MG's DE No. 1 and Josie's DE No. 5

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MG's Diary Entry

Today was the day, I could feel it. Today, or should I say, tonight was the night that I finally got the girl, and by the girl, I meant the beautiful witch Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Jenna Saltzman. I just had to help the Honor Council with the twins' birthday party and...

"I knew I would find you in here," Penelope startled me, and I almost dropped the two throne chairs that just got delivered. "You have to stop this, MG."

"No, can't do, Penelope," I replied, setting the thrones down. "Tonight is the night."

"Yes, can do," she responded, although her eyes were on the throne imprinted with 'Princess Josie' for a moment before they focused on me. "And will do because your window of opportunity is gone. After last night, Lizzie Saltzman is one hundred percent Team Jacob, and apparently, so is Josie, or at least she was until she found out about what happened last night."

"What happened last night?" I inquired.

"Your five seconds on Lizzie's radar came to an orgasmic end even though she kind of decided to be selfless for once in her life," Penelope said, looking at Rafael who was speaking with Jed. “But Josie attacking Werewolf Prince Charming this morning and Lizzie stopping her tells me that he'll be Lizzie's date tonight, as they originally arranged, and I may get one more chance to get Josie back."

"What are you talking about, witch?" Kaleb injected himself into our conversation.

"If it isn't the arrogant newbie vampire," Penelope replied with disinterest clear in her expression.

"Who are you calling a newbie?" Kaleb questioned, getting into Penelope's personal space, offended.

She brought him to his knees with a pain inflicting spell that I swore was synonymous with witches before I could interject. Unlike Rafael, however, Kaleb didn't power through the spell, he remained on the floor with a muffled cry, and a part of me couldn't help but enjoy the sight.

"Careful, Newbie Vampire," Penelope warned, standing over the downed and pained Kaleb. "I am not the human girls you've been terrorizing, and I won't freeze in terror like Hope did. Try to intimidate me again, and I'll rip out your fangs and add them to my necklace."

A chuckle drew my attention to Rafael who was approaching us with a smirk and Jed and the other werewolves following behind him.

"What did you say when you voted to have Landon sent away yesterday?" He asked, addressing Kaleb, and pretended to be thinking hard to recall. "Oh, yeah! You said that humans refuse to make a place for us in their world and if we start letting them in, it's only a matter of time before they take this place from us. What are vampires before they're vampires?"

"Humans," Jed answered dutifully.

"It seems like you were on to something, Kaleb, but fortunately, there are people who know how to put them in their place, even if they become vampires," Rafael said, and then turned to one of his fellow werewolves. "Jen, you're in charge until Jed comes back. Come on, man (Jed). The others are already eating."

Just like that, Jed and Rafael turned to leave with Jen leading her fellow werewolves back to work while Penelope let go of her spell on Kaleb, who took a few moments to recompose himself and get to his feet, embarrassed.

"So, you have a thing against humans," Penelope commented.

"And you have a thing for a girl who doesn't want you anymore," Kaleb fired back, causing her to frown. "Speaking of her, you should know that 'Werewolf Prince Charming' is Josie's date, not Lizzie's. Your five seconds on Lizzie's radar are waiting for you to extend them, MG. If you play your cards right and stick with your kind, you can get the girl, unlike someone else."

That said, Kaleb left the Hall, leaving me wondering if he was telling the truth about Rafael being Josie's date instead of Lizzie's.

"You know, Kaleb is right," Hope said, approaching us, her eyes on Penelope. "You have a thing for a girl who doesn't want you anymore, and while you're busy trying to get her to take you back after you dumped her on your one year anniversary, she has her eyes on someone else, a certain 'Werewolf Prince Charming' to be specific.

"And she told her father about him and her father told her mother about him and her mother had him measured for a tailor made tux for the party to show her approval. It sure sucks to be you, being replaced with a newbie werewolf."

Ouch! I felt that, and so did Penelope if the candles that suddenly lit up were anything to go by as Hope walked away, heading for the side door out of the Hall.

"At least the Newbie Werewolf didn't make me freeze in terror!" Penelope shouted over her shoulder as she headed for the other side door out of the Hall.

Hope froze for a moment and her hands clenched into fists right before the candle flames grew and the lights blinked a few times before they went out. When I looked at where Hope was after taking my eyes away to look at the light show, she was nowhere to be seen, but I had a little bit more hope that today, tonight, was my night since Rafael was apparently Josie's date.
Old Mill
Josie's Diary Entry

When I woke up this morning, I was pretty sure that it was going to be the worst birthday of my life, but sitting here with my family having a meal, it didn't seem so bad, even though Mom was in another country on another continent. Right here, right now, as I ate the last piece of my slice of cake, I was happy, until Dad burped.

"Eww, Dad?" Lizzie exclaimed, face wrinkled in disgust, mirroring mine.

"Sorry," Dad apologized sheepishly, caressing his belly. "I haven't eaten this much in some time."

"Why is that?" Mom asked with a frown.

"I haven't had much of an appetite but the girls' appetite was contagious," Dad replied, leaning back. "You'd think they didn't have breakfast served to them in bed."

I cringed at those words.

"You served them breakfast in bed?" Mom inquired with a big smile that was almost contagious.

Almost, because she had the wrong idea.

"Not me," Dad fortunately didn't take Rafael's credit.

