Josie's DE No. 4 and Kaleb's DE No. 1

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Alaric's Office
Josie's Diary Entry

"I knew it!" Dad suddenly added with an exclaim, startling all of us. "I knew there was a reason behind the breakfast in bed even after Josie voted to send Landon away. I just knew it!"

He sounded quite proud of himself for some reason.

"Wait," he came to his senses just as suddenly, looking at Rafael. "You tried to leave with Landon again?"

"You took Landon and me from Hector and Maria's custody knowing that we were a package deal, Doctor Saltzman," Rafael replied. "We are not blood, but we're family, we're brothers, and Landon didn't abandon me after I killed Cassie, and he sure as hell didn't abandon me after finding out I'm cursed to turn into a literal wolf every full moon.

"You can't expect me to be cool with the 'inclusive' school you brought us to kicking him out like he's some problem child when he's a better person than me. In hindsight, we should have realized that you were going to find a reason to send Landon away because there are literally no human students here. Talk about being inclusive.

"I guess I was blinded by the fact that you're a human with two supernatural daughters, Doctor Saltzman, and I thought you would understand the importance of someone like Landon to someone who just found out that he's not human. It's ironic that you (he looked at me and Hope) don't want humans here but your father is one and you're acting like them."

Silence reigned after Rafael was done with his monologue, or so I thought.

"You used Jed's attack on Landon to justify sending him away," he continued, looking at Hope. "You said that Landon didn't feel safe here. Did you feel safe when I had you pinned against that wall?"

Hope glared at him, but she seemed uncomfortable. I remembered the terror on her face when Rafael growled in her face while choking her. I didn't blame her for being uncomfortable at the reminder of the scary encounter that made her forget her werewolf-witch hybrid abilities and her sparring sessions with my father.

I knew Rafael could be scary after he suddenly snapped and growled at me with angry yellow werewolf eyes glaring at me when I went to check on him after I rescued him from Jed and the other werewolves in the hallway. It took me a few moments alone on the floor to recompose myself and run after him.

The destructive rage he showed while destroying the chairs in the Old Mill should have made me keep my distance, but for some reason, I couldn't even as he warned me to get away and that it wasn't safe.

"You-you caught me by surprise," Hope stated, arms crossed defensively, and then added. "It won't happen again."

"As long as you don't sneak up on me again," Rafael replied, and then turned to me. "You said that since Landon arrived here, you, Lizzie and your father have almost died. Where was Landon when the gargoyle attacked Lizzie? Sure, we don't really know what Landon is, but I'm pretty sure Jed proved that he's not dangerous. That was Hope's whole point about protecting him."

He kind of had a point.

"The only thing that we know for sure is that Landon was drawn to the knife and it wanted him to steal it and to lie about it," he continued, and we all gave him looks of disbelief because knives didn't go around telling people to steal and lie about them. "Before you say anything, you thought that only werewolves, witches, vampires and humans existed. What if Landon is some supernatural blacksmith?

"What if he's from some long forgotten species of protectors of sacred weapons? Doctor Saltzman, I think you could have learned more about the knife if you worked with Landon to understand it and his connection to it."

I had to admit, Rafael had a point. Landon was the only 'human' we knew who tried to steal the knife and he could apparently communicate with it, and that made him as much of a liability as he was the perfect person to work with my dad and Dorian to uncover its mysteries compared to Hope.

Dad sat back in his chair with a thoughtful look on his face for a long moment.

"You may be right," he said after the long moment. "We could learn more about the knife with Landon's help."

"You can't be serious," Hope interjected, although she seemed conflicted.

"After speaking with the Dryad yesterday, I think Landon could shed some light on the knife and maybe we could discover some things about him along the way," Dad responded thoughtfully. "I'll consider what you said and revoking the Honor Council's ruling on Landon as the Headmaster of the school, Rafael.

"For now, let's get back to what brought you three to my office. Josie, we don't use violence to express ourselves, that's what words are for and you're going to use them to apologize to Rafael for attacking him."

That sounded fair.

"And you, Rafael," Dad shifted focus, and something changed about him that I couldn't pinpoint. "You're not going to be my daughter's date for her birthday party and then leave her high and dry. Nor are you going to leave this school for whatever reason, but graduating from it. You're not just a student anymore. You're the Alpha of the Salvatore Boarding School Pack and a member of the Honor Council.

"Many people depend on you now, and one of them is my daughter, and you're going to use your words and apologize to her the old fashioned way: with a grand gesture and in person."

This sounded like music to my ears: my dad standing up for me and scolding the person I liked for me without disapproving of them, although he thankfully didn't know the truth.

"You're also going to apologize to Hope for attacking her," added Dad. "You may have acted on instinct, but you still choked her and I know that you know that you left a negative impression on her. Do you think Landon would be OK with that?"

Rafael reluctantly shook his head.

"I don't think he would want you two to fight because of him either," Dad continued, addressing both Hope and Rafael this time. "Hope, don't sneak up on Rafael again..."

"I wasn't sneaking," mumbled Hope under her breath.

"Rafael is still getting used to the existence of the supernatural and being a werewolf," Dad explained. "Add the fact that he's new here, and there's no Landon, you get a werewolf who will act first and ask questions later. His self-preservation and territorial instincts are at an all time high, so you need to respect his personal space and alert him when you're approaching him."

"Got it," Hope acknowledged.

"Good," was Dad's response. "Now, for your collective punishment: first, you owe the people who voted for you to represent them a public apology, including you, Hope. As I told Rafael, a lot of people depend on you now. You're not just members of an ordinary honor council, you're not just figureheads.

