Rafael's Diary Entry No. 5

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Rafael's Room
Rafael's Diary Entry

"Just don't leave me alone with Lizzie this time," I said, half joking, and smiled a little to enhance the joking half so that I didn't come off as a jerk.

I knew that I was being a jerk, though, because I had sex with Lizzie, and to be honest, at least with myself, although I didn't like Lizzie the way I liked Josie, last night kind of changed the way I saw her. As I told Hope, Lizzie was hot, she was really attractive, and the fact that she knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go after it enhanced her attractiveness, and the sex with her was one of the best I've had without it being influenced by romantic feelings, at least on my part.

But seeing the person behind the physical beauty, her confidence and ambition made me realise that there was more to her than the first impression she left on me after Josie left us alone the day we met.

Speaking of the first impression, before I met Cassie and we started dating, I received a lot of attention from girls at my schools because I was often the new black  track star at school and every girl wanted a piece of the new boy, especially an athletic one.

Thanks to Carter walking in on me masturbating after we returned from a bar one night, he hired sex workers for me a few times and encouraged me to use the lessons the ladies and he taught me to capitalise on the attention I received at school as a track star and get casual sex partners around my age, preferably the popular ones with experience.

I finally started taking advantage of the attention I received and got very intimate with girls 'I made nervous because I was "hot", "angry" and "damaged"' and yet still wanted to have sex with me, until my grades started suffering and my coach forced me to get a peer tutor who turned out to be Cassie, who had just transferred to the school but was one of the best students in the subjects I was neglecting, and she changed my life.

Hot, as I was, angry, as I was, and damaged, as I was, Cassie was the reason I made a point in my life of keeping clear of girls like Lizzie, and Lizzie's inability to keep her inner voice to herself immediately added her to the girls to keep clear of, especially after her comment about my 'single' status, until I needed her help securing Landon a home here at the school.

When she gave me an ultimatum to be her date in exchange for her vote, I knew that she was definitely the kind of girl to stay away from, but I also knew that she was also the kind of girl I needed on my side because I knew girls like her. Or I thought that I did. I never really took the time to really know them, as it turned out. It made sense since the only thing I wanted from them was sex, something Lizzie definitely wanted from me too and I fell back to my old habits too easily when she made her move.

'Don't think about it' was the kind of thing I said to girls with boyfriends just to sleep with them, most of whom just needed to feel like I talked them into sleeping with me so that they could feel less guilty about cheating on their boyfriends or other reasons, and I didn't mind. I definitely didn't mind when Lizzie used the words on me because I needed to feel less guilty about relapsing and sleeping with her less than two months after I killed the only girl I ever loved, but I discovered there was more to her after we had sex.

Speaking of there being more to Lizzie, I tried not to think about what she said about being a black hole because if I thought about it, and let the fact that there was more to her influence me, I was going to hunt down the person who said those things to her, even if it was Penelope, and give them, her, the beating I owed Jed and then some because… I couldn't believe I was actually getting protective of Lizzie. What was wrong with me? I never got attached to my hookups. And I just asked Josie...

Josie. Something seemed to be going on in her mind and all my thoughts took a break so that I could watch her think while she sucked on her bottom lip, looking all beautiful and cute and sexy, and I wanted to suck her lip for her and… and she looked at our linked hands for a moment and longing entered her eyes before she looked into mine. When she lower her eyes to my lips, my heart accelerated and my lips remembered the ghost of her soft lips, and when she leaned into me with the clear intention of resurrecting the ghost of her lips on mine…

"I-I don't think this is a good idea," I reluctantly voiced what my conscience was telling me.

As much as I really wanted to kiss Josie, and I did with every cell in my lips, she wasn't just any girl. She was Josie, the girl who I just informed that I liked her, and she was also the first girl I ever told her that since Cassie. Before Cassie, I never really meant it, so it was a big deal to me that I told Josie that I liked her. I didn't want to mess this up more than I already did by having sex with Lizzie and then having sex with Josie.

OK, I knew that I was getting ahead of myself with the having sex with Josie part, but I knew from experience that a kiss with only two people in the room and one of the two dressed only in a bathrobe ended with sex. I didn't want… I had to stop myself there because I did want to kiss Josie and I did want to have sex with her. I've been trying not to think about taking off her bathrobe since her 'fairy godmother' Bonnie Bennett pointed out what she was wearing, after all, but…

"I know," Josie said, and I almost internally freaked out, thinking that I thought out loud, but she switched off my thinking process with a peck on my lips before she whispered against my tingling lips. "Let go of my hand to stop it."

