Chapter 11

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"Bambina we have to leave now!"Said Carina as she dragged her daughter out of bed.

"Nooooo."Whined Ivy as she got up and went to her closet.

Ivy pulled out a pair of leggings and a hoodie and put them on, she then turned to Carina nearly in tears and said

"Mama I don't want to go."

"Bambina you have to go and me and mom will be right there next to you the whole time."Replied Carina.

"Hey honey how are you doing?"Asked maya walking into the room kissing her wife on the way.

"I'm ok just scared."Answered Ivy as she stood up and went to go and say goodbye to her sister.

10 minutes later,Andy showed up to babysit Lilli while Ivy,Carina and Maya could go to Ivy's therapy session.

As the three girls walked to the car Ivy could feel her chest tightening.

"Baby I'm going to sit in the back with Ivy just to make sure she is ok."Whispered Maya to Carina.

They got in the car and started to drive.About five minutes later Maya started to notice Ivy starting to panic so she took her daughters hands in hers and looked her in the eyes.

"Honey breath it's going to be alright if you don't like it we never have to go again ok."She said.

"Ok."Replied Ivy as she began to calm down.

They pulled into the parking lot of the therapists office and went inside.Ivy was holding both of her parents hands in an attempt to make herself feel calmer.

"Hello how are we today?"Asked the therapist as the Ivy,Carina and Maya walked into her office.

"My name is Amy would you like to take a seat."She said as she signalled towards a very comfy looking velvet sofa.

They all sat down and Carina placed her hand on her daughters knee to try to sooth her nerves.

"Ok let's get started if you want one of your moms to answer any of the questions you can just point at them and they will answer."Continued Amy.

"So how often are you having panic attacks?"She asked.

"Probably around once a day."Replied Ivy.

Carina turned to Maya and Maya could see tears forming in her wife's eyes as a result of the answer Ivy had given.

"Ok next question how long do they last for?"Asked Amy.

"I'm not sure it ranges from three to fifteen minutes."Answered Ivy as she fiddled with the hair tie on her wrist.

"And final question when was your first panic attack?"Amy asked.

Ivy pointed at Maya, so Maya explained the incident in the when they were going for a walk.

Amy nodded and scribbled something down in her little notepad before putting it to one side and saying

"Thank you for coming today you may leave now and I will see you soon."Said Amy with a smile.

The three girls got up and left when they got home they were greeted with shrieks of joy from Andy.

"She walked a few steps."Shouted Andy as she gave Lilli to Maya.


Hope you like the update 🙂💕

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