so faint sound of water droplets slowly but surely making their way over the smooth skin and curves of Pepper’s naked body. Damn it all, curse his enhanced hearing! He does his best to take his mind off of it by reading the labels on the bottles in front of him, but it’s still not really enough.
“Of course… Peter, please relax. You don’t have to… avert your gaze.”
Taking that to mean Pepper has put on a towel at this point or something else to cover herself up, Peter makes the mistake of turning to look at her… and gets another eyeful of her gorgeous, naked body, completely on display as she stands there with her hands on her hips. Quickly, he averts his gaze again.
“B-But you’re naked, M-Mrs. Potts!”
A throaty chuckle leaves Pepper’s lips, and from the way he hears her head move, he thinks she shakes it.
“Mm. I suppose I am. Very well, Peter. You stay right there, alright? Toni and I will be with you in a moment.”
Gulping nervously, especially at the ‘Toni and I’ part, Peter stalwartly keeps his eyes on the wall in front of him, sitting at the bar even as his enhanced hearing picks up far too much of Pepper’s movement. She goes to the bedroom area of the living quarters for a moment and from the sound of things, picks up a box. Then, she heads back into the bathroom, kicking the door closed behind her.
He doesn’t pick up any talking from within the bathroom, but then to be fair, Pepper and Toni don’t need to talk out loud. They can communicate solely through technopathy given their mutual exposure to Extremis, and effectively talk to one another telepathically. As cool as that is, Peter is still incredibly embarrassed… and a little guilty for also being slightly turned on.
He’s a young man, so really, it’s not his fault that Pepper flashing him had made him rock hard already, right? As he does his level best to will his erection down, to make his hard-on go away, Peter worries at his lower lip, unsure what’s going on or what to do next.
Finally, the bathroom door opens up and he hears two sets of… high heels sauntering out. Why are Mrs. Stark and Mrs. Potts in high heels? Having learned his lesson, Peter keeps his eyes facing forward… tensing up all the while as said high heels get closer and closer. Finally, a hand lands on his shoulder.
“Peter… it’s alright to look, you know. We don’t bite.”
Slowly, Peter turns around. His first thought is along the lines of ‘well at least they’re not naked’. His second thought, as his brain all but short-circuits, is more like ‘blublablahab…’. There stand Toni Stark and Pepper Potts. The two Extremis-survivors aren’t NAKED per say, but they might as well be. Clad in only high heels with their freshly dried hair cascading over bared shoulders, the two are wearing matching massive bows.
Like the kind of bows someone would find on a Christmas or birthday present, but instead these are life-size bows that are securely wrapped around Toni and Pepper’s bodies, designed to offer tantalizing glimpses of their assets while also hiding their breasts and their crotches from view. Both are standing before him like this, offering him smiles as Toni spreads her arms wide.
“Happy Birthday, Peter!”
Blinking rapidly, not sure where to put his eyes at this point, torn between looking away and just staring, and ultimately defaulting to staring, Peter answers as intelligently and intellectually as any brilliant yet also red-blooded straight young man in his position would.
“… Huh?”
Pepper pipes up from where she’s standing next to Toni, her hands once more on her hips.
“Technically, we were supposed to wait for your birthday. But the woman I married has gotten… impatient. She wanted to give you all of this earlier.”
“Hey, you agreed in the end, didn’t you?!”
Pepper blushes at that, something that brings out her freckles as she smacks Toni’s shoulder slightly.
Birthday… birthday?! Yes, his birthday was in a couple more weeks, and yes he was somewhat aware that Toni was planning a party since he’d rejected the idea of a party celebrating his defeat of Thanos. But this… this was completely out of left field… wasn’t it?
Peter can’t help it. His mind goes back to that day just a couple of weeks ago, when he’d met with Toni in this very room, almost on this very spot. How she’d poured them both a drink, how he’d felt almost like her equal, like she was trying to boost him up or something. There had been a moment, a moment where he was SURE she was about to kiss him… but then nothing had happened. Obviously, Peter had chalked it up to it just being his massive crush on his mentor.
A crush that he still definitely had, regardless of just how much sex he’d been having since that day. Toni Stark was supposed to be untouchable though. She was supposed to be the unreachable goal. Like… like a celebrity crush or something. Except even if he didn’t like to acknowledge it, Peter was something of a celebrity in his own right as a superhero. And… most people didn’t spend multiple days a week interning for their celebrity crush and getting her personal attention a lot of that time as well.
Mouth undeniably dry, looking between the two beautiful women in their high heels and comically over-sized holiday bows, Peter doesn’t know what to do or say.
“We might have broken him, Toni. You know, if Friday had bothered to tell us he was already here, we would have been able to break this to him a bit more gently.”
Toni pouts and wags a hand.
“Fri is just in her rebellious teenage stage. It’ll pass. And Peter is fine, right Peter?”
All smiles all of the sudden, the beautiful raven-haired genius leans forward, and Peter’s eyes slide down to her cleavage, drawn there by some inexorable force.
“Do you like what you see, Peter? Don’t you want to… unwrap your presents?”
Oh fuck, he loved what he saw. He DID want to unwrap his presents. But surely this couldn’t be real, right? And if it was… surely something was off? Peter wasn’t meant to be some chick magnet that drew in women of all ages like this. First Friday, then Black Cat, then Gwen and then Black Cat again and then Wanda Maximoff and now Toni and Pepper? Surely… surely something was wrong here, r-right? And he should say something… should get the brightest mind on Planet Earth on the case so they could fix this.
But what if that was just his insecurity talking? What if… what if he WAS a chick magnet? What if he DID deserve this? Licking his lips, eyes darting between Pepper and Toni, Peter feels both like a trapped prey animal… and a dog, salivating over the juicy pair of bones he’s been presented with. He wants them, or rather, he had been crushing on Toni and now both she and her wife are offering themselves to him pretty unequivocally and Peter… Peter could just accept. He could embrace this.
What even was his life? What had his life become? One way or another, Peter knew he had to make a choice. And this choice… this choice would be the most important of them all. Accept and embrace the strangeness… or reject it and try to make things go back to the way they were before. He’d saved the world, sure… but surely that didn’t mean he should have every woman he met trying to jump his bones… right?

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Where stories live. Discover now