Alaric's Diary Entry No. 1

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Route to Alaric's Office
Alaric's Diary Entry

The Moment I closed the girls' door I pulled out my phone and speed dialed Caroline. She surprisingly answered it unusually quickly.

"Hey!" She greeted over the phone. "I was about to call you."

"Please tell me you're still coming," I pleaded.

"That's what I was about to call you about," Caroline said, and my heart sank. "I can't make it."


"I'm still in Nigeria and I just got a possible lead on the knife and our fairytale problem," she informed me.

"What's the lead?" I inquired, hoping she had good news.

"I had a technical problem with my presentation and accidentally showed our potential investors pictures of the knife and one of them approached me after the presentation and questioned me about the knife," Caroline explained. "And by approach and question I mean kidnapped and interrogated me."

"Are you alright?" Now I was concerned.

"I'm fine," she claimed, I wasn't sure about that. "But I learned the fingerprint feature on my phone is overrated. They unlocked it while I was out and searched it for the answers I refused to give. They returned my things to me when I woke up and told me to tell you to protect the knife by any means necessary, or you'll be responsible for what will happen if you let the fairytales get their hands on it."

"What will happen?" I asked, ignoring how light she made the situation by referring to the monsters as fairytales.

"I don't know," was her answer. "But I would rather not find out the hard way. Their leader wants to meet with me, so I'll hopefully learn more about the knife and how they know about it. How are my girls?"

"You don't want to know," I replied, entering my office and closing the door behind me. "They just let me know that I am a failure as a father and a Headmaster, and that I should add my name to Emma's list of patients so that she can help me with my 'baggage'."

"You haven't been seeing Emma?" Caroline's tone made me cringe just as I was about to pour myself a glass of good ol' bourbon. "We talked about this, Ric."

"I know, I know," I did know, but therapy was not for everyone. All I needed was some good exercise, which I received from my sparring sessions with Hope and now the monsters, and a glass of bourbon and I was good to go. I wasn't going to tell Caroline that, though. "But I have to deal with the monster problem first and..."

"And then you have to deal with another problem and then another and then another one after it until Emma decides to move on from the school and you won't have to make excuses anymore," she interrupted, audibly irritated. "You told Emma that everyone had to see her and yet you are the only one who hasn't seen her."

"The only one?" I questioned, sitting on my office chair. "I don't see you here..."

"You don't see me there but we're talking, aren't we?" Caroline interrupted me again. "Just because I'm not there doesn't mean I am not following the mandatory therapy policy. I'm a co-founder of the school with you, Ric, but I follow the terms and conditions that we signed off, and our investors expect you to do the same.

"If you don't want me to bring this issue to the attention of your newly established student honor council and have it force you to attend the mandatory therapy you are supposed to enforce, you're going to see Emma right now. I'm supposed to call her in a few minutes for our session, but I'm giving you my spot.

"Oh, by the way, the investors love the creation of the Honor Council, and some are considering increasing their investment, but the deciding factor is the Honor Council's success in improving things around the school, so I need you to ask the kids what they think needs improvement from their point of view, and you should keep the knife away from the school.

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