Lizzie's DE No. 3 and Rafael's DE No. 8

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Josie and Lizzie's Room
Lizzie's Diary Entry

"Where have you been?" I questioned Josie the moment she appeared at the door while Emma changed the make-up brush for an eyeliner.

"I was with Raf," Josie replied casually, closing the door behind her. "It turns out, he asked Hope to be his 'wingman'."

"His what?" I asked, confused, as Josie went to her bed and sat beside our godmother, leaning on her side.

"Stay still, Lizzie," Emma instructed, but she seemed curious.

"His wingman," Josie repeated while I made the effort of not moving my face. "He can't exactly be in two places at once, so he asked Hope to be his wingman to not leave one of us alone while he's with the other."

"So," Godmother Bonnie interjected curiously, and she was surprised, even though I told her that Rafael wasn't Josie's boyfriend but our date. "You are sharing a date. Any particular reason why?"

Oh, there was a particular reason, alright. It was Josie. Rafael was originally my date, and my date alone, but she managed to insert herself into our date. Now, they were meeting in the hallways and disappearing from said hallways for what felt like hours. And Josie returned with a glowing face and bright eyes.

This probably made me kind of a bad sister or something, but I preferred when she was mad at Rafael. I especially liked when she stormed out of the classroom earlier, leaving me alone with Rafael, because I didn't have to wonder if something happened between them, like Josie kissing Rafael again, or if he kissed her this time.

"It's a long story," Josie said, answering our godmother after we shared a momentary look.

"All things considered, I have no doubt," Emma commented while she worked on my lashline.

"All things considered?" Godmother Bonnie's curiosity seemed to increase. "I flew all the way from South Africa, and let me tell you, it's a long flight, but anything for my goddaughters. So, come on. Tell me this long story of yours, birthday girls."

"We, uh…" Josie began, walking over to her closet. "Long story short, we welcomed Raf to the school when he first arrived and gave him a tour. We met him as his escorts, so our first meeting is coming full circle tonight with him as our escort."

"OK…" Godmother drew out the word, and then looked at me. "Now, the long story."

I happily complied.

"What she said, but I like Raf," I complied as Emma finished applying the eyeliner. "And I asked him to be my date. He agreed, of course."

'Of course, he did,' I thought, walking over to my mirror.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I knew that there was no way that Rafael could have rejected me again. I was too beautiful for him to reject a second time, and after the passionate night we had last night, he couldn't go through with dropping me as his date for Josie when we spoke during lunch break.

"Josie's evil ex, you-know-who, almost ruined everything for me," I refocused on telling the story, while admiring myself. "If it wasn't for her, I would have been elected as the representative of all the witches on the Honour Council, and Raf and I would be on our way to becoming the power couple this school deserves.

"Josie was elected, instead of me, and almost ruined things between me and Raf, but he's the Alpha of his word, and everything turned out better than I expected." I smiled, my night with Rafael on my mind. "I'm a great sister, so since Pen-Evil was trying to get between me and my sister, and Josie didn't have a date, I proposed that we share mine.

"We share a birthday, and the birthday party, so why not a date, and the pleasure of seeing the Evil Witch watch us have a good time with the new and most popular boy in school?"

I didn't plan what I said, but I liked it. It made me look good and didn't reveal too much information, and I realised that I had the perfect way to prove Penelope Park wrong about me and get back at her for ruining the election for me. I didn't like the idea of Josie and Rafael having a good time while I watched them with Hope Mikaelson as my companion, but… wait…

"Let me get this straight," Godmother Bonnie stopped me before I could ask Josie about Rafael asking Hope, of all people, for help. "You're sharing your date with Josie to get back at her ex?"

"She broke Josie's heart, tried to bring my world down and get between us by getting the witches to vote for Josie even though she wasn't running for the Council," I listed with my fingers, looking at her. "Not to mention, she body shamed me and rubbed Dad always choosing Hope over us in our face. She's lucky her heart is the only thing I'm aiming for! Actually, maybe I should burn all of her hair and curse…"

"No burning anyone's hair or cursing them, Lizzie," Emma quickly interrupted sternly.

"It's not like she can really curse anyone, Emma," Josie came to my defence. Well, at least I hoped so, but the way she started off… "We're sixteen and we barely know any offensive spells. The best we can do are weak campfire and pain inflicting spells against supernatural creatures we've only heard of from fairytale stories."

That was true.

"What are you talking about?" Asked a confused godmother.

I smiled as I realised that she wasn't just my godmother, she was also the powerful witch who faced off with real hellfire and bent it to her will singlehandedly. Oh, this was going to be good.
Rafael's Diary Entry

Josie and I liked each other, we knew that, but there was a third person in the picture: Lizzie, and that complicated things and took them from 'let's see what happens' to Josie not wanting to hurt her sister. It seemed she was lost in the moment, until I brought up Lizzie helping me with protection from the pain inflicting spell later.

