Alyssa' DE No 2 and Josie's DE No 3

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Jed's Room
Alyssa's Diary Entry

"Are you OK?" Jed asked as he sat behind me, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, a handkerchief in hand.

I laid my head on his shoulder, took the handkerchief and took a moment to wipe my tears away and recompose myself. I didn't expect to be so emotional when he asked me to come.

"I'm fine. I'm OK." I answered after composing myself, and found that I really was OK.

Better than OK, actually. I felt lighter, like some weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I guessed helping Rafael find some closure and forgive himself helped me too because I saw myself in him. I was, in some way, speaking to myself.

No good deep went unpunished, but no one said that the punishment couldn't be a reward of some kind. The beauty of loopholes.

"Are you OK?" I returned the question.

I wasn't the only one who killed their family members. Well, a family member in Jed's case, his cousin.

"I'm good," he replied, kissing my neck, and added. "Now that he's not looking at you like you're his lifeline."

"I know, right?" I was relieved too, but I also envied Cassie a little. The way Rafael looked at me... "That was intense."

"Very intense," Jed agreed. "I get why he wasn't keen on telling us about how he triggered his curse. Is he alright now?"

"His mind was starting to clear up," Rafael bringing up where we were suggested that. "That's why I knocked him out. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I couldn't risk him realizing that he was hallucinating. Since he started coming around on his own, I think he's healing, but he could use some help speeding up the process."

"Vampire blood," was Jed's conclusion as to what I was suggesting, standing up. "That's the quick fix you were talking about, isn't it?"

"Yep," I confirmed, taking out a vial of vampire blood from my pocket. One could never be too prepared, especially in this school.

"There's the risk of him getting killed with the blood in his system," Jed reminded me, a little nervous.

"Good thing we have Vitamin H if Doctor Saltzman and Hope aren't willing to help him complete his transition should he be killed," and by Vitamin H, I meant Hope Mikaelson's blood.

I received a surprised look from Jed.

"He's one of us, Jed," I reasoned. "He knows how it feels to live with the guilt of killing someone he loves, and we could use a hybrid not afraid of Hope Mikaelson on our side if it comes down to it. But for now, we need a political ally and he is it.

"What better way to gain his trust than helping him heal and maintain the tough guy public reputation he just earned by making sure that he doesn't disappear for an extended period of time which some people could see as him licking his wounds? We need him back to his feet as quickly as possible to downplay the effects of Josie's spell."

"Fine," Jed gave in.

Just as I was about to pour the vampire blood in Rafael's mouth, a summoning note suddenly appeared and stood on top of him.

"Wow, the twins didn't waste a second," I commented, pouring the blood in Rafael's mouth after opening it and then making him swallow it manually by use of the ever useful power of magic.

"It could be Hope," Jed pointed out, going to his desk to retrieve a container of mint leaves as I moved away from Rafael, and we both stood a good distance away from him.

I couldn't rule that possibility out, considering Hope was Doctor Saltzman's golden girl and she was probably bitter about not being able to retaliate against Rafael.

"How long do you think...?" Jed began to asked but was interrupted by Rafael groaning awake.

It was time to see if being late for class and pretending to be Cassie was worth it.
Alaric's Office
Josie's Diary Entry

"Doctor Saltzman, why don't we get started?" Hope, who was standing besides me as we stood before my father, suggested. "We have a supernatural knife mystery to solve and classes to return to and Rafael is taking his time coming here."

"I want to get the full picture of what happened, Hope," replied Dad, while signing some documents.

"I tried to speak with Rafael, he attacked me, Josie got him off me," Hope gave her summary, “the end.”

"I prefer the longer version," Dad responded, leaning back in his chair. "We could all use some normal teenage student drama."

I could do without the drama, I just wanted to see if Rafael was OK, and the longer he didn't make an appearance, the more I worried that I may have hurt him more than I realized. It was frustrating being mad at him and yet also being concer...

"You're awfully quiet, Josie," Dad interrupted my thoughts.

'You noticed?' I wanted to retort, but I didn't.

Before I could respond, a knock at the door gained my attention and I hoped that it was Rafael, but I also hoped that it wasn't him. I didn't think that I could face him after hurting him and I feared that he wanted to leave the school.

"Come in!" Dad granted the knocker permission to enter, and I held on the table to ground myself as the doorknob turned and the door opened.

