The Party Pt. 1

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After a beat, Toni laughs at her own moment of self-doubt, shaking her head. Of course she’d try for all of them! She was Toni Fucking Stark, if she didn’t try to get Peter a Fivesome, would she even be worthy of the name any longer? Eyes glittering with excitement and renewed purpose, Toni goes back over her four choices again.
She wasn’t going to be stupid about this, obviously. While a fivesome with the Birthday Boy and the four lovely ladies she’d picked out was the original goal, Toni was a genius. Certainly, she was smart enough to know that such a thing had to be worked up to. She’d have to do some research, put out some feelers, and get more information on her subjects… but at the end of the day, Toni knew what she wanted to make happen here.
Still, while she COULD do it all alone… there was no reason that she couldn’t requisition some help as well. Smirking, Toni speaks up in a sing-song voice while also reaching out with her technopathy.
Only a moment later and the curious tone of her daughter fills the room as Friday brushes against Toni’s consciousness electronically as well.
“Yes, Toni?”
Eyes twinkling with merry mischief, Toni licks her lips.
“Wanna help me with something concerning Peter? I assure you… it’s all good things.”
There’s the barest fraction of a pause before Friday replies, her curiosity only having grown.
“What do you have in mind?”
Letting out a bark of laughter, Toni doesn’t respond with words. Instead, she opens herself up to Friday, showing her darling AI daughter what exactly she has in mind for Peter’s birthday… literally, as it were. Processing Toni’s intentions and barebones plans with the rapid-fire speed of an AI, Friday’s excitement is palpable over their electronic connection, even as Toni feels the darling enamored AI immediately go to work finding the information that her Creator needs in order to make Peter Parker’s birthday… one to remember.
When Peter had put his foot down and told Toni in no uncertain terms that he didn’t want a party celebrating his defeat of Thanos, he’d thought he had managed to dodge a bullet. Only now was he realizing that he’d only prolonged things and put off his suffering for another day.
… Alright, so maybe he was being a little melodramatic by calling this ‘suffering’. Still, when he’d allowed Toni to plan a birthday party for him, Peter had thought she’d know to keep it small and tight knit… not invite half the planet to the damn thing. And yet, here they were. Peter Parker’s Birthday Party was literally the biggest event of the year, with people currently occupying every single floor of Stark Tower and about half a dozen blocks all around the building.
Now to be fair, there was one saving grace… the vast majority of the ‘guests’ and party goers didn’t actually know the party was for him. That it was a Birthday Party was only known to about one percent of the people at the massive event. Of course, considering Peter could look out the window and see what felt like half of the population of New York in the streets down below, one percent was still an awful fucking lot of people.
Toni had gotten around him by being so very tricky. Most of the party goers and celebratory revelers all thought they were celebrating one thing, while only the elite of the elite, the handpicked guests, knew they were celebrating something else. Namely, the vast majority of people thought they WERE celebrating the defeat of Thanos and the salvation of the entire fucking universe.
They just didn’t know that Peter was the one who had delivered the finishing blow. Which… was good. That was very good, and Peter was very happy that the entire world wasn’t treating him like some savior or hero or whatever. Sure, he wanted to be a hero, he was happy as Spider-Man and happy saving the people of New York… but he also considered it a responsibility and didn’t want anyone putting him up on a pedestal. He was only human at the end of the day after all, and he made mistakes just like the rest of them.
So yeah, most of the party was based around people celebrating the World being saved. Good shit and a worthy cause. As far as the vast majority of the people on the streets below knew, they were effectively there to cheer for ALL of the heroes and heroines who had stepped up to the plate and fought off Thanos and his armies.
Said heroes and heroines, meanwhile, were all on the top floors of Stark Towers, equally celebrating. And even still, not all of them knew that this was a Birthday Party as well. Some of them thought they were just here to hang out and make merry too. Only… only a very small percentage, as previously mentioned, knew that it was Peter’s big day and who exactly he was.
