Hope's and Lizzie's Diary Entry No. 1

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Salvatore Boarding School Hallways
Hope's Diary Entry

Landon and I kissed last night and I couldn't be happier. Why didn't people kiss all the time? And why the hell did we wait for so long? Oh, right. I spent most of my time looking for reasons to send him away, but now that he was not here, I wanted him to come back so that I could kiss him like there was no tomorrow. All I could do was think about him now, his soft moist lips, his...

"That smile looks good on you," Emma commented from a table at a corner, a cup in hand, gaining my attention, and I couldn't help but smile even wider.

I was tired of just thinking about Landon, I wanted to talk about him and how he made me feel and how his voice - oh, his voice. I could listen to him speak all day and all night.

"May I sit with you?" I asked, just barely holding my excitement because she was the perfect person to share my happiness with.

"Of course," Emma replied, her curiosity as clear as the sun.

"Have you ever liked a boy?" I asked upon sitting down, but I didn't wait for her answer.

I needed to vocalize everything I was feeling and I couldn't hold it in anymore, so with the question, the flood gates of my happiness opened and words started coming out of my mouth faster than the speed of thought, and I relished sharing all the things I liked about Landon, from the texture of his hair to his hairstyle and from the color of his big beautiful eyes to the sound of his voice.

I already asked Vincent to call me when Landon arrived so that I could hear his low, smart sounding and strangely soothing voice just one last time. If it wasn't for Emma's phone rudely interrupting, I would have gone on and on and on and never got tired.

"As much as I've enjoyed the light one sided conversation," she said with a smile. "It's time for me to get to work, but since it looks like if you stop talking about Landon you'll burst out, go find a friend and talk their ears off. It's what friends are for, after all."

She patted my shoulder before picking up her cup and answering her phone, leaving me wondering who... Before I could complete the thought, I saw the one person that had to be missing Landon as much as I did coming my way with an open book in his face, and my body moved towards him on its own accord just as he walked past me and I reached for his shoulder.

"Ra-ouch!" I tried to gain his attention only to find myself pushed against a wall with a forearm on my throat, choking me, and yellow werewolf eyes glaring at me.

"Don't sneak up on me!" Rafael literally growled in my face menacingly, and for a Moment, I truly feared him.

I could feel anger rolling off him in frightening waves.

"Or what?!" I heard Josie's voice ask before Rafael clutched his head in pain and fell to a knee with a pained groan.

In a second, it seemed as if werewolves appeared out of nowhere and they all moved to their kneeling Alpha's side and faced off with Josie, who held one hand out in Rafael's direction with a gesture that informed everyone that she was the cause of his pain and the other on a wall, siphoning, and Lizzie, their signature yellow eyes on full display, glaring at the twins.

Shockingly, although on shaky legs, Rafael rose to his feet without Josie releasing the pain inflicting spell, and when he raised his head, his jaw was clenched muscle bulge tight and facial blood vessels were more pronounced, face wrinkled to show strain and yellow eyes glared at Josie.

"Josie, stop!" Lizzie instructed, and reached for Josie's outstretched hand.

When my attention returned to Rafael, he was breathing heavily, but all the tension had left his body, although he was shaking and his yellow werewolf eyes were still glaring at Josie. I noticed a new development in the form of a nosebleed that reached Rafael's upper lip, and I wondered how powerful the spell Josie used was and how much of the nosebleed was caused by Rafael's strained defiance against the spell.

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