Rafael's Diary Entry No. 2

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Salvatore Boarding School Gym

Rafael’s Diary Entry

"I only beat Jed to become the Alpha so that Landon could stay," I responded. "He is my pack, and since he's leaving, so am I. I'm sorry for kissing Josie and taking advan..."

"You didn't take advantage of me," Lizzie cut me off, visibly irritated, although she rolled her eyes. "Girls are sexual beings too, you know? We like sex as much as boys do and we use it to relieve stress too. There's a whole science behind it.

"But here's the thing, I wouldn't mind if you took advantage of me, but when it comes to Josie, I do mind, especially when you use me to get back at her."

"I didn't use you to get back at her," I denied the accusation. "You're both actually the initiators of the kisses I've shared with you."

That seemed to surprise Lizzie, but not enough to stop her from reaching for her clothes and I followed suit.

"When did you two kiss?" She asked, sitting down after she was fully dressed while I put on my shirt.

"Does it matter?" I inquired, joining her on the mat after wearing my shirt. "It happened but it's very unlikely that it'll happen again."

"Of course, it matters!" Replied Lizzie, like it truly mattered. "Josie never initiates anything, so if she kissed you first, she really likes you. Oh my god! I - I thought Pen-Evil was talking about herself, but she was talking about you."

I assumed Pen-Evil was Josie's ex girlfriend Penelope Park, but I was totally confused about what Lizzie was talking about, hence I asked:

"What are you talking about?"

"Why did you kiss Josie back?" Lizzie asked, instead.

"I - er," I-I wasn't sure. "It would have been awkward if I didn't and it was the only way she could siphon my - uh - werewolf magic? And get us untangled from the giant spider web at the Old Mill."

"What were you doing out there?" She followed up with suspicion in her eyes.

"Jed didn't like that I refused to join the pack," I explained, reminded that I owed him a beating. Two beatings, actually. "So he figured a beating would convince me and ganged up on me with some of his mindless followers. Josie came to my rescue, I left for the Old Mill to blow off some steam and she followed me.

"I don't know how she did it, but she somehow calmed me down, and then we saw the giant spider web, investigated and ended up stuck in it. She needed to power up; we were entangled, along with our hands, so we had to improvise."

"By kissing?" Lizzie questioned.

I stood up to pace.

"Look, it happened and now we're here," I said, getting a little irritated. "What did Penelope say?"

"It doesn't matter what the Evil Witch said," she replied, eyes cast down on. I noticed an undertone of sadness in her voice and body language, along with anger. "You're going to be Josie's date tomorrow."

"Excuse me?" I stopped pacing to look at her, thinking that I must have been hearing things.

"You're going to take Josie to my - our - birthday party tomorrow as her date instead of me," Lizzie stated loud and clear as she stood up, no hint of sadness in her voice, and she stood taller than she has since I walked into the gym. Something seemed to have shifted with my question. "And you're going to make it the best night of her life."

"Why would I do that after she voted for Landon to be sent away?" I questioned.

If anything, I had reason to make tomorrow the worst night of Josie's life.

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