See, there was a difference between a kiss filled with nothing but passion and a kiss powered by romantic feelings. In my experience, the latter kiss was superior to the former, even though I only kissed two girls with the latter: Cassie and Josie, although I hadn't really acknowledged that I kissed Josie back because I actually liked her.

The simple pecks on the lips that proceeded Josie giving me, me, a way out, did something to me that I thought I would never feel again: they brought me back to life. And though I planned to let Josie lead, I couldn't help but reverse our positions and roles once our kiss deepened, and I kissed my way down her neck as I intentionally caressed her bare thigh, smelling her arousal in the air, which intensified my own.

I purposely avoided looking at her body as more of her skin was exposed, although I really wanted to, and dedicated my senses to feeling, smelling, touching and tasting her. All these senses were more than enough to make me want to worship her body and pleasure her for as long as she wanted, they were actually overwhelming, hence:

"If…" I whispered against Josie's collar bone, kissing it from right to left with each word. "If (kiss) we (kiss) don't (kiss) stop (kiss) right (kiss) now (kiss)..."

When I got overwhelmed, I always found release, and it was always intense the longer I restrained it, and this went for every single thing in my life: from anger to sexual frustration or build up, and we were building quite a lot of sexual energy.

"I know," Josie interrupted me breathlessly as we very gently dry-humped. Well, she was the one doing most of the work there and I was just trying to do the bare minimum so that I didn't hurt her and make her sore as she was the naked and most sensitive one between us. In more ways than one, she was in control of me, and she proved that as she breathed two words: "Don't stop."

I didn't stop. I knew that command, it was one that signaled an orgasm build up that required continued stimulation. I purposely caressed her smooth naked thigh and worked my way up underneath her bathrobe to the side of her waist and up to her breast, which was cool to the touch, so I cupped it to warm it up and my thumb found her hardened nipple.

I was tempted to give the nipple much needed attention, but I realised that the cool temperature factor could work to help Josie reach her climax if I teased her nipples and I traced around it before stimulating it directly. Meanwhile, I kissed my way up her neck, under her chin, and then kissed her chin as I went to her very soft lips, which she had been biting, while I moved up her body.

Josie gasped in pleasure, and raised her hips, giving me the idea that I just did something that she liked, and that idea was solidified with her burying her fingernails into my back, and then she ran them down my back like claws. I didn't know what it was about that, but it did something to me that I didn't understand and I couldn't help but whisper her name desperately, momentarily losing control of my body as a shudder went through it, hence I put more of my weight on her, but I didn't let go of her hand.

"Raf!" Josie cried out loud, and her body trembled beneath me as she wrapped her legs around me and arched into me.

I forced my eyes to open even as her nails dug deeper into my flesh, arousing goosebumps all over my body and hardening my erect penis into a solid mass of muscle, and what greeted me was a sight to behold.

Josie was beautiful, more than beautiful, she was gorgeous, and her physical attractiveness added to her even more beautiful personality, but right in this moment, she was radiant: eyes looking at me with something deeper than words could express, teeth biting hard on her bottom lip, skin flush and sweaty and her beautiful facial expression orgasmic. I couldn't help but be awed with the vision before me, and I helped bring it about.

As if it wasn't enough reward, Josie suddenly jerked and her teeth released her lip and she gasped without sound, but the expression said everything, so did the lights suddenly switching on on their own, brighter than usual, and then they all exploded, startling me.

I protected Josie with my body as best as I could, although I had to let go of her hand. She did one better, she covered us with the blanket with the use of magic while she rode out her orgasm, and pulled me into her with her now free hand. Fortunately, none of the shards came our way, or maybe I was just too focused on the fact that Josie started giggling. I thought I heard knocking at the door, but Josie's giggling had my full attention and it was contagious and made me start chuckling. Dating her would be fun.

"Rafael," I suddenly heard someone call my name from the other side of the door, and we froze. Well, Josie tried to, but her body was vibrating beneath me. "Are you OK in there?"

I didn't know who that was, but he was interrupting a very special moment right now and I...

"On your way, witch!" I heard Jed say, probably to the person I didn't know, and I rejoiced, until I remembered that he came to get me so that we could check how things were at the Old Mill.

"I…" the unknown witch began timidly.

"Walk away before I make you," Jed interrupted threateningly.

The person didn't stick around for the threat to be carried out, leaving Jed behind. Thankfully, he didn't stick around, either. I exhaled a sigh of relief, and inhaled Josie's scent, and orgasm, and relaxed on top of her. That was close.

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