And apparently, Toni had seen fit to raise his anxiety a little bit and had told a few others who he was and what he’d done. THAT bombshell, dropped on him hours before the party had been underway, had definitely contributed to some of the stress that Peter was currently feeling. The conversation he’d had with Toni… it hadn’t precisely been illuminating.
“Oh hey, Peter? I’ve invited some very special guests to the top floor shindig alright? A couple of them already know you and what you’re about… a couple didn’t but I read them in and had them sign NDAs. All of them promise to be great fun, once you get to know them. So just relax and go with the flow, yeah? I’m hoping to see sparks fly by the time the night is over~”
“Wha- Toni?! What does that mean?! Exactly how many people did you tell?! Toni! Toni?!”
“Sparks fly, Peter! Make me proud!”
So yeah… THAT wasn’t stressful at all. Needless to say, Peter had been on edge since the party had begun. While mostly it was just good times with friends and peers, with people he’d looked up to for years but now stood side by side as heroes of Earth with… it was also still very nerve-wracking, wondering just when the shoe was going to drop. Or, going off what Toni had said, when the FIRST shoe of many was going to drop.
Unfortunately for him, while his spidey-sense did sometimes respond to situations that weren’t dangerous so much as suspicious, the problem was… that tingling in the back of his neck had been going off ever since the party started, and he could only assume from the very mild nature of it that all of Toni’s… guests had made it to the party and were watching him from afar.
How messed up was it that Peter found himself looking at every woman who came up to him with some level of suspicion? Worse still, how messed up was it that he was actually more at ease with women he’d already fucked, like Toni or Pepper or even Wanda?
Regardless, he eventually needs a breath of fresh air and so makes his way out onto the balcony for some alone time. He barely gets to breathe however, before a voice ghosts across his ear, making him tense up.
“Hey there, Birthday Boy. Was hoping you’d be alone sometime soon~”
Twisting around, looking to and fro, Peter’s eyes are wide as he sees… absolutely no one at all. Of course, the young man is not stupid. It takes a moment of wracking his brain, but he quickly realizes who the voice must belong to. An ephemeral feminine voice seemingly floating on the wind… well that just had to be Susan Storm, the Invincible Woman, didn’t it?
Luckily, she’d introduced herself to him earlier in the day, or he would be really confused. But with that introduction as well as his experience with her in the battle against Thanos, to say nothing of the amount of action she’d been getting in the tabloids ever since her and Reed Richards broke up… well, it’s easy enough to put two and two together.
“Oh please, Peter. Call me Sue.”
The invisible blonde’s purring, seductive tone sends a shiver down Peter’s spine… although it might also be the phantom, invisible hands ghosting across his body as Sue presses herself into him from behind, letting out a lustful growl as she runs her fingers over his pectorals and then lower still to his abs, before finally reaching his crotch.
Peter swallows a yelp as Sue Storm starts to fondle his junk through his pants.
“S-Sue, uh… did Toni put you up to this?”
Stopping for a moment, she seems frozen before letting out a low, throaty chuckle.
“Oh my, yes indeed… but Toni didn’t tell you? She told ME that I was your birthday present, Peter. Am I to understand that you weren’t informed ahead of time?”
For a moment, Peter considers lying and trying to act suave while keeping the truth about Toni’s full intentions away from Susan. Invisible as she might be at the moment, Peter was well aware that the blonde was smoking hot, and part of him wanted to get with her very much. But… not via deceit, no sir. He’d gotten this far by being honest, right?
Turning around, Peter gazes at where he figures Sue’s face is and is rewarded when just her head materializes a moment later, allowing him to make eye contact with her at least.
“Toni DID warn me, to be fair… she warned me that I would likely have multiple women trying to ‘get to know me’ before the night was over. She was hoping to see… lots of sparks fly.”
Susan’s eyes widen for a moment at that, and Peter takes on an apologetic expression, already prepared to apologize on Toni’s behalf. However, before he can do so, something truly conniving comes across the blonde woman’s face and she offers him a truly sultry, wicked smile that even with all that Peter has experienced so far, makes him blush a little.
