Josie's Diary Entry No. 7

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Author's Note
Dear Reader,

This chapter is one of the primary reasons I marked Legacy Diaries “M” for Mature. Reader's discretion is advised.

Rafael's Room
Josie's Diary Entry

I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach. Mentioning one's ex and the sister you slept with right when telling someone that you liked them sounded like a very bad idea, but to keep with the sounding weird to say, I found myself appreciating that Rafael mentioned and acknowledged them. I liked Cassie. I really liked Cassie for being the kind of person to encourage Rafael to be truthful even after she was gone.

"So," he added, shifting on the bed. "I asked Hope to be my wingman tonight to make sure that you and Lizzie aren't left alone when I'm with one of you and that we, you and me, get to spent some time together without Lizzie butting in or cutting our time together short."

That surprised me. I couldn't imagine Hope Mikaelson being anyone's wingman, but at the same time, I remembered how we almost started being friends, until Dad ruined it all by putting himself in harm's way to save her without a thought. I also remembered that Hope knew that I liked Rafael, so I guessed one way of her extending an olive branch could involve giving me an opportunity to spend some time with him without interruption from Lizzie.

The problem was that…

"Lizzie is not going to like Hope getting in her way," I warned.

"Hope told me not to worry about that," Rafael replied. "What about you?"

"Why did you suddenly change your mind about being Lizzie's date when you were talking her into getting another date?" I asked the one question that has been on my mind since I left him and Lizzie in the classroom, letting go of one of his hands.

"I realised that I was doing the same thing Landon did to me: acting like I knew what was best for Lizzie when she made it clear that she wants me as her date even though she knows that she'll not have my full attention," was the answer I received, and it was better than everything I was thinking. "And you two welcomed me here and showed me around when I first arrived, so being your date tonight kind of brings our story full circle."

Huh. He was right.

"Just don't leave me alone with Lizzie this time," Rafael added with a smile, probably just kidding, I hoped he wasn't kidding, unaware how serious I took his request since I knew what happened when they were left all alone and I didn't want them to have a repeat of last night.

Thinking of being left all alone and things repeating, I couldn't help but be aware that I was in the room of the boy I liked, on said boy's bed, wearing nothing but slippers and a bathrobe with my magically semi-dried hair down while I held the aforementioned boy's hand, which I suddenly realised was pleasantly warm.

It was typical of werewolves to be warmer than every other species on campus, but Rafael's warmth was a very interesting detail as the room temperature was cool and so was I, and we were sitting so close to each other that all it would take to feel his warmth on my skin was...

"I-I don't think this is a good idea," Rafael reluctantly said just as I was about to kiss him, but he didn't pull away, if anything, he shifted into a better position with his bottom lip between his teeth, and that, and the way he was looking at me, told me that he wanted this bad idea anyway.

I knew it was a bad idea. I knew that. But so was kissing him at the Old Mill, and yet it was so exciting and the most I've felt truly alive since Penelope broke up with me. I wanted this bad idea too.

Playing it safe and thinking about Lizzie first ended with Penelope dumping me on our anniversary and Lizzie getting the guy that I wanted and I was tired of playing it safe and always coming second. I took a risk and put myself first for once when I kissed Rafael at the Old Mill, and it was worth it, so worth it, but I stood by and watched him become Lizzie's date and I just had to be selfless and think about others and pushed him right into Lizzie's arms with my vote.

If I learned anything while I was with Penelope, it was that being selfish wasn't always a bad thing and bad ideas were always the most exciting, and I wanted excitement in my life. I also wanted to be the only one on Rafael Waithe's mind tonight, and I knew exactly what I needed to do. I just had to make sure that I didn't get too carried away.

"I know," I told Rafael, but proceeded to kiss him, just a simple peck to test the waters, before I whispered against his lips just as he began to slightly part them. "Let go of my hand to stop it."

Having the emergency stop in place, I carried on where I left, with another peck, closing my eyes as I cupped his cheek, and he returned it. Peck by peck, our lips parted and parted and parted until I captured his bottom lip between my lips for a moment, and he captured my upper lip between his. I caressed his cheek upon releasing his lip, and then recaptured it and released it one more time before recapturing it once more, but I didn't release his soft lip this time.

I sucked on it once, then twice, tasting the pineapple he ate before I literally bumped into him, and his hand found its way to the side of my waist with a light squeeze on the third time and caressed its way to the small of my back and pulled me closer as I released his pineapple flavoured soft and wet lip on the four.

