Gwen Stacy

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“Hey, uh, I think I’m gonna go… sit with that new girl, Gwen. To make sure she has some company, you know?”
Peter is already halfway out of his seat as he says this, both Ned and MJ looking up at him, and then over at the aforementioned blonde in question. Ned gives Peter a goofy grin and a thumbs up, while Michelle just rolls her eyes in a knowing manner.
“Go get her, Peter!”
Grinning a little at the expected responses from both of his friends, Peter grabs his lunch tray and makes his way over to where Gwen is currently sat, alone. She really doesn’t deserve to eat alone just because she’s the Police Commissioner’s daughter. And sure, maybe Peter has more reasons than most not to want to get close to law enforcement or law enforcement-adjacent individuals, but when she notices his approach and her lips split open in a beaming smile, he knows he’s made the right choice.
“Hey, I’m Peter. Mind if I sit down?”
“Not at all, Peter. Go ahead, the table’s open.”
She’s still smiling as he sits, and Peter smiles too, undeniably nervous… but also feeling like he made the right choice. It’s like something is thrumming inside of him, telling him he’s on the right path. Of course, that thrumming doesn’t exactly give him a play by play on what he’s supposed to do next, unfortunately. If only it could help him with the small talk too, he’d be set.
“Sooo… Gwen, right? Gwen Stacy?”
Giggling, Gwen bobs her head up and down, eyes twinkling.
“Yep. And you’re Peter. Peter Parker.”
Huh, how did she know his last name? Something of his sudden confusion must show on his face, because her smile is wiped off of hers, and she immediately back tracks.
“I uh, I heard someone talking about you. You… seem pretty cool.”
She blushes at that and tucks her hair back behind her ear again. It’s not even really out of place, but obviously it’s a nervous tick of hers. Chuckling nervously himself, Peter focuses on his food for a few moments, trying to collect his thoughts. What the hell was he supposed to say next? Shit, he really was blowing this, wasn’t he?
“So, you-!”
“I was wondering-!”
They both clam up as they inadvertently try to talk at the same time. Peter feels himself getting hot behind the ears. Seriously, why was this so hard?! Where was the confidence he’d had with Friday and Karen? Where was the confidence he’d had with Black Cat?! Of course, Peter knew the answer to that question. It was back in Stark Tower. Or more accurately, back in the Iron Spider costume. Here, he was at school at plain ole Peter Parker, and it felt like everything was a little bit harder.
“Sorry, you go ahead.”
“N-No no, it wasn’t important. You go.”
Peter gives Gwen his most encouraging smile as he defers to her, because really, he was just going to mention the weather or something. If she had a more promising topic of conversation, Peter definitely wanted to hear it. Gwen smiles briefly and then looks down at her food for a moment before talking.
“I was just going to say… the world sure has become a crazy place in the last decade, hasn’t it? We’re really growing up in the wildest age. What happened in Twenty-Twelve was one thing, we were barely old enough to understand what was going on. But then this Thanos guy comes around… I just wonder if we can expect the rest of our lives to be like this, you know?”
Well shit, maybe the weather would have been a better topic. Not only was this… unexpectedly heavy, Peter had to tiptoe through a proverbial mine field to make sure he didn’t say anything that gave himself away.
“… Yeah.”
Shit, he could have at least said more than that! But thankfully, Gwen doesn’t seem to mind. She gives him another small smile and then leans forward, suddenly looking interested.
“Who’s your favorite superhero?”
Peter blinks at that question, but really, is it even a question at the end of the day?
“I mean, it has to be Iron Angel, right? And I’m not just saying that because I intern for Toni Stark and I’m contractually obligated to or anything!”
He lets out a self-deprecating laugh at that last bit. His status as a Stark Industries Intern was public record AND public knowledge, for all that it wasn’t widespread knowledge around school or anything. So, it was totally fine to slip that in a little as something he COULD brag about, since he couldn’t mention Spider Man, right?
Judging from the wide-eyed look Gwen gives him, he’s hit the nail on the head. The beautiful blonde has completely forgotten her food at this point as she stares at him, jaw dropped open.
“W-Wait… you work for THE Toni Stark? Like, in her Tower and stuff?”
Grinning sheepishly, feeling suddenly embarrassed despite that he’d been the one to bring it up as a brag in the first place, Peter nods as he ducks his head.
“Yeah… though really, I’m just an intern. I don’t work for her full-time or anything. But I hope to one day, ya know?”
“Still, that’s crazy! You’re a big deal, Peter Parker!”
Feeling a hot flush on the back of his neck, Peter just laughs.
“Oh c’mon, that’s just-!”
“Spider-Man, by the way.”
She says it so nonchalantly, for a moment Peter actually thinks she’s outing him right there in the middle of the cafeteria. But when he just stares at her, gobsmacked, she takes a fry from his plate and eats it as she explains.
“My favorite superhero, I mean. Since you didn’t ask me back, thought I’d answer anyways. Spider-Man is my favorite, of all of them.”
For just a split second, if Peter didn’t know better, he’d say there was this knowing glint in Gwen Stacy’s eye, like she knew exactly what she was doing to him. But that was crazy, and frankly paranoid. Gwen wasn’t… she didn’t… though, finding out that a pretty girl you were already crushing on thought your alter-ego was hot was certainly an ego boost. Especially after Black Cat had turned out to have some sort of hidden paramour just the other night.
“O-Oh yeah? You like him? What uh… what exactly do you like about him? I m-mean, he can’t really hold a candle to Iron Angel, now can he? He’s… he’s really just her sidekick.”