"You wanted to see me, Doctor Saltzman," Rafael entered with those words, and didn't even łook at me, or Hope for that matter. He didn't even seem surprised at our presence, but at least he looked fine.

"Yes, close the door," confirmed Dad, and Rafael did as instructed and came in but stood some distance from us. "It has come to my attention that three of five members of the Honor Council had an altercation this morning and you are the three. I want the full details from the three of you before I decide your punishment. Since you arrived last, why don't you start, Rafael?"

With a clearing of his throat, Rafael began.

"I was minding my own business when someone sneaked up on me," he said.

"I didn't sneak up on you," Hope interjected.

"I reacted like anyone being sneaked up on would and instinctively defended myself," Rafael continued, ignoring her interjection. "I warned Hope not to sneak up on me when I saw that it was her, and the next thing I knew, I felt a sharp pain in my head that brought me to my knees. I fought against it and rose to my feet, and that's when I realized that Josie was the cause of it.

"Lizzie made her stop and when she did, I warned her not to do it again, but I let it go because today is her birthday. I left with the Pack afterwards."

"That's all?" Asked Dad.

"That's all," confirmed Rafael.

"What would you have done if it wasn't Josie's birthday?" Was my father's follow up.

It was a loaded question, but I wondered what Rafael would have done too.

"I don't know," was Rafael's answer accompanied by a shrug.

I didn't like the shrug.

"Who wants to go next?" Dad skillfully avoided choosing between Hope and me after looking between us, but the fact that he avoided choosing didn’t win him any points with me.

"I didn't sneak up on you, Rafael," Hope chose for Dad to defend herself, looking at Rafael who didn't return the favor. "I just wanted to speak with you about Landon and when I reached out to you, you just suddenly turned and slammed me against the wall and choked me and literally growled in my face."

She waited for him to say something, and maybe look at her, but he didn't, so I carried on.

"That-that's when I stepped in," I said, eyes downcast, although I stole a look at Rafael to see if he was looking at me. He wasn't. "I cast a pain inflicting spell on Raf until Lizzie stopped me when he started having a nosebleed. As he said, he told me that he'll let it go because it's my birthday and warned me not to do it again. He also warned Hope not to sneak up on him again, and then left with the wolves.”

"Why did you attack 'His Alpha Highness' like you did, 'Princess Josette'?" Dad inquired curiously, leaning forward.

I knew he used those titles on purpose and I could hear the air quotes.

"He-I," I struggled to answered the question because I couldn't tell him the truth.

Rafael slept with my sister after we kissed, and he didn’t even seem interested in Lizzie, that was why. If anything, he seemed interested in me after Lizzie blew up her chance when I left them alone after we gave him a tour of the school the day he arrived here.

I stole a look at Rafael, and I found him looking at me intently, waiting for my answer too, but I couldn't reveal the truth in front of my father and Hope. Though I could give him a clue.

"He knows why," I stated, looking at Rafael who looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "But it's between us."

"He doesn't look like he knows," Hope pointed out.

"Whether Raf looks like he knows or not is none of your business, Hope," I said, glancing at her before my sight returned to Rafael who was looking at me with searching eyes, so I decided to give him a hint that he wouldn't miss. "I know what you did last night, Rafael. And sending us breakfast in bed isn't going to be enough to fix it."

Rafael's eyes opened wide as he finally realized what I was talking about, and they flickered to my Dad and then back to me.

"You're going to stay here and fix what you did," I told him.

"What am I missing here?" Dad asked, and then interrogated Rafael. "What did you do, Rafael?"

Rafael looked between me and Dad, and even spared Hope a few glances, probably wondering how to get out of the situation.

"He tried to leave with Landon without telling me," I spared him from finding a way out on his own, but then impulsively added so that I could keep my eye on him to prevent him from leaving. "And he is my date for tonight."

I knew Lizzie was probably going to be mad at me, but I had to make sure that Rafael wouldn't leave even though I was mad at him for sleeping with Lizzie and he was mad at me for voting to send Landon away.

It didn't make sense why I wanted him to stay so much after what he did, but dragons were real, so a lot of things didn't make sense, like how I impulsively kissed Rafael even after Lizzie called dibs on him, and how Lizzie and I tore into Dad this morning. This whole week, actually. Speaking of Dad…

"He's your date?/Rafael is your date?" Him and Hope asked in unison, respectively, while Rafael just stared at me in surprise and confusion.

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