My previous sexual activities were negatively impacting my romantic life again. Cassie didn't want anything to do with me outside of our tutoring sessions because of my reputation, and then she didn't want to date me, although she liked me, even after I stopped sleeping around. It took a lot of work to convince her that I really liked her and wanted a serious relationship with her.

I made the mistake of hooking up with Lizzie last night, and now she was an obstacle to my potential relationship with Josie, and I had no one to blame but myself. Lizzie wasn't just a random girl I had sex with, she was Josie's sister, and the Headmaster's daughter, and she knew what she wanted and went after it, and I was it, and… a part of me liked that.

As much as Lizzie was an obstacle to my potential relationship with Josie, a part of me was turned on by the idea of the fraternal twins and the Headmaster's daughters wanting me, but I knew I couldn't have it all. I never could. I…

"If it isn't the Saltzman twins' date," Alyssa said, pulling me out of my thoughts as she approached me. "When were you going to tell me?"

"Why would I tell you?" I asked with a raised brow, coming to a stop, as did Alyssa.

"Why wouldn't you?" She returned the question with a tilted head, hand on the side of her waist, hip out. "We're allies now, Rafael. The least you could have done was warn me that my mortal enemies are your dates."

"Your mortal enemies?" I copied her by tilting my head to the side, confused.

"You're ignorant for the Alpha of the school pack," Alyssa said, shaking her head in disappointment. "Landon isn't here anymore, you should be focusing on being a better Alpha and ally, instead of whatever you have going on with the Saltzman twins.

"If you want to stay the Alpha and my ally, know your priorities and stick with them. If you're not serious about an alliance with me and my coven, don't get yourself killed tonight, and don't come asking for my help when the Saltzmans prioritise themselves over you. They always do. Ask Penelope."

With that said, she pat my shoulder and promptly left me in the hallway feeling insecure because Landon left me behind last night, having prioritised finding his biological family over me.

Absentmindedly, I continued on my way to the exit leading to the Old Mill, my thoughts on Josie telling me to give Lizzie a second chance the day we first met and Lizzie demanding that I become Josie's date last night. It didn't matter how much they liked me, they were sisters through and through and would rather give me up for the other to have. As much as I could admire their loyalty to each other, I didn't like that.

Maybe Alyssa was right, maybe I had to prioritise being the Alpha over Josie and Lizzie. As the Alpha, no one could take away my position without fighting me for it, or leave me uncertain about our relationship. I was the Alpha and I had Betas who followed my orders. With Josie and Lizzie, one minute, they wanted me, and then the next…

"Do you really want everyone knowing what you just did with Josie?" Jed's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked confused and surprised, and looked around and found myself outside the school building on the way to the Old Mill, Jed walking towards me from the Old Mill.

"Her scent is all over you," Jed replied coming to a stand a few feet from me, one of his hands reaching for his pocket. "And so is the scent of sex."

I didn't close the gap between us, I stopped a few feet from Jed as well, surprised by the revelation that Jed smelled Josie and sex on me, especially from a distance. I was even more surprised to find myself hoping that my scent was all over Josie, as well as the scent of sex, and that she wouldn't remove either to let everyone know that she was mine and off limits.

If turning into a wolf didn't convince me that I was more dog than human, the thought of possessively marking Josie with my scent left no room for disbelief or denial.

"Here," Jed said, a moment before he threw something towards me, and I caught it to find a half empty spray bottle with blue liquid inside. "Spray that all over yourself and the trail you left behind before the wolves find it and discover your little secret like that witch I found knocking on your door almost did."

He knew, I realised. Jed knew that I was in my room with Josie. I was too relieved to be left alone to think about why he left without continuing where the witch he chased off left, but now…

"Thanks," I replied, and reluctantly did as Jed instructed. "How did you know I was with Josie?"

"I heard her giggles after the light bulbs exploded," Jed responded with a chuckle. "You're lucky she giggles. Alyssa freaks out every time we hook up and the lights explode."

"So, you and Alyssa are a thing?" I suspected after waking up in Jed's room and found them holding hands.

"Like you and the birthday twins," he confirmed, but with the wrong assumption. Or was it? "But more discreet. You know, you're Josie's and Lizzie's first werewolf, and they used to make fun of Alyssa marrying me like werewolves were beneath them when we were kids. How did you seduce them?"

"I'm not beneath anyone," I stated strongly, done with the spray. "And neither is my pack."

"Spoken like a true Alpha," Jed approved, and I wished Alyssa would hear him. "Come on, man. Let's erase the evidence of something I never thought possible growing up, and get ready for the party. Everything is in place at the Old Mill."

I never thought that I would be here with Jed, on friendly terms with him helping me with something like this, but here we were. Turning to the pack after Landon left me behind turned out to be a good idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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