Humming thoughtfully, Gwen just smiles.
“I don’t know, that’s not the impression I got from that final fight versus Thanos. Now, there’s not that much footage of the battle, so we don’t know the complete story of course… but I’ve gotta say, what little we do see of Spider-Man during that is pretty damn impressive. I’d say he’s less Mrs. Stark’s sidekick and more her protégé, you know?”
A warm feeling suffuses Peter’s chest at those words. Toni kept saying that too, and deep down, Peter wanted to believe it. It was just hard. He was still so young, and he knew he had a lot to learn at this point. Saving the whole damn Universe aside, he wasn’t ready to be compared to the likes of Toni or any of the other older heroes quite yet. He knew he didn’t measure up. But someday… someday he would.
Suddenly, Gwen’s hand is on top of his. Blinking down at it, Peter looks up to see Gwen grinning at him, her blue eyes twinkling.
“Hey, you wanna go somewhere else a bit more private? This place is way too crowded for my tastes.”
Feeling a little swept along, but also kind of liking it, Peter nods jerkily.
Beaming, Gwen stands up, leaving her food behind without a care. Peter hurriedly follows after her, though he can’t help but clean up after them both real quick. Depositing the two Styrofoam trays into the nearest trashcan is the work of five seconds, and then he’s chasing Gwen out of the cafeteria. This does put him directly behind her instead of walking beside her though, and that gives Peter an amazing back profile of the gorgeous young blonde as she unthinkingly raises her arms over her head, doing a full body stretch that takes Peter’s breath away.
Holy SHIT she’s fit. Just from what his enhanced eyesight picks up in those few seconds he’s catching up to her, Peter can see Gwen’s athleticism staring him right in the face. At the same time, she’s undeniably a girl, and while she’s wearing tights underneath her short plaid skirt, her cute little behind is well-defined, that’s for sure.
Of course, then he realizes he’s staring and hurries to catch up to her side, not wanting to be caught perving (again). Gwen gives him a smile as he joins her, one that Peter returns, and the two head down the hall, away from the jampacked cafeteria, away from the students who have spilled out into the adjacent areas.
Gwen leads the way, despite it being her first time here, and Peter follows. The blonde checks the windows on a few classroom doors, before finally seeming to find one that she likes, pushing in and beckoning him after her. When she locks and shuts the blinds behind them, Peter does wonder briefly if he’s being led into a trap… but his danger sense would be triggering if that were the case, ri-mmph!
Peter’s eyes go wide, as Gwen positively glomps him, showing that she’s not just athletic, she’s STRONG. The blonde collides with him and pushes him up against the wall, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him like there’s no tomorrow. His prior experience has somewhat prepared him for this, and Peter’s hands naturally gravitate to Gwen’s hips as he kisses her back… but it’s still all a bit much and out of left field, isn’t it?
Still, they makeout for a little while, and Peter can’t bring himself to be the one to end the kiss. Only once they come apart for air does Peter speak up, blinking rapidly and staring in bewilderment at this gorgeous pretty blonde she just met.
Looking back at him, her blue eyes somewhat clouded with lust, Gwen licks her lips.
“Hi, Peter.”
Her voice is husky, filled with desire and arousal. But then, she’s practically grinding herself against his front at this point. What the hell was going on here? He didn’t…
“Gwen, you don’t have to… I don’t want you to feel like you need to make me like you.”
They hadn’t even said they were friends yet, to be fair. Did Gwen really think she needed to prove she was a wild child, just to be accepted at this school? Was this the Police Commissioner’s daughter over-extending just to fit in?
The amorous intent clouding over Gwen’s gaze clears up a bit as she blinks right back at him, looking just as confused. Then, she lets out a little laugh and takes a step back, away from him. For a moment, Peter thinks that it was all just a misunderstanding, that he’s cleared things up before it could go too far (even though Gwen was a REALLY good kisser) but then she’s smiling coyly and toying with the hem of her skirt.
“You don’t have to worry about me, Peter. This isn’t about making you like me. I know how much you like me.”
She lifts her skirt at this point, revealing that beneath the tights she’s wearing under her skirt, she’s DEFINITELY not wearing panties. Peter’s mouth goes dry as his eyes dart down and affix upon what she’s just revealed to him. It’s not just her pussy that keeps his attention though, it’s every bit of her. The tights she’s wearing do less to conceal her juicy thicc thighs and gorgeous long runner’s legs and more to accentuate them.
In response to his staring, Gwen just grins and takes a step closer again, until they’re very nearly chest to chest and her tight-covered wet slit is pressing against the bulge in the front of his pants.
“I think we both know what you want, Peter. It’s what I want too. So why not just… let it happen?”
She’s breathless and needy and altogether THERE, and Peter… Peter isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do. Because he knows he’s allowed. He knows he can have sex with Gwen and none of the other women in his life will raise a fuss about it. Of course, most of those women are entirely digital… but still.
On top of that though, there’s just something about this whole situation that feels off to him. His spidey sense isn’t tingling, but it’s like… it’s like Gwen knows more than he does. Which, given he’s Spider-Man, is a little worrying.
If he confronts her about it though, chances are he’ll either drive her away, or they’ll have a talk that will last the rest of the lunch period. No sex, in that case. Or, he could go for the quickie that Gwen is offering, and leave the talk for later. Or, he could say no to it all and walk out of here right now, but that last one felt downright unlikely at this point.
Still, those were his options. And one way or another, Peter had to make a decision.

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Where stories live. Discover now