“Well now, how exciting.”
Eyes wide, Peter stares back at her, truly confused.
“You… you’re not mad?”
Letting out a light laugh, Susan Storm shakes her head, which is a little disconcerting with it being the only visible part of her body.
“I should have expected something like this from Toni, but honestly? Not that mad. In fact… sounds like fun.”
Before Peter can ask for further clarification, Sue’s face disappears again… and then he feels it as she drops to her knees in front of him and begins to work open his pants with her invisible fingers. Eyes widening as he realizes he’s facing the inside of the top floor of Stark Tower at the moment, Peter whirls back around, causing Sue to scramble to follow and leaving her invisible body between him and the balcony safety railing as she extracts his cock from its confines and nonchalantly slips him into her invisible mouth.
Staring down at his crotch is a truly disconcerting experience, even as Peter feels all of the sensations of a normal blowjob. Only… his cock is currently vanishing into a black hole of invisibility. Susan doesn’t become see-through or translucent when she goes invisible, it would seem. Instead, she enters some sort of camouflaged state. Peter can see the base of his cock and as she bobs up and down his length, he sees more of his dick… but each and every time it’s like his entire shaft is disappearing.
Terribly confusing and a little frightening to look at… but undeniably pleasurable as the Invisible Woman sucks him off without hesitation, slobbering and slurping at his shaft. For the briefest of moments, Peter questions whether this should be happening… before casting aside such thoughts. Hadn’t he already decided to question himself less? And hadn’t Toni said it best? Go with the flow, Peter… go with the flow.
Reaching down, Peter finds Susan’s invisible blonde locks and slides his fingers through them, groaning as he begins to thrust forward into her wet, warm, inviting mouth. Susan gurgles and gags a bit around his dick, but when Peter tries to pull back to let her breathe, her invisible hands come up and grasp at him, wrapping around to grip his buttocks and pull him further into her gaping maw.
With such an open invitation, Peter wastes no time in fucking the face of the invisible beauty kneeling before him.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
She’s yet another older woman who seems intent on getting into his pants and honestly? Peter can’t truly bring himself to mind. Susan Storm is a total hottie, but more than that, she’s a bonafide superheroine. Her and the rest of the Fantastic Four had done a lot of heavy lifting during the final fight against Thanos. Not just her invisibility, but her force fields as well had helped greatly in fighting off his massive army.
If she wanted to suck his cock on the balcony of Stark Tower like this, who was Peter to judge? More than that, how could he not go along with it and thoroughly enjoy himself? In fact…
With a lustful growl, Peter begins to cum. Susan tenses up for a moment before starting to swallow down his jizz, holding herself to the base of his cock and gulping away as he cums and cums. Peter watches her do so… or rather, watches nothing at all, looking down at where his cock is vanishing into midair as she drinks his seed like it’s nothing.
Letting go of her head, Peter watches as Susan pulls back off of his cock, his spit-polished dick leaving her invisible lips with a ‘pop’. However, before they can do anything else…
“Peter. I was hoping I’d find you alone.”
As the voice of Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, suddenly reaches out from behind him, Peter stiffens up, freezing in place. Luckily Sue is faster on the draw and the Invisible Woman hurriedly tucks his cock away, zipping him up and letting him turn around to face Carol a bit more… organically. Of course, Peter isn’t expecting the incredibly powerful superheroine to be flushed and staring at him longingly, blushing up a storm and quite literally bouncing from foot to foot in anticipation.
Another one of Toni’s gifts, obviously, but…
Before Peter can say anything, he hears the softest whisper against his ear.
“I can go if you like, Peter… or, I can stay and… enhance matters.”
Well shit. Let Susan Storm stay while Carol confesses whatever she has to confess to him? Or tell the Invisible Woman to give them some privacy for the time being, just like she got with him a few moments before?

Peter Parker's New Groove  by CambrianBeckett  Where stories live. Discover now