Rafael was following my lead, I noticed. He was letting me set the pace and I had no problem with that. In fact, I liked that because it gave me time to think about a comfortable position that won't mess with my bathrobe too much now that I wanted to really feel the kiss. As we resumed kissing, although I went for his upper lip and he went for my bottom lip, I got off the bed mid-kiss with our hands still holding on to each other and he shifted and opened his legs for me to position myself between them.

Getting between Rafael's legs was only step one, and now that we achieved it, I placed my knee on the bed on the space between his legs and he got the idea and lowered us to the bed with me on top. During our descent onto the bed, I reached for his hand on the small of my back and entwined our fingers before I placed our linked arms over his head as I laid on top of him, tilting my head a little to my left, and he followed my lead.

Now that we were more comfortable, I ran my tongue across his lip, and he lightly grazed my lip in response, sending a chill down my spine that traveled across my legs down to my toes, which involuntarily curled, my body coming alive with a moan. While I didn't know if I was into bondage, I definitely knew that teeth did something to me that lit up the fire inside my core and made my body flush.

Teeth were a total turn on for me, and Rafael appeared to have discovered that as he captured my moan, sucked my lip gently, and lightly grazed it again, but a little firmer this time, sending a second, stronger, chill down my spine that found my leg raising up with my curled toe caressing my naked extended leg, eliciting a soft moan from me.

I let go of one of his hands to caress his neck and he leaned into my touch, bringing his free hand to the middle of my back and caressed me through the bathrobe, tracing my spine with his fingers, sending jolts through it and up to the back of my neck and shoulders.

I deepened the kiss, tilting my head further to turn the toe curling single lip kiss into a tongue-less open mouth kiss, hoping that a little wet kiss wasn't a turn off for Rafael, especially not a total turn off, while I also hoped that he preferred a tongue-less deep kiss. I preferred my partner's tongue in other places of my body, just not in my mouth.

I melted into Rafael when he reciprocated my open mouth kiss without involving his tongue, raising his head to meet me halfway and pulled me further into him with his hand on my back while he brought our linked hands from over his head to my lower back as he moved his free hand higher up my back and into my hair.

I lost myself in the kiss and Rafael. For how long? I had no idea. But I found myself on my back, Rafael half on top of me and between my legs, his body heat warming my semi-exposed skin due to the bathrobe being all messed up. Speaking of my legs, Rafael's free hand was caressing my naked thigh as he kissed his way down my neck while I caressed his oh so warm back with my free hand under his shirt, burying my fingernails in his skin whenever he nipped at my neck.

"If-" Rafael whispered labourly when he reached my collar bone, and kissed it from right to left with each word he spoke. "If (kiss) we (kiss) don't (kiss) stop (kiss) right (kiss) now (kiss)..."

"I know," I acknowledged breathlessly, very aware of his erection that was very close to my very wet core, the two separated only by his clothing and my bathrobe's cloud soft belt, which was doing a very good job driving me closer and closer to an orgasm with the friction on my hooded clit with our gentle dry-humping, hence I breathed: "Don't stop."

He didn't stop. His free hand caressed its way from my exposed thigh to the side of my waist underneath the bathrobe and up to my breast, leaving a trail of fire in its wake, before cupping my breast with a barely restrained squeeze, and the fire closed around it as his thumb found my nipple, only to trace circles around it. I wanted him to touch my nipple, instead, but the teasing felt good.

As if if wasn't enough for him to tease me, Rafael kissed his way up my neck, under my chin, and then kissed my chin on his way to my lips, all the while his warm body moved up my body, applying pressure on and increasing friction against my hooded clit through my warm and soft bathrobe belt.

I gasped in pleasure, and raised my hips to further increase the pressure and friction, burying my fingernails into Rafael's back before I ran them down his back like claws.

"Josie…" Rafael whispered my name like a desperate prayer into my mouth, resting more of his weight on top of me, and with it, his warmth washed over my naked body, wonderfully contrasting with the cool room temperature quite significantly, and his thumb and index finger closed around my nipple and drove me to the edge of an orgasm with the aid of his body weight.

Of all of these stimulus, though, it was the way Rafael whispered my name that sent me over the edge and intensified my orgasm more than my over a month celibacy did.

"Raf!" I thought I heard someone squeal, but I was lost in the orgasm that involuntarily opened my eyes as my back arched, my body trembling.

A second after my eyes opened, Rafael's eyelids opened to reveal hungry yellow eyes that slowly faded into wide awed brown as we looked into each other's eyes. The awe in his eyes as he looked at me triggered something in me and before I knew it, I felt a second orgasm on the way. I embraced it with open arms and everything exploded.

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