"You have actual power, and with actual power, comes actual responsibilities. It was irresponsible of you to cause a scene that could have ignited a fight between the witches and the werewolves, don't ever let it happen again.

"For your punishment, you're going to spend your Saturday cleaning the mess from the party, without any magic or werewolf strength, and I expect harmony between you, or I will start regulating the Honor Council's power like I should, instead of trusting you to bring the change you and your peers want to see."

"What about the knife and the monsters?" Asked Hope. "You're gonna need my help."

I had a retort at the tip of my tongue, but I held it in.

"Leave the knife and the monsters to me, Hope," Dad replied after glancing at me. "And be the teenager you are this weekend. But with less stalking."

"I wasn't...!" Was Hope's exasperated denial which caused Rafael to chuckle with amusement, interrupting her, while I suppressed my own chuckle at the thought of the title 'Hope Mikaelson: the Great Stalker' for a history lesson module for future students as opposed to her father's 'Klaus Mikaelson: the Great Evil'.

Rafael's interruption earned him a glare from Hope, but the heat behind it wasn't much.

A knock on the door cut through Rafael's chuckle and Hope's glare.

"We're done here," Dad said, sitting up. "Let the person knocking in on your way out."

With the dismissal, Rafael led us to the door, having been closest to it.

"Rafael, stay for a moment," Dad instructed, causing Rafael to stop two feet from the door, tense. "There is some paperwork I need you to fill out and sign to finalize your enrollment here."

Rafael wasn’t assured by Dad’s reason for him to stay, but he went to stand where I stood.

Upon Hope opening the door, we were greeted by Kaleb.

"If it isn't the duo who made Wolf Boy the most popular Honor Council member this morning," he said with a frown. "Sorry I missed the show, but it's..."

"Zip it, Kaleb," Hope silenced him, walking past him.

"Hope, wait for Rafael!" Dad called out. "I need you to take him to Mr Elif to copy and file his documents! And Kaleb, unless you want to help them with their punishment, stop talking and come in!"

I left the office before Kaleb and a reluctant Hope could enter, wondering why Dad didn't choose me to take Rafael to the filing office. I didn't really have to wonder, though, Hope was always at the top on his list. On the bright side, I could tell Lizzie about Rafael being my date tonight before anyone else did. I wasn't thrilled.
Kaleb's Diary Entry

Watching Josie hurry out of the office, I couldn't help but shake my head at how Doctor Saltzman seemed to favor Hope over his own daughters. It was something I picked up on my first day on campus because it was hard to miss.

"Sit down," Doctor Saltzman instructed, reaching for his phone. I did as told while Hope and Rafael remained standing. "Hope, Rafael, you too."

Rafael sat next to me and Hope brought a third chair from the side and set it beside his.

"While there are some documents that you need to fill and sign, Rafael, the three of you are here as members of the Honor Council and I have a very important task for you," revealed Doctor Saltzman, and I looked at Hope to check if she had an idea about what the man was talking about. She didn't. "Well, not me, exactly. Josie and Lizzie's mother will be the one giving you the task and I suggest that you follow her instructions to a T."

Ahh, the twins' vampire mother Caroline Forbes-Salvatore, commonly addressed as Mrs Forbes-Salvatore by everyone but her children, Baby Daddy and Hope. She was one fine ass blonde vampire that looked like her daughters' older sister by a year than their mother, and she could be just as mean as Lizzie and just as sweet as Josie, or maybe it was the other way around today. The latter part was only reserved for her daughters and Hope.

There was a bet going among the vampires on who could successfully seduce and have sex with her, and though I preferred my girls with brown skin, I was one of those who bet on himself hitting the forbidden fruit that was Doctor Saltzman's baby mama when I first arrived at the school. I got my neck snapped before I could even finish my pickup line. That was four months ago, and fortunately, she hasn't come by.

"She wants us to organize Josie and Lizzie's birthday party, doesn't she?" Hope guessed.

The twins' birthday party. It was the most anticipated event of the school until Wolf Boy's thief of a friend Landon stole a supernatural knife from the school and brought a living statue and a giant spider to the school. If Doctor Saltzman was to be believed, there was even a dragon involved.

I was told that the twins' birthday parties were one of the highlights of every year, but the existence of dragons, living statues and giant spiders overshadowed it.

It seemed Mrs Forbes-Salvatore was having none of it, although word on campus, at least one of them, was that one of the reasons Josie attacked Rafael was to take out her anger on him because her mother wasn't coming and he tried to score some birthday sex with Lizzie by means of a birthday song serenade and breakfast in bed to get back at Josie for voting against Landon staying.

Considering Josie mentioned something about who liking who during her speech before casting her vote, I wondered if there was some truth to the word on campus.

With Lizzie apparently saving Rafael the Wolf Boy from her sister's fury, and witnesses saying that they heard Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday chorus being sung to Josie, and then Lizzie, and some saying they saw Rafael's lap dogs carrying big silver trays into the twins' room, I was tempted to believe there was some truth there.

Someone brave enough to attack the Headmaster's golden girl had to have the balls to pull what Rafael was said to have done.

"Yes," Doctor Saltzman confirmed, making a call. "This is the grand gesture I was talking about Rafael. I expect nothing less than a hundred and ten percent from you."

A grand gesture? Nothing less than a hundred percent from Wolf Boy? Maybe this was worth facing Mrs Forbes-Salvatore.

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