Josie's Diary Entry No. 1

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Josie and Lizzie's Room
Josie's Diary Entry

A birthday was a day unlike any other. It was a day that one was supposed to wake up feeling like all was well in the world and people around them had to treat them extra special. Today was my sixteenth birthday, and I woke up with nothing but pure dread.

I didn't know which Lizzie I would get today after Penelope's stunt and my first decision as a member of the newly formed Honor Council, but I was sure that the Old Mill was a mess and I wouldn't get any Rafael Waithe.

Power came at a price, and that price was the worst birthday of my life. I could feel it. I had to get out of bed without waking Lizzie, get to and from the showers without crossing paths with Rafael and hope that Lizzie would still be asleep when I came back and went for breakfast just so I could have a temporarily slightly better birthday morning start.

Speaking of morning starts, a knock at the door gained my attention and I quickly got off my bed and went to answer it before whoever was on the other side woke Lizzie.

"🎶 Happy birthday to you (x2) / Happy birthday!" I was greeted by a boy and a girl I was pretty sure were werewolves and part of Rafael's Pack, singing an unusually upbeat and uniquely different happy birthday song from the traditional one with a different feel to it, a brighter feel, both wearing their full school uniform.

For a Moment, I let myself entertain the thought that it was dedicated to me, but Rafael's voice echoed in my heard, reminding me that he said that he was done with me and Hope.

I knew that whatever he meant by that, didn't including this wonderful surprise and dedication, so I moved to silence the two werewolves with beautiful voices, only to be shocked into inaction by what followed.

"🎶 Happy Birthday, Princess Josette (x2) / Happy birthday!" They sang, and when they ended the song, they moved away from the door to make way for Jed, to my mounting confusion.

"Hey, um, could we come in?" Jed requested, and I dumbly stepped aside and in he came, followed by two more werewolves carrying two silver trays with lids hiding their contents right behind him before they stood at his five and seven. "Could you please wake up Princess Elizabeth and then return to your bed, I'll explain everything."

I looked at Lizzie's sleeping form, wondering what was going on with the princess titles and full name use. When my sister was sleeping, one could be fooled into thinking that she was a blonde haired angel, but I knew better, she was a sleeping dragon I wasn't willing to wake up.

"Hi-his -". Jed began, regaining my attention and I noticed that he looked uncomfortable and reluctant to be here and he seemed to struggle to say something. "His Alpha Highness said not to leave the room until you're both awake and have received his presents. Help me out here, Josie. (A clearing of throat from one of the other werewolves made Jed tense and amend.) I mean, Princess Josette."

His Alpha Highness? That really made me wonder if Rafael was really the one behind whatever this was, he wasn't that egotistical. Before I voted to have Landon sent away. The thought guilt tripped me into approaching Lizzie's bed and reluctantly waking her.

"Raf," Lizzie said groggily, and I froze for a Moment.

"Uh, it's not Raf, Lizzie," I corrected, my throat a little dry. "But he sent presents? And they are waiting for you."

That worked like magic and woke her up enough for her to sit us while rubbing away any sleep that lingered.

"Where?" She asked, looking around until the presence of the werewolves caught her attention while I returned to my bed, hoping for the best. Best what, I wasn't sure. "What the hell are you doing in my room?"

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