"Raf had the werewolves wake me up with a unique happy birthday song and then they served me this beautiful breakfast in bed with an envelope addressed to me," Lizzie happily informed our Mom, like I didn't ruin everything by burning it all, to my regret now that I was calm.

I wished that I didn't burn it all, especially the envelopes. Well, mine.

"Raf?" Mom asked curiously.

"Rafael," Lizzie responded. "Also known as my date for tonight."


"Come again," Dad entered the frame, sitting up. "Rafael is your date and Josie's?"

Confusion painted Lizzie's face and I panicked.

"Wha...? Ouch!" Lizzie began to ask, and I kicked her under the table to interrupt her. "Josie, what the hell?!"

"Yes!" I spoke over her, and mentally facepalmed because Rafael couldn't be my date and Lizzie's, but I couldn't go back now. "Sorry, Lizzie. I know that I wasn't supposed to tell Dad because he'll make a big deal about it, but I had to explain why I did what I did to Raf earlier, so I told Dad about Raf planning to leave with Landon last night and that I was mad at him because he's my date. I didn't tell him that Raf is actually our date for tonight."

I implored Lizzie with my eyes to read between the lines and play along.

"What am I missing here?" Mom asked.

"The zodiac sign for March fifteenth reads as follows," Lizzie said, hopefully to play along with my improvised story. "'March fifteenth is the middle of the month and as such it must speak of some sort of balance between its beginning and end. This carries extra pressure for those born at this time, for it operates on high levels that may cover one's dreamland with practicality, just like the sign of Pisces is followed with the sign of Aries where specific action is taken to turn dreams into life.

"The Heaven is to be balanced with the Earth in its extreme, and this task is usually bigger than one individual to handle alone.' I think that we can all agree that I represent Heaven and dreamland, and Josie represents Earth and practicality. Rafael happens to be the unusual individual who can handle the task of balancing the Heaven with the Earth in its extreme, and Josie needed a date, so I graciously shared mine with her. We already share a birthday, what's sharing a date for the birthday party?"

The last part was delivered with a pointed look at me, but Lizzie covered it up with a bite of her slice of cake.

"Don't make it a big deal, Dad," she added while chewing. "You too, Mom. It's for one night. Just one night."

I heard 'just one night' for what it was, a pointed message to me. For someone who said that there wasn't an 'us' between her and Rafael, she sounded pretty possessive.

Dad seemed more than a little confused and struggling to process the news, and Mom, she seemed to be on to us.

"Caroline Forbes-Salvatore," a woman appeared at the door behind Mom. "She's ready to see you."

"Uh, I've got to go, girls," Mom informed us. "We'll speak later. Have a wonderful birthday and always remember that I love you with all of my heart."

"We love you too, Mom," Lizzie and I replied in unison.

"Ric, take care of my girls and remember that today is their birthday," Mom addressed Dad. "I'll call as soon as I can."

Dad acknowledged before the video call was ended and it was just the three of us.

"So, Rafael is your date," Dad said, looking at Lizzie and me. "For the both of you?"

"Dad," Lizzie began slowly, getting to her feet. "Remember today is our birthday, and I haven't seen a single delivery made to the school the whole week or posters on notice boards reminding people to volunteer to put together my super sixteen birthday party and that Mom is not here. You have bigger things to worry about than me and Josie taking Rafael as our date to a birthday party that you haven't organized yet.

"Thank you for all this, Dad, (she pointed at the table and us) but I-we (she held out a hand for me to hold and helped me to my feet) and the whole school need you to make sure that our birthday party happens. We need something to take off our minds from the monster appearances, and celebrating our birthday like we always do every year is very important to us personally and everyone's mental health. I strongly suggest you focus on making it happen.

"Excuse us, we have to check on our tailor-made dresses for the party and find someone to do our make-up and hairs since Mom isn't coming."

Her piece said, Lizzie led me out of the Old Mill, and I sent Dad an apologetic look over my shoulder for the pressure Lizzie just put on him, although I wasn't against it.

"I can't believe what you did!" Lizzie turned on me when we were halfway to the school.

"I didn't know that Rafael was your date," I replied in my defense, folding my arms. "And you said that there is no 'us' between you."

"We had sex, Josie!" She responded as if she didn't say that Rafael was too damaged to think about having a relationship.

I wondered if she was lying about Rafael not wanting a relationship. Considering he seemed interested in me after Lizzie blew up her chance and that he was fine with me kissing him, I really wondered if she was lying, but I kept that to myself as it appeared my sister was done with being a better person and she was back to her usual selfish self.

"And I couldn't tell Dad that," I pointed out calmly. "Or he would have sent Rafael away on the spot because Raf also attacked Hope, and she was mad at him for publicly embarrassing her by genuinely scaring her into inaction in the hallway."

"Hope was seriously scared by Raf?" Lizzie asked curiously, and much calmer.

I nodded.

"He definitely left an impression on her that made her uncomfortable around him even with Dad in the room," I revealed, to Lizzie's amusement and impressed look.

"Interesting," she said, my apparent transgression appearing to be forgotten as she began to walk towards the school.

She obviously didn't know that Rafael could be very terrifying, to the point that even he knew that it wasn't safe for anyone to be around him when he was explosive. Anyone but me, that is.

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